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Eastbourne 2016


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Upcoming talent Hopwood who made his third tier debut in about 2006...

Bang on what I mean!

At the fans forum, Martin said that they were out to win it and wouldn't leave any stone unturned to achieve it. Big thanx to Ben though, all that poxy travelling and then to be let go. So who could it be. Joe Jacobs, Aces, Witches and Eagles, don't think so. James Sarjeant, Josh Bates, Lewis Rose, Lewis Kerr, Carl Wilkinson, Tom Perry, Nathan Greaves. Not sure out of that who is elegable. Steve Boxall seems to have gained some negative reports of not caring and turning up with poor machinery, then he was in to Boxing, not certain if he is the right bloke. How many points have we to play with and what happens when Kyle comes back. The book of National League regulations is a lovely read, not.

Tom Perry and Nathan Greaves have NL spots. I'd say Jacobs too low. We thought knight would have bad machinery and if that is the problem with Boxall Eagles will give him the stuff. I thought Nielsen maybe or what about Ashley Birks?
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At the fans forum, Martin said that they were out to win it and wouldn't leave any stone unturned to achieve it. Big thanx to Ben though, all that poxy travelling and then to be let go. So who could it be. Joe Jacobs, Aces, Witches and Eagles, don't think so. James Sarjeant, Josh Bates, Lewis Rose, Lewis Kerr, Carl Wilkinson, Tom Perry, Nathan Greaves. Not sure out of that who is elegable. Steve Boxall seems to have gained some negative reports of not caring and turning up with poor machinery, then he was in to Boxing, not certain if he is the right bloke. How many points have we to play with and what happens when Kyle comes back. The book of National League regulations is a lovely read, not.

Jacobs and Boxall are the only ones who are eligible and their average fits. Sarjeant, Bates, Wilkinson & Kerr all have PL averages too high to double-up, Rose has an NL average over 10 and too high and Perry & Greaves already have NL teams. You have 9.78 left.

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I think it's harsh on Hopwood. A likeable rider who could have easily chosen to ride closer to home but chose to travel to Eastbourne and was a vital part of last year's success and Team spirit.


I hope he gets a slot soon as he has just got new machinery and rode well on Monday.


Eastbourne had a reputation for being loyal to riders who had been loyal to them even if it led to them not winning as many trophies. Fair to say that's a thing of the past.


As much as I love the Eagles, I will slightly smirk if Ben hits double figures at Arlington as an away rider.

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I think it's harsh on Hopwood. A likeable rider who could have easily chosen to ride closer to home but chose to travel to Eastbourne and was a vital part of last year's success and Team spirit.

I hope he gets a slot soon as he has just got new machinery and rode well on Monday.

Eastbourne had a reputation for being loyal to riders who had been loyal to them even if it led to them not winning as many trophies. Fair to say that's a thing of the past.

As much as I love the Eagles, I will slightly smirk if Ben hits double figures at Arlington as an away rider.


Chances are Ben will do that but I guess you have to look at the reason why the club has made this choice. It's not to replace Ellis with Ben its to replace Hughes with another number 1 and to do so it means a reshuffle, as they said it's a game of numbers.


Sometimes there is a reason for change and you have to be brave to do it.

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Fully agree with you, I like Ben and was happy to see him sign again this year but we have to remember that the old 'loyalty' policy, admirable though it was, did not appeal to large numbers of fans who drifted away and brought about the demise of the club. Remember the same old same old Eastbourne jibes?


The younger generation have lifted it from the ashes and seem determined not to make the same mistakes. Their hand was really forced on 'Bad Friday' and they have had to make some difficult decisions. With a very limited British only pool of riders a like for like replacement for Kyle was almost certainly not available which meant either weakening the No 1 spot or making a double change.


They opted for the latter and Ben was the one who had to make way. Personally I would have made Perks a straight replacement for Kyle and used the spare 1.5 points to get a really good reserve. We saw last year what effect a quality reserve can have particularly in r/r situations. Then no doubt there would have been criticism for dumping Phillips after only three meetings. It's a catch 22.

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With the reserve situation though it's easier to get around as you just put them in at number 8 so they don't ride in the meeting but are still part of the club. I think Ellis has a little way to go to be an out and out number 1 and having him in the lower order makes us stronger.

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The other problem is that there is no other 3 point riders out there that are really a 4 pointer or more as we had last year in woods and dugard. but hey ho another day in the world of speedway.

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His àverage might but last time I saw him Eastbourne would have to cull a herd of wildebeest to knock up a set of leathers

Well Hopwood suit should fit him no problems, looking at the teams Ben could go to belle vue if they make room as they are way under the points limit at the moment .


It's just a game of numbers.

Edited by catinthehat
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Have to say, like a lot of people I'm sure, I feel very sorry for Ben in all this - he's been a fantastic servant to theclub, scored a lot of great points and played a huge part in the success we enjoyed last season. I for one would like to thank him and while wishing he wasn't going, very much hope he gets fixed up soon and scores a load more points for his new team! Thanks Ben mate - you've been a star!!

Totally agree ... cam in at short notice last season and was excellent support for BWD ... hope that he gets fixed up to a club close to home and scores plenty of points.

I think it's harsh on Hopwood. A likeable rider who could have easily chosen to ride closer to home but chose to travel to Eastbourne and was a vital part of last year's success and Team spirit.


I hope he gets a slot soon as he has just got new machinery and rode well on Monday.


Eastbourne had a reputation for being loyal to riders who had been loyal to them even if it led to them not winning as many trophies. Fair to say that's a thing of the past.


As much as I love the Eagles, I will slightly smirk if Ben hits double figures at Arlington as an away rider.

Most likely a game of numbers - how many #1's have the Eagles tried and been knocked back from - 6 riders they stated on twitter. Imagine that the Dugards have had little or no option. As for the Spillers they have school and undoubtedly will be considered later in the year if that can improve the chances of the team.

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Think your right with no luck but i put money on it that they will find something, using a guest for your number 1 do you get a 10% rise on thier average which may work for them if they run with a guest for a bit. Does Adam Ellis fit the numbers game?

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Ellis is local and is track record holder, He belongs to Lakeside like the rest of the Eastbourne team now? so a few kinds words to him may point him in the right direction, seeing as if there is not many saturday night EL meetings so no reason why he cant do a few meetings. If not Hurry would be good but i thougth he was getting married in April and away on Honeymoon?

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Adam finished on 10.14 so you don't have enough points without culling someone else.

As for Hurry a great rider in his day and i hope it stays in his day. The man is full of metalwork and i fear for his long term well being if he contemplated a return.

Fingers crossed its a Boxall type rider who will enhance the NL.

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Hurry is back on the grass track this year and i guess if he wants to ride again then i would like to think he is a good 10 point rider a meeting just with his talent and skill. But who knows who its going to be as its gone very quite.

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Hurry is back on the grass track this year and i guess if he wants to ride again then i would like to think he is a good 10 point rider a meeting just with his talent and skill. But who knows who its going to be as its gone very quite.

I'm sorry but Hurry is 40..... He's going no further in speedway whereas Boxall is 28 ish and will be more likely to do something. Hurry is a big risk
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Boxhall is not allowed back into the NL as his PL average is too High i guess its going to be a problem for them to find a replacement, but have to wait and see lets see maybe we will find someone Andy Graham lol cant use Alan as he was hurt last year.

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