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A further statement re the stadium on Robins website,


Thanks for that!


Just read the statement but I have to confess that July does seem to be rather optimistic bearing in mind we are likely to have a few 'iffy' months with the winter on our doorstep! Here's hoping that I am proved wrong but the statement(s) does suggest that speedway will continue next year which is the main thing.

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It is pleasing to see Swindon make a statement re the new stadium.


In recent months the dialogue from the promotion has been poor and I would expect disappointing for the Robins fans.


I look forward to the new stadium ,hopefully in 2016 and wish all of the Robins supporters good luck.


Belle Vue's new stadium had it's hold ups as well but everything came through in the end

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I was having a go at one in particular who still hasn't got over 2010, and probably never will


Stay quiet and be damned. Not usually an option you can get away with.


Because the fans expected one and they got one. Why cancel it, and if the developers don't build the stadium there are some, like Davy, will argue he knew all along and they had no intention of holding one.




Being a 'player' is a damsight harder than being a permanent critic. Critics are apparently never wrong (but don't achieve anything either).

Loads of assumptions there , not one of them accurate.


You have absolutely no idea of what I am thinking, or even the point I have been making,it's all about the fact that you can't handle anyone who holds a different opinion to yourself.


Just so that you understand I will spell it out again for you.


I have no issue with Swindon getting a new stadium, like everyone else I will be delighted when it is completed.

My previous comments have been about the Farewell Meeting and the timings of the subsequent announcements regarding the delays with the proposed new stadium. Indeed the fact that the announcement that the new stadium was unlikely to be ready for next March came just four days after the supposed last meeting had been completed was very suspicious don't you think? Now we are told that the new season will start at the Abbey , so in the true sense of the word the farewell meeting was indeed a con.


If you intend to respond , try sticking to the post instead of letting your aggression take over when you "go off " all over the place with stupid comments and make yourself look a total idiot.

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Loads of assumptions there , not one of them accurate.


You have absolutely no idea of what I am thinking, or even the point I have been making,it's all about the fact that you can't handle anyone who holds a different opinion to yourself.


Just so that you understand I will spell it out again for you.


I have no issue with Swindon getting a new stadium, like everyone else I will be delighted when it is completed.

My previous comments have been about the Farewell Meeting and the timings of the subsequent announcements regarding the delays with the proposed new stadium. Indeed the fact that the announcement that the new stadium was unlikely to be ready for next March came just four days after the supposed last meeting had been completed was very suspicious don't you think? Now we are told that the new season will start at the Abbey , so in the true sense of the word the farewell meeting was indeed a con.


If you intend to respond , try sticking to the post instead of letting your aggression take over when you "go off " all over the place with stupid comments and make yourself look a total idiot.

My comments were in reply to tour usual 'chip on the shoulder' attitude to anything promoters, BSPA and sometimes me. You still think the situation is/was all a con, but I tried to explain what was probably the more accepted facts, and the dependance on info from the developer. As usual with matters BSPA, you think it was all a smoke screen, but recent statements have backed the position and it would appear that a deal is in place to switch tracks midsummer, everything else being equal. I am personally elated for Swindon and Speedway, that it looks like it is a runner and shows that the promotion, and or individuals, always had the intention to go ahead with it. Nice to note the Farewell meeting was held and the transition now will be hopefully seamless.


Just pleased that there are many others, like those who were confident about BV, that had the confidence to believe what they were told and will now see a brand new stadium. Pity about the negativity that others bring to any situation.


......and now the thread is back to Swindon fans. :t: My final word on this.

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My comments were in reply to tour usual 'chip on the shoulder' attitude to anything promoters, BSPA and sometimes me. You still think the situation is/was all a con, but I tried to explain what was probably the more accepted facts, and the dependance on info from the developer. As usual with matters BSPA, you think it was all a smoke screen, but recent statements have backed the position and it would appear that a deal is in place to switch tracks midsummer, everything else being equal. I am personally elated for Swindon and Speedway, that it looks like it is a runner and shows that the promotion, and or individuals, always had the intention to go ahead with it. Nice to note the Farewell meeting was held and the transition now will be hopefully seamless.


Just pleased that there are many others, like those who were confident about BV, that had the confidence to believe what they were told and will now see a brand new stadium. Pity about the negativity that others bring to any situation.


......and now the thread is back to Swindon fans. :t: My final word on this.You really must have a problem understanding my posts.

You obviously have a problem understanding my posts.


Your reply is nothing more than a load of waffle,as I made it quite clear that my beef was with the farewell meeting and nothing else.

If you think that everything was above board then perhaps you should get your dictionary out and check out the word farewell.

Then you can decide if it applies to the current situation at Swindon Stadium.

Or perhaps you just feel it necessary to do your usual protection job for the dodgy moves carried out by your promoter mates.

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You obviously have a problem understanding my posts.


Your reply is nothing more than a load of waffle,as I made it quite clear that my beef was with the farewell meeting and nothing else.

If you think that everything was above board then perhaps you should get your dictionary out and check out the word farewell.

Then you can decide if it applies to the current situation at Swindon Stadium.

Or perhaps you just feel it necessary to do your usual protection job for the dodgy moves carried out by your promoter mates.

Sometimes Promoters can be right you know.

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Sometimes Promoters can be right you know.

Farewell means goodbye, so farewell to the abbey means that is the end.

So 4 days after the meeting we get told the new stadium won't be ready for March 2016, and the new season would start at the existing stadium.


If you believe that TR didn't know that in advance of Oct 11th then I think you are a little too trusting.

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Farewell means goodbye, so farewell to the abbey means that is the end.

So 4 days after the meeting we get told the new stadium won't be ready for March 2016, and the new season would start at the existing stadium.


If you believe that TR didn't know that in advance of Oct 11th then I think you are a little too trusting.

Fair enough - that is your opinion. I prefer to believe that you are innocent until proven guilty.

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I agree with Dave Jones ..the farewell was a con and a poor one at that ....I never went as it was clear to me that we would be back the Abbey next season as it was to Tr .

Edited by orion
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I agree with Dave Jones ..the farewell was a con and a poor one at that ....I never went as it was clear to me that we would be back the Abbey next season as it was to Tr .

Really if that is so it does not make you much of a supporter then does it what did you do watch Eastenders instead.? Edited by sidney
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Really if that is so it does make you much of a supporter does what did you do watch Eastenders.?

Why would you go to a farewell meeting that was not a farewell meeting ....If you went then Terry Russell made a mug out of you .

are just go to the last match at the Abbey to say my farewell just like any supporter who has half a brain cell .

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Why would you go to a farewell meeting that was not a farewell meeting ....If you went then Terry Russell made a mug out of you .

are just go to the last match at the Abbey to say my farewell just like any supporter who has half a brain cell .

Where is yours up your a..!! You mock me great English mate are just go to the last match at the Abbey!! Edited by sidney
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To be fair end of season was probably the best time to have the farewell. Imagine they had been unable to do it because it was the middle of the season etc. I'd assume IF they move mid season the existing stadium won't really be ideal for a farewell at that point (thinking of the logistics).


As long as Swindon get their new stadium I'll be happy as Larry. Even for punters watching live matches on Sky from Swindon, Poole and Belle vue, it will be a good advert for the sport.

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Loads of assumptions there , not one of them accurate.


You have absolutely no idea of what I am thinking, or even the point I have been making,it's all about the fact that you can't handle anyone who holds a different opinion to yourself.


Just so that you understand I will spell it out again for you.


I have no issue with Swindon getting a new stadium, like everyone else I will be delighted when it is completed.

My previous comments have been about the Farewell Meeting and the timings of the subsequent announcements regarding the delays with the proposed new stadium. Indeed the fact that the announcement that the new stadium was unlikely to be ready for next March came just four days after the supposed last meeting had been completed was very suspicious don't you think? Now we are told that the new season will start at the Abbey , so in the true sense of the word the farewell meeting was indeed a con.


If you intend to respond , try sticking to the post instead of letting your aggression take over when you "go off " all over the place with stupid comments and make yourself look a total idiot.

He's been doing the same for years . you will now be on his list, "Pike" . trying to ridicule everything you post . and scoring points (In his own mind of course ) by liking posts that oppose your points , It's nearly Christmas ,he's old and bitter , but be charitable and allow him the comfort of thinking you take his opinion seriously ,

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