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Eastbourne 2016


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Suspected broken left ankle for Kyle Hughes and to be replaced by Joe Jacobs in this evening's return fixture. If this is the case, hope he mends well & swiftly.


Kelsey Dugard signed up for the Isle of Wight Warriors.

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Obviously most of you lovely critics were not there or it was another excuse to have a pop at Eastbourne?


Were they disappointing - Yes, but the final score was to say the least flattering.

1) Kyle Hughes after a super victory over Luke Bowen in heat one next time out inexplicably crashed a few yards from the line when home and dried. Off to hospital in the ambulance and out of the meeting.

2) Georgie Wood when clear of Danny Ayres on lap 3, when the bike stopped.

3)Richard Andrews two dreadful rides on a very slow bike then borrowed what was probably the track spare and put in the best race of night against Ayres twice (A Re- Run)

4)In his first race coming round bend two James Shanes got in a terrible mess and Ben Hopwood, probably thinking he would fall and have to avoid him tried a quick turn inside and caught the fence himself. By some miracle Shanes recovered but Hopwood was excluded.

5)Jake Knight looked a bit uncertain on what was a strange track after Kings Lynn but by his fifth outing he looked pretty good beating Bowen and Ayres.

Never mind the aberration jibe it was just one of those days I am sure they will overcome the mechanical problems.


I am quite happy with the 1 to 5 they will come good but the real problem is at reserve, 10 rides 3points says it all. Powell was a trier but will take time to master the switch from Grass to Shale but Nick Phillips? I hate to be critical or riders that risk life and limb but Phillips does not even look a prospect I wonder how long before he gets his first point unless somebody falls in his race.


Without all that Kent would still probably have won a close match as they look a compact unit but there is no doubt the reserves would have won it for them.


I hope Hughes injury will not keep him out too long as without him they are in trouble, and how many meetings before Phillips has to go.

Before today I thought he was a youngster that might show some promise but find he will be 28 in June and the oldest man in the team.

What on earth possessed them to sign him?

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I thought the writing was on the wall when Danno Verge won a race !!

Was told that Kent looked very good at Iwade, and so it proved.

Danny Ayers and James Shanes were brilliant, a shame a few more Kent fans didn't come to witness it.

Thought the boy Thomas looked promising too.

The Eagles, well, NO excuses, but were we beaten by the better team or the better prepared team !!

Lets hope this performance was a one off and that Kyle is soon back.

Was going to Sittingbourne tonight, but have to stay home and do my hair !!

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Oh no, not Richard as well. How many teams have lost their No 1 and their skipper on the first day of the season. Hope your ok Richie and hope Kyle will soon be back.

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Ellis Perks is after a team place after IOW dropped him.Could do a lot worse than sign him..

Tis what I thought to.....

Have to say massive well done to Jake Knight tonight absolutely flying this evening could be the best signing (which is saying a lot and not saying much at the same time). I'll give hopwood the benefit of the doubt after blowing his good engine at practise the other day but hope to see him bounce back real quick. Absolutely gutted for Hughes as I'm sure he was going through the card at home. Andrews unconfirmed but if correct massive shame also really won't help the lads if he's out.


Now the reserves need some work really. There were brief moments at Kent where they looked ok at best before totally cocking up or being passed and I hope if we don't see change mr Dugard sticks to his word.


I can see replacement for Hughes being Jacobs or perks and do they keep Andrews in as r/r or dump him off to? Could Owen be coming back earlier than he expected after all we could be looking at a re structure!


We will let you have this one Kent but we will be back ;)

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Right, been thinking what to say really, been to both meetings today and am not convinced this is a title winning team. The 1 to 5 arent that bad they are going to take time to gel, its such bad luck that we have lost our no.1 and captain to horrific injuries but i have no doubt connor is already sorting the problems. The real problem is the reserves they signed powell expecting another georgie but he quite clearly is nowhere near that doesnt look comfortable at all. As for phillips at kent tonight he was oversliding the bike almost everytime that bad that he sliding sideways on the straight.


As for replacements im not sure what 3.00s there are out there. As for hughes/andrews they could go more solid or go for aroumd what they have now theres a few they could sign as a big no.1 Stefan Nielsen, Steve Boxall, Paul Hurry, from what i understand jacobs doesnt want to do NL so rule him out. Perks never looked any good at arlington last year so wouldnt sign him i dont think. Maybe marc will come back, kelsey would of been ideal replacement for andrews had he not signed for IOW today. Definately big problems atm for the ITfirst Eagles.


As for monday best we can hope for is a rain off, try get some new riders on board.

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Well what can I say, Eastbourne we pants today, home meeting was OK a little bit of bad luck but could have a lot of bad luck but there you go. Hughes crash was similar to Dugards last year where he went through the fence but Hughes flipped it over.


But Eastbourne was out paced by a better side. After a great year last year this start has been a thump in the ribs. Let's se if the management have the backbone to flip the team around and give us another fresh start. Out some big names as they are not big enough for me.

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