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Edinburgh 2016

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The idea of the Fast track reserves is to provide a way through for riders from the National League to Premier League.


Its designed to provided opportunity for British riders to gain the chance to step up in the leagues rather than using lowly averaged foreign riders.


One of the criteria to qualify is that a rider must have ridden in the National League for one season.


Mitchell Davey can have a British passport, he can change his name to Hamish McDade and wear Union Jack boxer shorts, he still will not fit the criteria that allows him to gain one of the positions end of story.


If he is allowed in then the rules have been relaxed and the whole exercise has been a waste of time.


End of the day Davey will need to do a season in the National League to qualify.

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I believe I read somewhere on this or another relevant thread that James Cockle was ineligible because of previous PL experience . So if Cockle ( who is actually British ) cant be considered why does anyone think Mitchell Davey can ?

Cockle had a final PL GSA in 2012 of 3.47 hence why he is ineligible.


However Tom Perry had a final PL GSA of 3.53 with Somerset in 2012, which dropped to 3.00 in 2014 with Scunthorpe, which suggests that eligibility is based on a rider's most recent GSA, hence why Peterborough were permitted to declare him as their 2016 number seven..

Would depend what average He would be given if he was to ride in NL and double that would give him his pl average


You're making this up - kindly quote the relevant official regulation if true.

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You're making this up - kindly quote the relevant official regulation if true. A Rider will have an MA based upon their latest (attained during the seasons 2010 – 2014 only) NL or PL MA (multiplied by 2 and subject to a minimum / maximum converted MA’s being 3.00 / 12.00. Where a Rider has both a previous PL & NL MA, the highest will apply.

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Cockle had a final PL GSA in 2012 of 3.47 hence why he is ineligible.


However Tom Perry had a final PL GSA of 3.53 with Somerset in 2012, which dropped to 3.00 in 2014 with Scunthorpe, which suggests that eligibility is based on a rider's most recent GSA, hence why Peterborough were permitted to declare him as their 2016 number seven..



You're making this up - kindly quote the relevant official regulation if true.

His pl ave sorry would double to ride in NL

But as he has not ridden in it he would be given an accessed average and if was over 6 he would not qualify to ride reserve

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Share on other sites A Rider will have an MA based upon their latest (attained during the seasons 2010 – 2014 only) NL or PL MA (multiplied by 2 and subject to a minimum / maximum converted MA’s being 3.00 / 12.00. Where a Rider has both a previous PL & NL MA, the highest will apply.

Good answer has he replied yet have a feeling we won't see him for another couple of weeks until the dust has settled :t: .

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Would depend what average He would be given if he was to ride in NL and double that would give him his pl average
 A Rider will have an MA based upon their latest (attained during the seasons 2010 – 2014 only) NL or PL MA (multiplied by 2 and subject to a minimum / maximum converted MA’s being 3.00 / 12.00. Where a Rider has both a previous PL & NL MA, the highest will apply.



Good answer has he replied yet have a feeling we won't see him for another couple of weeks until the dust has settled :t: .


Pity you had not read my original post fully before trying to be a smart ass - Mac101 has already acknowledged his original post was erroneous.


Try re-reading again and given you are always sniping others on here, can I expect a rapid response :nono:

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Pity you had not read my original post fully before trying to be a smart ass - Mac101 has already acknowledged his original post was erroneous.


Try re-reading again and given you are always sniping others on here, can I expect a rapid response :nono:

Never read your post's there always not worth reading.

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See the Monarchs and Tigers are still not talking after last seasons fall out ,not good for business but good luck to them.Looks like only local derby will be the league clash .Probably each will boycott their away match.


Sad to read that, though I hope most fans of either team would be above all that and get to Armadale or Ashfield to support their team and have a good night out at the speedway.

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