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Edinburgh 2016

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Think both set's off fan's will now boycott each other that is the way it is looking unless a middle ground can be found the day's off large travelling support from the West & the East seem to be a thing off the past for now anyway.


Other than 2015, it was a thing of the past. No one will bemoan the loss of the Spring Trophy and last year the Scottish Cup wasnt run and no one missed it either. Speaks volumes EDI did not exercise their right to reply on the infamous letter.

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George, you are displaying a certain amount of arrogance my friend. It's not so long ago, indeed only a season and a bit ago, that a visit from Edinburgh meant your crowd more than doubled.

Yes, all is perhaps rosy at this point in time in the Tiggers garden. But things will change, you will see. Then you'll be more than glad to see one man and his dog.

No stewmac, not arrogance, just banter and a bit of fishing with our nearest and dearest. ;)

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i think there should always be a season opener with local clubs. it brings speedway folk together and gives both promotions a boost in takings . Glasgow have now become TOO POSH TO WASH or are they doing the cutback thing an trying to save money .hmm ..

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One season of crowd increases is fantastic. But how long are they (the brothers Facenna) going to stick around once the going gets tough, as it surely will soon. Let's remember that Edinburgh's promotional team have been in place now for an almost unbelievable 30 years. Now that's a long term plan.

Purchasing the Stadium and spending 1.8m on the first phase refurbishment would tell anyone with half a brain that it is a long term plan yes the Edinburgh promotion have been there 30 years but unbelievably they still are getting it wrong on the financial side


So What long term plan would that be to stop the loss ?.

Pretty sure even with Those increased crowds in the west a loss was still made for the season.

Purchasing the stadium would have that effect Doh,

No stewmac, not arrogance, just banter and a bit of fishing with our nearest and dearest. ;)

See you have a new friend George ;) .

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Need to see what effect the price hike has on Weegie crowds.


Maybe if they don't make too good a start to the season results-wise that might also cause a drop.

No effect we are more loyal unlike your lot when thing's go not so well see the difference is we didn't have the glory years you have had and when it goes wrong ala 2011 the Monarchs vote with there feet as it is all about winning read some off the comments on the chat zone that year and you will see what i mean.

I'm talking about just running costs per meeting that's not including the stadium refurbishment.

Possibly possibly not last year was there first season and crowds doubled not a bad start and as i say it is not all about one season it is a long term project there are a lot off fan's returning i haven't seen since our Shawfield day's and it is all down to the facilities and the massive advertisement drive and good promoting off the sport.

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No effect we are more loyal unlike your lot when thing's go not so well see the difference is we didn't have the glory years you have had and when it goes wrong ala 2011 the Monarchs vote with there feet as it is all about winning read some off the comments on the chat zone that year and you will see what i mean.



Come on gaz surely your not trying to tell us that your increased crowds had nothing to do with the fact that you now have millionaire owners and a team that has actually started winning. Pretty sure there would of been plenty of new glory hunting fans at Ashfield last season.

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George, you are displaying a certain amount of arrogance my friend. It's not so long ago, indeed only a season and a bit ago, that a visit from Edinburgh meant your crowd more than doubled.

Yes, all is perhaps rosy at this point in time in the Tiggers garden. But things will change, you will see. Then you'll be more than glad to see one man and his dog.

Arrogance v Smug now let me think no I would rather be arrogant because we can .

Come on gaz surely your not trying to tell us that your increased crowds had nothing to do with the fact that you now have millionaire owners and a team that has actually started winning. Pretty sure there would of been plenty of new glory hunting fans at Ashfield last season.

Glory Hunting fan's are you for real look at your lot in 2011 crowds plummeted because why you weren't winning possibly and if you read the post what did our new owners do


Improved Facilities

Promoted the Sport through advertising


Regardless off winning or losing the crowds doubled plain and simple and that wasn't solely down to us winning most weeks or Glory hunters as you put it it was down to entertainment the whole package and working damn hard behind the scenes to get that level off support.

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Hhrm! Cough. Cough.


The Facennas didn't just buy Ashfield for speedway, and it's not all about finance.


But hey, ho ... the G&T, blue rinse brigade with their chartered accountant qualifications from Edinburgh Uni, financed by daddy (to get you out the way while he back scuttled the maid when mummsy was at her bridge whist) along with their 12 years getting bummed by the head bully at Herriott's only understand money .... not people.

Edited by george.m
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Neither teams attendances too healthy that they can dispense with help from nearest rivals.


Questionable tactics?

Really you a regular at Glasgow to know because i couldn't tell you what Edinburgh's crowds are like on a weekly basis but just to let you know that the crowds at Glasgow were extremely healthy last season.

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Well I'm still going to go to Armadale and I hope the Edinburgh fans still come to us. It's been some atmosphere lately.

Well said, sir. Irrespective of who you support, speedway fans are unlike the idiots who follow football, for example.


Or at least I thought they were, until recently when I joined this forum!


Speedway is a family and we all need each other.


Banter's good, though!:-D

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Well said, sir. Irrespective of who you support, speedway fans are unlike the idiots who follow football, for example.


Or at least I thought they were, until recently when I joined this forum!


Speedway is a family and we all need each other.


Banter's good, though!:-D

For clarity ecksact as you've only recently joined, it is pure banter between the vast majority of Tigers Monarchs on here.

We all know and have discussed for many years that the two teams are better off together. We're there already.


We're all good people on here, apart from one or two Monarchs (see, couldn't resist).

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Well said, sir. Irrespective of who you support, speedway fans are unlike the idiots who follow football, for example.


Or at least I thought they were, until recently when I joined this forum!


Speedway is a family and we all need each other.


Banter's good, though!:-D

No we don't this has alway's been the percieved image portrayed but the reality is that both would survive regardless as long as the respective promotion's wanted them to survive.

Edited by Gazc
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One season of crowd increases is fantastic. But how long are they (the brothers Facenna) going to stick around once the going gets tough, as it surely will soon. Let's remember that Edinburgh's promotional team have been in place now for an almost unbelievable 30 years. Now that's a long term plan.

As said previously, Ashfield is not just about speedway.

Edinburgh 30 years. Some might say it's because they couldn't get a buyer.

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No we don't this has alway's been the percieved image portrayed but the reality is that both would survive regardless as long as the respective promotion's wanted them to survive.

Indeed, it is around seasons 2006/07 that the 0131's stopped coming across in any numbers. It took the Tigeratti another 2 seasons to work out the one way traffic was for good and reciprocate.


Scottish speedway is a fictional thing older Glasgow fans talk about when things are going well.

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