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British Finals - Favourites & Most Memorable Races


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What are your most memorable and/or favourite races from British Finals of the 70s, 80s and 90s?


The run-off between Ray Wilson and Martin Ashby - won by 'Willie' on the line - to decide the last qualifier from the 1975 meeting at Coventry will take some beating.


And then there was the classic between Mark Loram and Chris Louis in, was it, 1997?


Which others stand out for you...?

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Probably won't be the first that comes to many minds, but one that lodged with me is a race at the 1987 final. As a Chris Morton nut, it was quite an uncomfortable afternoon. He missed gate after gate and went into his last ride with just 6pts needing at least a second up against Cox, Cross and Doncaster. He missed the gate (again), scrapped his way past Donkey on lap 2 and on the very last turn sneaked inside Cross to just qualify. What made the British Final such a great meeting at one time was the scrap for qualification - often involving riders you would consider as possible World Title contenders, never mind British title contenders. I can recall Lee, Wigg, Doncaster, PC, Mort all missing out in the 80s alone when they were still all top, top riders.

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Sadly guys I have to go all the way back to the 1965 Brit. Final at West Ham. Charlie Monk had not lost a race in all the qualifying rounds. Comes to West Ham and lost to Peter Vandenberg-and that was the only race Peter won all evening-did enough however to spoil Charlie's best ever chance of qualifying for the World Final-and he never got that close again. Anyone still out there who was at that famous meeting (delayed a week because of rain and then the riders refused to race unless they got increased money-which they ended up getting!! Oh happy and long gone days!!

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I was there, Bob. Don't remember seeing you though. :P

I woz there Norbold-it was a dark and stormy night!! You probably didn't see me because I was standing behind the tallest ever speedway rider-I think his name was Johnny Fitzgerald!!!!

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Somewhat off topic but since you mention Roy Trigg, I always wish he'd got to a World Final. Tremendous rider. I remember he would always go well at Somerton Park(not the easiest track). He was there with Hackney in I guess 1966-another dark and stormy night- Roy scored a maximum, with Ernie Baker scoring zip. In the parking lot Ernie was surrounded by a bunch of young Newport fans asking why he did so badly when Roy did so well-Ernie graciously answered "well, we can't all be Roy Trigg". A very true comment. Ernie was a great trier and a real gent. Back to Roy -always remember him beating Pete Kelly in a run-off for 3rd place in the great 1964 PLRC Final. I think I may be getting too old for this website as the 70's were after my time. After all I'm even older than Norbold(didn't think that could be possible!!) Maybe we should start a topic area called "Very Many Years Gone By" !!!! I'd be posting all the time to that.

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