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Sad To See.

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I do not visit the Elite League Section of this Forum very often.


Some of the Threads I have read tonight sadden me.


I have not Posted on any of them, despite being mentioned on a couple.


Back to the Premier League Section - they do things better there.

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I do not visit the Elite League Section of this Forum very often.


Some of the Threads I have read tonight sadden me.


I have not Posted on any of them, despite being mentioned on a couple.


Back to the Premier League Section - they do things better there.

Why say anything ..just go no one cares ..

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We haven't had so many laughs on here for donkeys years as we've had in the last couple of days.


It's better than reading the constant tirades of xenophobia, and hatred of Muslims and the French and any other foreigners.


I think SCB will be the top (no pun intended) of the nominations for this years forum awards :D

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Forum is full of douchebags these days which is why I rarely come on here. Every thread these days is just the usual the forum gang massaging eachothers ego.

The forum is run by an admin who couldn't administer a glass of water and a moderator who moderates based on people she likes. Then you've got the "regulars" who think they are the best thing since sliced bread. If I was new to this sport I'd think that speedway fans were a bunch of self centred retards opposed to any form of change or progression. Remind you of anybody? *cough* BSPA *cough*

Oh look what's back with its usual bile and lies? You forgot to mention the one who lies, tries to carry out a vendetta against the wrong people, still tries to claim I'm doing things even though everyone knows I've had nothing to do with moderating this place for a couple of years, sets up duplicate accounts, posts people's personal details to try and threaten and intimidate even after a fake apology saying he wouldn't do it any more just a couple of hours earlier, sets up funds for an injured rider that the official fundraisers had nothing to do with under a false name. Remind you of anybody? Cough* oh yes it's YOU


yet again you come on with your pathetic attempt to twist the truth (aka LIE) and will no doubt try and claim again that you are being picked on. We all let it be but every now and again you try to come on and post a twisted version to pick on others all over again despite ALL the evidence being there to prove your guilt. And you wonder why it keeps coming back to haunt you!!! Pmsl it would be funny if it wasn't so sad

Who would she be then? I think there is only the owner of the forum left and he's probably given up trying to keep everyone in line as it would be a full time job. As forum's go we don't do too badly moderating ourselves and that's how it should be. It's like a family gathering ~ the old granddad moaning about everything, holier than thou aunt, bloody annoying nephew, know it all teenager, argumentative uncle who won't give up until everyone else does in despair and he's left talking to himself, the 15 year old who keeps dressing up in different clothes and thinks no-one will notice, 4 year old who's always crying and running to mummy because someone has said something he doesn't get the gist of but he's upset anyway because it gets him the attention he craves, the baby who's always bawling because its dummy has fallen out again. I love this forum. :lol:

It's ok Gem, you are wasting your time. For whatever reason this 'person' has been trying to conduct a vendetta against me for a couple of years blaming me for everything no doubt from the time of the ark to the downing of the Malaysian air liner lol. Sad really. He's not interested in facts though, he's been told many a time that I don't mod but likes to ignore it cos he is still trying to bully and failing ;)


He'll try and claim it's all lies, be proved wrong and outed as a liar yet again, disappear for a month or two then come back and post the same drivel on another thread hoping someone might believe him one of these times....oh and blame me for bringing it all up again! :D



I should have saved myself the typing and just posted a link to his last attempt last month, saves going over old ground if anyone is remotely interested


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Forum is full of douchebags these days which is why I rarely come on here. Every thread these days is just the usual the forum gang massaging eachothers ego.


Douchebags? Well, there's not many words that have me beat but I had to google that one. I thought it might be a small town on the Dutch coast or some sort of EU porter or messenger , but no, it is apparently a rather obscure piece of equipment that men need not concern themselves with, or, in North American slang a contemptible person. Well I never knew that. You learn something every day on the forum. After the fight on the pitch at Neasden last week I'd say that little squirt of a manager Paddy O'Dawes is a douchebag,


On the forum I think Jon Cook had it more accurate when he limited it to some being thick and biased. Just an opinion of course.

We haven't had so many laughs on here for donkeys years as we've had in the last couple of days.




My goodness you must lead a sheltered life.

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Douchebags? Well, there's not many words that have me beat but I had to google that one. I thought it might be a small town on the Dutch coast or some sort of EU porter or messenger , but no, it is apparently a rather obscure piece of equipment that men need not concern themselves with, or, in North American slang a contemptible person. Well I never knew that. You learn something every day on the forum. After the fight on the pitch at Neasden last week I'd say that little squirt of a manager Paddy O'Dawes is a douchebag,

On the forum I think Jon Cook had it more accurate when he limited it to some being thick and biased. Just an opinion of course.

My goodness you must lead a sheltered life.

You obviously never saw Johnny Thunders in concert. He used to regularly refer to his audience as 'douchebags'. Ah, happy days.

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Well there bound to be when you have multi user names like you :D

It's they're


And there you have it, within 15 posts or so the OPs point is vindicated. And it's the same few every time that do their best to turn things nasty but with no moderation it's to be expected.

Edited by Rob VDS
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It's they're


And there you have it, within 15 posts or so the OPs point is vindicated. And it's the same few every time that do their best to turn things nasty but with no moderation it's to be expected.

As I said you have had about 100 used names and still no moderation .

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Get off your high horse

Just making an observation that there are some nasty bits of work on here that's all. No high horse at all.

As I said you have had about 100 used names and still no moderation .

Lol the old multi user name gag. I would welcome a moderator to check if I have multi user names. Are you able to prove I have multi user names?


Just out of interest who else do you think I've been?

Edited by Rob VDS
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Douchebags? Well, there's not many words that have me beat but I had to google that one. I thought it might be a small town on the Dutch coast or some sort of EU porter or messenger , but no, it is apparently a rather obscure piece of equipment that men need not concern themselves with, or, in North American slang a contemptible person. Well I never knew that. You learn something every day on the forum. After the fight on the pitch at Neasden last week I'd say that little squirt of a manager Paddy O'Dawes is a douchebag,


On the forum I think Jon Cook had it more accurate when he limited it to some being thick and biased. Just an opinion of course.



My goodness you must lead a sheltered life.

Hill Street Blues. Mick Belker......"you're under arrest, douchebag"

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