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Edinburgh 2016

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Massively disappointed to read in the Edinburgh Evening News that Monarchs are awaiting Mitchell Davey to obtain a UK passport as he's the preferred number 7.


I mean, at least the young Brit lads have a chance of improving after a few months. Davey has been around for years, done zilch, and never improved. On top of that, he'd also be returning from a serious leg injury! Jeez.

Edited by stewmac
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Rules, in any sport, and any walk of life, are written. In stone, if you like.


If there is a loophole, it will be exploited.


If Mitchell is entitled to a UK passport, and his various averages allow him to qualify for NL racing (and thus as a PL #7) so be it.


Be assured that, if Edinburgh don't employ him (and he is their asset) then another club very quickly will.


Because they can.

Edited by Positive Thinker
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I like Mitchell and wish him every success, though I think with his injury record maybe he should have stayed retired.


But all this crap about it not being in the best interests of British speedway.


Give it a break.


We did that last season and brought in 2 3-pointers in Rob and Max. And we stuck with them the whole season.


And then what?


Well the best interests were to be served by bringing in such a stupid ill-thought out rule that young Rob is now out of a team spot.


I am so fed up with these best interests.

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Unfortunately the points limit results in riders being forced out every year, Brandford is one of those. The harsh reality is that if he was good enough to start the season he would have got a spot somewhere, hopefully he will get one at some point during the year.


The number seven rule was designed to keep some poor foreigners out of PL reserve berths and provide a pathway from NL to PL, unfortunately signing Davey would fulfill neither of these principles. No disrespect to the rider or Edinburgh who I appreciate have found it hard to get somebody to travel up on a Friday night, but this signing would be a poor, poor show.

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I like Mitchell and wish him every success, though I think with his injury record maybe he should have stayed retired.


But all this crap about it not being in the best interests of British speedway.


Give it a break.


We did that last season and brought in 2 3-pointers in Rob and Max. And we stuck with them the whole season.


And then what?


Well the best interests were to be served by bringing in such a stupid ill-thought out rule that young Rob is now out of a team spot.


I am so fed up with these best interests.

Okay forget the best interests, more like not with in the spirit of the rules and reeks of manipulation.


And surprise surprise its Edinburgh.

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I like Mitchell and wish him every success, though I think with his injury record maybe he should have stayed retired.


But all this crap about it not being in the best interests of British speedway.


Give it a break.


We did that last season and brought in 2 3-pointers in Rob and Max. And we stuck with them the whole season.


And then what?


Well the best interests were to be served by bringing in such a stupid ill-thought out rule that young Rob is now out of a team spot.


I am so fed up with these best interests.

The rule is simple British number 7.


So Edinburgh think its ok to try to manipulate the system and bring in a non brit because he might just might better than a British lad.


Nothing to do with whats in the best interests its to do with whats in the rules so why should Edinburgh try and change things?


Oh its because they have failed to sign a decent enough one already and have missed the boat.


Its wrong that they should try and sign Davey and none of your spin on the situation changes that.

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Rules, in any sport, and any walk of life, are written. In stone, if you like.


If there is a loophole, it will be exploited.


If Mitchell is entitled to a UK passport, and his various averages allow him to qualify for NL racing (and thus as a PL #7) so be it.


Be assured that, if Edinburgh don't employ him (and he is their asset) then another club very quickly will.


Because they can.

Dont think many Promotions will be shaking in there boots if this signing happens.Nice lad though.Think this 3pt reserve situation will be the subject of manipulation and controversy as the season unfolds just like when it was tried before (Boxall era).
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Mitchell Davey gets a lot of stick on this forum and elsewhere, which is a shame, because he's probably a really nice bloke, but he should be embarrassed if he took a PL place away from a young Brit. Poor show from the Monarchs promotion

Edited by Shads
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If Davey is Edinburgh`s choice, then best of luck to him, but IMO his signing leaves the Monarchs very weak at reserve. Davey has had long enough racing time over here to make some kind of impact, sadly for him he hasn't, and maybe never will.


If he is granted his passport, and is entitled to race in the NL, surely thats not what this new rule was designed to do as IMO he will be taking the place of a young British rider, especially at NL level should someone sign him up of course.

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Not petty at all.




He's nowhere near ready for PL.


But you know better.

I have an opinion, just as you have. Top rider in the NJL for last two years, moving up to the NL, good equipment and keen as mustard to progress. But Edinburgh would rather 'fiddle' the rules.

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Massively disappointed to read in the Edinburgh Evening News that Monarchs are awaiting Mitchell Davey to obtain a UK passport as he's the preferred number 7.


I mean, at least the young Brit lads have a chance of improving after a few months. Davey has been around for years, done zilch, and never improved. On top of that, he'd also be returning from a serious leg injury! Jeez.

Told you. ;):cheers:

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