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Glasgow V Edinburgh The Final 16th/17th October @7.30pm/7.00pm

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Teams for Friday night:




  1. Richard Lawson
  2. Kauko Nieminen R/R
  3. Nick Morris
  4. Victor Palovaara
  5. Aaron Summers
  6. Hynek Stichauer
  7. James Sarjeant



  1. Craig Cook
  2. Justin Sedgmen
  3. Kevin Wolbert
  4. Erik Riss
  5. Sam Masters
  6. Max Clegg
  7. Rob Branford



Should put Justin at no.4 IMO. Bit of protection towards the end of the meeting.

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Should put Justin at no.4 IMO. Bit of protection towards the end of the meeting.


Would've agreed if the Weegies had left Morris at 4, but think now that he's up against Palovaara, keeping the Cook/Sedgmen partnership may be the better option.

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Should put Justin at no.4 IMO. Bit of protection towards the end of the meeting.


The cook and sedgy partnership shouldn't be broken up as it's got us so many 5-1's. Erik will be fine more than capable of beating Palovaara.

Which team has to declare their lineup first?


I think they both need to declare their line ups 3 days in advance of the meeting. But not entirely sure.

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The cook and sedgy partnership shouldn't be broken up as it's got us so many 5-1's. Erik will be fine more than capable of beating Palovaara.


I think they both need to declare their line ups 3 days in advance of the meeting. But not entirely sure.

Taking thing's for granted i see or in other words SMUG as per.

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Reckon Tigers will be expecting Sarjeant at reserve to continue his devastating performances from the gate :rolleyes: and will ensure that r/r and reserve swapping will be used for maximum effect.


Therefore predict that Stichauer will be r/r in first heat and thereafter will given the tougher reserve rides, which is the sensible thing to do.


Have the referees for the two legs been announced yet btw ?

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Reckon Tigers will be expecting Sarjeant at reserve to continue his devastating performances from the gate :rolleyes: and will ensure that r/r and reserve swapping will be used for maximum effect.


Therefore predict that Stichauer will be r/r in first heat and thereafter will given the tougher reserve rides, which is the sensible thing to do.


Have the referees for the two legs been announced yet btw ?


Who ever they are I hope they have as quick reactions as Sarjeants gating just so they can dish out the correct penalties if any are due


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Come on Sarjeant. Do exactly what you did on Sunday - wake up the referee and tell him the race has actually started.


Palovarra didn't do so badly at that Olympique night and there is a good rider in there. Cook, lets be honest, has got better and better this season - to the extent that his performance at Poole for Belle Vue was absolutely spectacular - a joy to watch. I have him and Sedgeman down for a big haul, so it's down to Lawson and Summers for us. I love Kauko, terrible season for him and wish him well, but R/R is by far the option for us here as he's hardly had a ride this year.


What a season for Scottish Speedway. Incredible. So looking forward to Friday, but no doubt the nerves will kick in.

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Reckon Tigers will be expecting Sarjeant at reserve to continue his devastating performances from the gate :rolleyes: and will ensure that r/r and reserve swapping will be used for maximum effect.


Therefore predict that Stichauer will be r/r in first heat and thereafter will given the tougher reserve rides, which is the sensible thing to do.


Have the referees for the two legs been announced yet btw ?

Its not the Grand One or his protege for Friday anyway. Chris Gay according to Tigers site.

Come on Sarjeant. Do exactly what you did on Sunday - wake up the referee and tell him the race has actually started.


Palovarra didn't do so badly at that Olympique night and there is a good rider in there. Cook, lets be honest, has got better and better this season - to the extent that his performance at Poole for Belle Vue was absolutely spectacular - a joy to watch. I have him and Sedgeman down for a big haul, so it's down to Lawson and Summers for us. I love Kauko, terrible season for him and wish him well, but R/R is by far the option for us here as he's hardly had a ride this year.


What a season for Scottish Speedway. Incredible. So looking forward to Friday, but no doubt the nerves will kick in.

We have to aim to beat Sedgmen from the gate on Friday, he's not a chaser and will more than likely finish in the same position that he goes down the back straight. If he gates however he's gone.

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Its really easy for Skippy Sarjeant.


Sit still

don`t anticipate the start.

Keep front wheel still.

Drop clutch when tapes rise.


Give it a try, you might catch on.........

Come on, be fair - it is not that easy - it took Cookie years to learn - it has not done his career any harm. All forgotten now that he is just a good gater.

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Like current form , the weather forecast is against Glasgow - dry all week. A couple of wet days would put some much missed moisture into both track bases and may be a form leveller. Away riders love Ashfield when it is slick - just gate and keep the rear wheel close to the fence on exits of bends 2 & 4. There is no grip on the inside and too tight to pass going into bends 1 & 3 so it takes skill and luck for riders to pass. Last meeting of the clubs at Armadale, track was also dry and uncharacteristically slick - no coincidence, I reckon (quite right - why should they make their track to suit the opposition). Glasgow hardly made a gate and our track specialists were neutralised. I missed our win through there in June but notice that the track comment was 'well watered'. All of our guys apart from Dimitri performed well. Alan Bridgett has learned from his mistake.


Monarchs have 4 genuine heat leaders (well, actually, I do not think Woelbert could ever be referred to as genuine - but he is a top heat leader), two of whom are recognised as GP worthy. Glasgow have a good top three but have not had a genuine No.4 all season (Kozza, David and Nemo have all disappointed and all succumbed to injury). On paper, Glasgow have no right to be n the final and are definite second .favourites so will have to ride above their ability in every position to stand any chance.


I'm off to do a rain dance.

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KJ’s Final Preview...


This week's visitors to sunny Armadale are the soap dodging Tiggers from Glasgow in what is scheduled to be the second leg of the PL Play-Off Final.


It’s been a hectic week in and around KJ Towers. I’ve spent an ungodly number of hours in the High Court – apparently a number of individuals thought last week’s Preview was murder (editor’s note – what’s your problem? It was). Eventually, my top lawyer negotiated a lesser charge, one of ‘crimes against speedway forum posting standards’ and I’m pleased to say the case was concluded late yesterday afternoon.


In his summing up, QC Ivor Dodgysensahuma said, “I would’ve thought everybody would know by now that Mr Jamie is quite obviously a couple of sandwiches short of a normal punter’s picnic, especially when he’s let loose on the internet. I recommend the complainants take a chill pill and be careful not to choke on their caviar and prawn sandwiches.”


Having also received 306 death threats (that Rohan Tungate’s got a huge family), I can’t really say I’m in much of a mood to offend or annoy anyone this week. So, for that reason, I must admit I’m pleased Glasgow qualified. In fact, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for the place, especially as I used to work at a BP garage through yonder for a number of years (ed – really?). Sadly they demolished the site. I went back there a couple of months ago. It was such an emotional moment. I could feel myself filling up.


Glasgow is also the venue for an upcoming World record attempt. Scientists will bid to remove the longest Velcro strip in history, in one fell swoop. Tickets for this event are on sale at just £175. Much like the ‘pay at the gate’ prices this weekend, critics have described it as a massive rip-off.

(ed – I thought this was supposed to be a speedway preview, not crap jokes r us?)


Speaking of crap jokes… (ed – don’t you dare. Whatever you type next, I will blank out so be warned) I love criticism – bring it on ya bunch of dafties!



Anyway, the countdown is on for the biggest clash in Scottish speedway history. Talking of Countdown, Susie Dent – I tell you, she’s more than welcome to read the dictionary to me any time.

(ed – will you please take this seriously? They’ll all moan their eyes out again and I personally don’t blame them)


Aye, ok. Right, serious stuff. This weekend will be the most important derby in both clubs’ history. So why am I not excited? Probably because I hate the play-offs. They’ve totally killed speedway for me and I’m guessing a few others too. Crowds are down, there’s a distinct lack of atmosphere at most of the ‘qualifying’ league fixtures and it doesn’t help that entertainment levels are also nowhere near those of a few years ago (Christ, I sound like a right auld codger).


No team should finish top of a table and receive no recognition for its success. Remember back in 1993 and 1994 when Glasgow led the way? Or 2003 when Edinburgh won their inaugural title? Proper achievements. None of this Americanised nonsense and no chance of back door victors.

If we win this weekend, it’ll be nowt more than justice but if the soap dodgers take the spoils, the cold confines of sunny Armadale will be an unbearable sea of celebratory red and white.


So what of Edinburgh and Glasgow? It’s a special kind of rivalry. The cities themselves may be pretty close on a map but, in reality, they’re nowhere near. In the Capital we have half a tram line network, salt ‘n’ sauce and cycle paths. By comparison, Weegieville has an underground railway system, salt ‘n’ vinegar and psychopaths. That lot even voted ‘Yes’ in the independence referendum! At the end of the day, no matter who claims to be superior, we Edinburgh folk can quite happily sit back safe in the knowledge that at least we know how to demolish high rise flats properly.


Speedway-wise, it’s fair to say both sets of fans enjoy an ‘interesting’ relationship. To them, we’re posh and smug. To us, they’re manky and jealous. It’s all part of the ‘banter’ you see. We love each other really. Honest.


Scottish derbies bring back a number of wonderful memories for me. Superb meetings, cup finals, fighting on-track and even some fighting off-track! Childhood heroes such as Jamie Luckhurst (obviously) for us, Ray Palmer for them and not forgetting riders who represented both clubs, including Roger Lambert, Jackson Irving and Sean Courtney. Yes, detractors, be warned – I was once in the SAS (ed – aye, the Sean Appreciation Society. You couldn’t shoot a photograph!)


For the ‘Vote No’ crew, it’s a chance to bid farewell to our GP heroes, Sam Masters and Justin Sedgmen, plus World U21 Team Cup finalist Erik Riss. This, I presume, will be the last fixture of the 2015 season so let’s hope we go out on the biggest high possible.


For the ‘Vote Yes’ mob, Kake the name changer’s season has unfortunately Finnished early. His Scandinavian colleague, Reider Replacement, will step in with all bar the scruffy twins, Richard Lawson and Aaron Summers, eligible as cover.


No awards this week (ed – now who’s the spoilsport?) as Glasgow received theirs only recently and I can’t afford to buy any more.


Oh, I almost forgot, Nigel Pearson phoned last night. I didn’t answer...


Now, if ed’s in a good mood, maybe there’s just time for one last joke for the year. Please? (ed – ok, go on then. You’d best make it a good ‘un)


Right. Following my retiral, I decided to branch out into the film industry. My debut production is to be the story of a young lassie with an unfortunate medical condition. Upon hearing about this, hugely famous singers such as Garth Brooks and Ronan Keating contacted me almost immediately, offering to sing the soundtrack. The title of the film? ‘Tamara never cums’.


er, roll on Saturday…


KJ's prediction: a Scottish team will emerge victorious.

(ed – wow, you don’t say. By the way, I hear they’ve arranged a fireworks display in the Peterborough area to celebrate the end of your Previews for another year. Can I go? Can I? Please? Pretty please?)

You disloyal little git. That’s it. You’re sacked.

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Ha ha.


I understand he playoffs argument, but at the end of the day it has pluses and minuses. From a Glasgow perspective it's been a thrill of a season and this is the cherry on the cake. My head says we won't do it, but I couldn't see us taking Somerset - so you never know. One thing is for sure, I remember some grim days for Tigers (Blantyre etc) in the past, so when the nostalgia factory starts - can I just say our home cup final against Edinburgh was the greatest atmosphere I've experienced in 30 odd years (although not a regular attender for many of those). And to be able to have a derby with your biggest rivals that's not a hate filled cauldron of bigotry and rage is great. I just wish SKY were here to see the mayhem!

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It comes down to us against them , good versus the darkside . Yes they'll come across the M8 , playing bridge in the supporters limo , but they shall leave shellshocked .

Captain Marvel and our rider of the season by a mile , Aaron Summers , will lead the charge . Ably supported by Son of God and young Nick . Then there's James giving an Ivan Mauger gating masterclass and Victor and Hynek chipping in as well .

For the forces of darkness , Craig Cook's mechanic will forget the nitro , Smiling Sam will potter around smiling and thinking of Monster Girls and Kev the Kraut will still be affected by his injury and think he's not supposed to try very hard because he's at Ashfield .

So a decent lead will be taken over to the Scotwaste Arena ( oops sorry Eddie ) and then the Buckfast will flow on the conclusion of heat 15 :drink:

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It comes down to us against them , good versus the darkside . Yes they'll come across the M8 , playing bridge in the supporters limo , but they shall leave shellshocked .

Captain Marvel and our rider of the season by a mile , Aaron Summers , will lead the charge . Ably supported by Son of God and young Nick . Then there's James giving an Ivan Mauger gating masterclass and Victor and Hynek chipping in as well .

For the forces of darkness , Craig Cook's mechanic will forget the nitro , Smiling Sam will potter around smiling and thinking of Monster Girls and Kev the Kraut will still be affected by his injury and think he's not supposed to try very hard because he's at Ashfield .

So a decent lead will be taken over to the Scotwaste Arena ( oops sorry Eddie ) and then the Buckfast will flow on the conclusion of heat 15 :drink:

Good luck mate, hope you come back with a trophy Saturday night. With the investment that's been made your promotion certainly deserve it. Was well impressed with the stadium and facilities when I came up the other week.
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