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Lakeside 2016

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If you used the new (or the old) forum, you'd see that my comments are rarely in a minority of one.


Meanwhile, its up to others, including me, to occasionally have a different point of view. Our choice..

As Liam said you always have the joyful one to support you. Having a differing point of view is fair comment, but when you, like the joyful one say you haven't been to the track for ages, don't read the website, don't read the programme notes, then say you don't know what's going on, don't understand the points limit etc, well that's just a bit stupid. Some of the comments about the riders have been just plain naive.

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I haven't been to the track for ages simply because, as you are probably aware, it's just a tad difficult finishing work in Coventry at 6pm (earliest) on a Friday night and getting down to Lakeside. It would take around 1 hour alone getting onto the A14 near Rugby from where I work on the A45. Then, last August when I managed to get some summer leave, we had no meetings. Yet again.


Notwithstanding this, over the past four years, I have been to most away meetings in the Midlands; and also to Belle Vue on three occasions. How many times during those four years have you honestly ventured outside of Essex to support the team?


I don't read the website.......really? Check our forum and see who posted the link this morning (around 8.30am) about Dennis Jonsson joining us. Where did I get that information from - in a dream?


And you accuse me of being naive?


Pot bleedin kettle fella!

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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I understand that Lakeside have now signed up a rider to be their number 8 who will be allowed to replace any of your main riders whenever required. This has been stated to be in accordance with Matt Ford's recent suggestion that all teams should be allowed a young foreign rider to be added to their squads. Is this correct or is it just a BSPA dispensation to Lakeside as was previously announced.

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I understand that Lakeside have now signed up a rider to be their number 8 who will be allowed to replace any of your main riders whenever required. This has been stated to be in accordance with Matt Ford's recent suggestion that all teams should be allowed a young foreign rider to be added to their squads. Is this correct or is it just a BSPA dispensation to Lakeside as was previously announced.


They've been discussing it for a few weeks and the final decision was due to have been made on Tuesday and, presumably, that was a yes vote. It was intended that the no.8 could replace the 2-5 with a guest still being used for the no.1. A decision was also due to be made on teams being able to name a rider (no.9?) as a back up tier 2 reserve. No doubt all will be revealed tonight with the BSPA backing it up with a statement sometime in the next 6 months.

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I don't read the website.......really? Check our forum and see who posted the link this morning (around 8.30am) about Dennis Jonsson joining us. Where did I get that information from - in a dream?

.....and the information was posted on here at 8.10am . Strange coincidence that. Your post also said you didn't know which riders had been signed, but that information is on the website for those that look



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I haven't been to the track for ages simply because, as you are probably aware, it's just a tad difficult finishing work in Coventry at 6pm (earliest) on a Friday night and getting down to Lakeside. It would take around 1 hour alone getting onto the A14 near Rugby from where I work on the A45. Then, last August when I managed to get some summer leave, we had no meetings. Yet again.


Notwithstanding this, over the past four years, I have been to most away meetings in the Midlands; and also to Belle Vue on three occasions. How many times during those four years have you honestly ventured outside of Essex to support the team?


I don't read the website.......really? Check our forum and see who posted the link this morning (around 8.30am) about Dennis Jonsson joining us. Where did I get that information from - in a dream?


And you accuse me of being naive?


Pot bleedin kettle fella!



If you are on top of all this in formation on what basis do you make the claim that Dave Watt didn't want to be there ? Watty has been quite open about the fact that Poole is his first choice but that doesn't mean he didnt want to be at Lakeside or didn't put the effort in. How come you ignore the fact that in his first two years his average was as good, if not better than anything he achieved with Poole ? How come you overlook the fact that he was carrying an injury for much of 2014 ? How come you ignore the fact that in the dark months after we lost Rico it was Watty that basically held the team together ?


And who are these other riders you claim we were lumbered who didn't want to be there ? Peter Karlsson ? Kim Nilsson ? Kauko Neiminen ? Stuart Robson, ? Richard Lawson ? Edward Kennett ? Jonas Davisson ? Or is Andreas Jonsson who according to Phillip Rising has turned down offers from every EL to ride at Lakeside.?


If you are going to make these claims you really need to tell us who the riders are and how you came to know they didn't want to be there otherwise people will think you are talking through your posterior.

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.....and the information was posted on here at 8.10am . Strange coincidence that. Your post also said you didn't know which riders had been signed, but that information is on the website for those that look


I don't know what you are alluding to; suffice to say that I went on to our website this morning to see if there was any background information about what was going to be debated at tonight's meeting; particularly around the squad system.


And as our website is apparently such 'an all-embracing platform for communication' maybe you'd like to refer back to it and outline, HERE AND NOW, what our actual squad is; together with their respective riding numbers?


Because I'm quite certain that I'm not the only person who hasn't got a bloody clue!

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And as our website is apparently such 'an all-embracing platform for communication' maybe you'd like to refer back to it and outline, HERE AND NOW, what our actual squad is; together with their respective riding numbers?

Because I'm quite certain that I'm not the only person who hasn't got a bloody clue!

Easy. You go on the website, click on 2016 Hammers , and as if by magic, all present signings will appear. Couldn't be easier.


The riding numbers like any other club are allocated just before the start of the season usually after Press and Practice, same as every other year.

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Easy. You go on the website, click on 2016 Hammers , and as if by magic, all present signings will appear. Couldn't be easier.

The riding numbers like any other club are allocated just before the start of the season usually after Press and Practice, same as every other year.

Getting through to you isn't the easiest, is it.


It shows 9 riders. A team normally has 7 (or 8 max). That's before we include Mr Bridger into the equation - who has also been mentioned by Cook in dispatches.


So are we using a squad system or not?


If so, whom? And when was it sanctioned by the BSPA?


Show me that upon our wonderful website.


Tell you what, don't bother. Let's just ignore each other............we clearly have a mutual dislike for one another.


Adios E I Addio.

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Getting through to you isn't the easiest, is it.


It shows 9 riders. A team normally has 7 (or 8 max). That's before we include Mr Bridger into the equation - who has also been mentioned by Cook in dispatches.


So are we using a squad system or not?




Er, the announcement on the website today which you apparently copied and posted without reading carries the headline " New Addition to Hammers Squad " . The clue is in the word SQUAD which has been appearing on the website since soon after the AGM last October, if you ever bothered to read it. Idiot.


BTW you still haven't told us which riders Lakeside were "lumbered" with that didn't want to be there or how you know they didn't want to be there..

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Are you two a double act?


Let's clarify one thing. I'll reply to whom I want to reply to. You aren't on that particular list.


As for the 'idiot' comment.


Childish and quite pathetic.

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Good fans forum tonight, and a very good turnout. A pity some keyboard warriors are so quick to criticise because a lot of ground was covered explaining why things are the way they are and what is happening.


Stuart Douglas was there , over from L.A showing he is still very much involved.


Kelvin was very impressive, I thought, and it seems his knowledge and experience will pay off over the season.


Jon Cook mentioned a number of changes to the way the club is being run, which I wont go into, but with regard to the squad system he expects there to be another announcement next week giving more information but there are still some details to be ironed out.


There may be a few more teams announcing squads but it seems Lakeside are ahead of the game at the moment with one more rider to be announced at the bottom end and possibly an adjustment at the higher level depending on fixture clashes now the Polish league is running mid week meetings.


With regard to job sharing for No 1's there are still some details to be ironed out. The position taken by Belle Vue and Lakeside is that if Matej Zagar and AJ can commit to a full season why cant the others, but if clubs do have job sharing No 1's there must be an agreement that between them they will cover ALL the away fixtures so the paying public don't turn up to find a guest at No1 because the signed riders have gone swanning off to some other event. (subject to injuries of course).


With regard to fixed race days he wasn't sure if it would ever happen. If it did happen the only likely days would probably be Wednesday and Thursday but it wasn't a simple thing and even with fixed race days he didn't think many of the GP riders would be back. he said changing race nights was difficult because they result in a drop in attendances and when Eastbourne tried changing to Thursday they lost support that never came back. I have the impression that if the squad system is properly handled that will get over much of the problem of D/U riders going missing with fixture clashes.



Plenty of other information specific to Lakeside that I wont go into but and I have only put on here a broad summary. More formal announcements are likely to follow in the course of time.

Are you two a double act?

Let's clarify one thing. I'll reply to whom I want to reply to. You aren't on that particular list.

As for the 'idiot' comment.

Childish and quite pathetic.


In other words you cant tell us which riders the club were lumbered with that didn't want to ride for them because you just made that up

.And you don't know what Dave Watt thought about the club because you never spoke to him

And you don't know about the squad because if you had read the website you criticise you would know about it.

Edited by Daytripper
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Thanks Daytripper, thats cleared up a fair bit! (still quite a lot in the clouds though). Dont see why it should be up to you on the Lakeside section of a forum that only a small percentage of speedway fans across the country use to let us know what's going on and not our beloved BSPA!


As for your squad, I'm still waiting for Bridger and Morley to be announced. Does that total 11 riders or have I miscounted? One things for sure, Lakeside are the most ready if it turns into a football league instead! Might get the fans in more...

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I don't know if Ben Morley has been officially announced but Jon did say last night he is our designated backup tier 2 reserve who can cover either Lewis Kerr or Robert.

As for Bridger, I don't think he will be in the side to start with, it's very much of softly softly see how it goes with him, I think he wants to ride a bike but league racing is a big commitment and it needs to be something he is 100 percent sure he wants to do.


The signing of the number 8 Dennis Jonsson is an interesting concept, just how adequate these number 8s will be at replacing a ranked 2-5 rider we will have to wait and see but as Jon mentioned last night they will be used more often than not for an absent 4th or 5th ranked rider by average.


Something which did not consider at the time but have subsequently thought of was, it was mentioned that Swidders with his low average could drop to reserve, im guessing that the protected reserves races have been withdrawn and that we are going back to the old heat 15 format otherwise you will end up with a lot starting second strings or maybe more likely heat leaders who have much harder races dropping to reserve after the first month.

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Something which did not consider at the time but have subsequently thought of was, it was mentioned that Swidders with his low average could drop to reserve, im guessing that the protected reserves races have been withdrawn and that we are going back to the old heat 15 format otherwise you will end up with a lot starting second strings or maybe more likely heat leaders who have much harder races dropping to reserve after the first month.

The reserves are still protected but the 1st Tier reserve (Lewis Kerr) can go into the 1-5 if his averages goes high enough. Rob Mear stays at reserve all season whatever his average. I doubt that we'll see Swidders at reserve. More likely he will put at least 2 points on his average, possibly even 3 points once he is dialled in.

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Thing is Addio if the reserves are still protected it won't be hard for any half decent one to amass an artificial eight point average which would then push a rider in the main body of the team who is on an artificially low average down to reserve.

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Thing is Addio if the reserves are still protected it won't be hard for any half decent one to amass an artificial eight point average which would then push a rider in the main body of the team who is on an artificially low average down to reserve.

As I understand the position, averages will be calculated every 4 weeks to so a Tier 1 reserve won't be able to build up a huge CMA before being re-assessed so even if he went into the 1-5 he would likely only be there 4 weeks before coming down again.


In the context of Lakeside it means that even if Lewis Kerr went into the 1-5 it would mean any one from Swiderski, Lawson , Kennett,

Nilsson would be down at reserve and able to take 7 rides if necessary.


We can't say for certain until the season gets going but my gut feeling is that it will work out alright.

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