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Glasgow V Edinburgh The Final 16th/17th October @7.30pm/7.00pm

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justere2cgoodspeedway in your detailed response in Post # 749, you appear to have neglected to respond to the salient point in red above, which could apply to other forms of commerce (iirc the number and location of enterprises modifying vehicles for use as certain types of taxis is restricted)


Another factor in Speedway is that length of unbroken service (i.e. seniority) confers rewards on those who have continued to operate during the hard times.


You will recall that, amid financial difficulties, Glasgow closed down at the end of 1995, and, instead,the Edinburgh Promotion were the sole organisation which kept Speedway running in Scotland in 1996, for which you should all be eternally grateful.


Therefore when Glasgow returned in 1997, they were effectively a new kid on the block in terms of seniority.


Also in 1997 Edinburgh relocated to Armadale and opted for Friday, as their race night.


Given the reduced distance between Armadale and Glasgow, plus a smaller catchment area as opposed to the centre of Edinburgh, the Monarchs Promotion, as the senior track were entitled to protect their business from any further diminution of their income, within the framework of the protocols of the BSPA.


One final point none of us know how many casual attendees visit both tracks on a Friday or Sunday over the Season, but if both were running on the same day, they could not go to both over a weekend.


Entertaining as always cyclone. I think you mean post #479. You want to try answering the points on that post - which remain unanswered, no doubt because they are indefensible which is why the Edinburgh mob have given it a wide berth.


The reason why the stuff in red wasn't mentioned is because they were rendered redundant and effectively superseded by the points I made in post #479.


The historical agreement and close nearby thing is a load of rubbish. How come the two clubs happily co-existed and both ran on a Friday through the 70's, 80's and 90's. So all that nonsense about close proximity and different night is the biggest load of garbage. Glasgow raced on a Friday night anyway and when Edinburgh were forced to move to Powderhall in the 70's and the only night they could run speedway there was on Fridays (Glasgow's racenight) Glasgow allowed or didn't object to Edinburgh also running on a Friday. So what's the problem now. Answer - none.


Try actually answering the points in my detailed post #479. Bet you can't. :wink:

Edited by justere2cgoodspeedway
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Entertaining as always cyclone. I think you mean post #479. You want to try answering the points on that post - which remain unanswered, probably no doubt because they are indefensible which is why the Edinburgh mob have given it a wide berth.


The reason why the stuff in red wasn't mentioned is because they were rendered redundant and effectively superseded by the points I made in post #479.


The historical agreement and close nearby thing is a load of rubbish. How come the two clubs happily co-existed and both ran on a Friday through the 70's, 80's and 90's. So all that nonsense about close proximity and different night is the biggest load of garbage. Glasgow raced on a Friday night anyway and when Edinburgh were forced to move to Powderhall in the 70's and the only night they could run speedway there was on Fridays (Glasgow's racenight) Glasgow allowed or didn't object to Edinburgh also running on a Friday. So what's the problem now. Answer - none.


Try actually answering the points in my detailed post #479. Bet you can't. :wink:

Hope you're in this one for the long haul mate, he never admits he's wrong and will keep coming back until you lose the will to live. ;)
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During 1996 it was apparent that some Tigers supporters rather than attend live speedway in Scotland on their doorstep, pettily boycotted because of the change of team name & colours.


The reason many fans stopped going to Shawfield was because of the guff being spouted from the centre green every week telling us how the racing was better and the track better than when the tigers raced there.

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That's why I've never really liked greyhound stadiums for speedway tracks. Most of them, like Monmore, Brough Park, Belle Vue are totally empty apart from the home straight. I never think it looks good for TV either and does nothing for atmosphere. Don't know if it's my memory playing tricks with me but was there a stand on the back straight at Brough? Sure I can remember watching a meeting from the back straight when I was young. Anyway, none of them compare to Powderhall. Great stadium, have a lot of good memories coming up there to watch Berwick.


Yes Brough park did have a stand in the back straight.
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Why would you want to go on the Glasgow website to see what happened were you not there? , Do you not support Edinburgh?.


Then why on earth would you want to go on another team's website to see a match report or are you just being an erse.


I think you are being and erse personally.


See the i am never wrong Moanarch's do gooder's are out in force today p"ssing myself at some off the higher than mighty stance.


Just want to hear your team and managements opinion on the meeting from their perspective. Or is that not allowed?

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Entertaining as always cyclone. I think you mean post #479. You want to try answering the points on that post - which remain unanswered, no doubt because they are indefensible which is why the Edinburgh mob have given it a wide berth.


The reason why the stuff in red wasn't mentioned is because they were rendered redundant and effectively superseded by the points I made in post #479.


The historical agreement and close nearby thing is a load of rubbish. How come the two clubs happily co-existed and both ran on a Friday through the 70's, 80's and 90's. So all that nonsense about close proximity and different night is the biggest load of garbage. Glasgow raced on a Friday night anyway and when Edinburgh were forced to move to Powderhall in the 70's and the only night they could run speedway there was on Fridays (Glasgow's racenight) Glasgow allowed or didn't object to Edinburgh also running on a Friday. So what's the problem now. Answer - none.


Try actually answering the points in my detailed post #479. Bet you can't. :wink:


Nice try to duck the specific point which had invalidated your false premises.


The only rubbish appears to be in your head as it's obviously cluttering your brain from comprehending that you are contradicting yourself.


Re-read and explain precisely why the close proximity of the two tracks is not a relevant factor.


You refer to "The historical agreement and close nearby thing is a load of rubbish" (why - explain but briefly please instead of the usual lengthy waffle) and then you try to justify your pov by referring to situation "through the 70's, 80's and 90's" (earlier history btw :wink:).


To explain to you succinctly, this is 2015, the Monarchs race at Armadale Stadium, Armadale, West Lothian, the distance between Armadale and Ashfield less than 30 miles. As such, the Monarchs, being the senior Promotion, are within their rights to object to Glasgow's application to run on the same race day (i.e Fridays).


I apologise in advance for adopting the less than polite terms used by yourself (rubbish, garbage) but I did refrain from referring to you as one of the Glasgow mob :P


The reason many fans stopped going to Shawfield was because of the guff being spouted from the centre green every week telling us how the racing was better and the track better than when the tigers raced there.


I'll take your word for this as tbh, I do not remember this - who was the individual "spouting" this - Dick Barrie or a young Michael Max ?? - was he a regular at Shawfield during the previous season?


Personally I never pay much attention to the centre green presenters but if I found his comments to be really offensive, I would complain to the Promotion before considering my next move.


Did anyone raise the issue directly before withdrawing their custom ?

Hope you're in this one for the long haul mate, he never admits he's wrong and will keep coming back until you lose the will to live. ;)



Thanks for the tip - I'll try my best :D

Edited by cyclone
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Glasgow's original chosen race night was in fact a Wednesday. They switched to Fridays when they re-opened at White City in 1964 and retained that through to the end of 1989. They staged just 10 further Friday meetings, 5 of which were in 1990. 18th July 1997 was the last time Glasgow ran on a Friday until last weekend.


Edinburgh plumped for Saturdays from the off, a night they kept hold of until their demise at the end of the 1969 season. They went for Fridays when they re-opened at Powderhall in 1977, and apart from a flirtation with Sunday nights during 1990 they have remained with Fridays.


From 1977 to 1989, when both clubs were Friday nighters, 306 of the 654 matches, representing 46.8%, were staged without any clash. 348 matches went ahead in direct opposition to each other, that's 174 matches at each track for the arithmetically challenged.


From what I can tell, the last time both clubs ran on the same day was Sunday 14th July 2002, however I haven't been able to ascertain whether they ran at the same time. Glasgow raced Workington with a 6pm start and while Somerset visited Armadale the programme cover doesn't indicate a start time. If there was no clash, then that Friday 18th July 1997 date is the last time both teams ran in direct opposition as Tigers faced Newport and Monarchs squared up to Exeter.


A breakdown of meetings staged by venue can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsxrrldxz7tal8t/Glas%26EdinRaceNights.pdf?dl=0 and while some of the figures from the early years may be a bit skewiff they're close enough to get the overall impression. Monarchs 1996 sojourn at Shawfield is not included in these figures and neither is Tigers aborted 1987 season.


A return to Friday night racing would actually appeal to me as Sundays have long since been off the radar. However I am slightly baffled as to where the supposed groundswell of support for this has come from. The only conclusion I can reach is that the majority of Ashfield attendees have been watching the Tigers for more than a quarter of a century and fondly recall when Friday night racing was de rigueur. I sincerely hope that the promotion have indeed done their research as implied in the end-of-season letter, otherwise they are, in my opinion, taking one hell of a gamble in abandoning a raceday/night that has served Glasgow, if not me personally, well for nigh on 25 years.

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A return to Friday night racing would actually appeal to me as Sundays have long since been off the radar. However I am slightly baffled as to where the supposed groundswell of support for this has come from. The only conclusion I can reach is that the majority of Ashfield attendees have been watching the Tigers for more than a quarter of a century and fondly recall when Friday night racing was de rigueur. I sincerely hope that the promotion have indeed done their research as implied in the end-of-season letter, otherwise they are, in my opinion, taking one hell of a gamble in abandoning a raceday/night that has served Glasgow, if not me personally, well for nigh on 25 years.

My thoughts exactly. Friday's are are one hell of a gamble if not researched fully.

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Just want to hear your team and managements opinion on the meeting from their perspective. Or is that not allowed?



Oh the irony from the holier than thou Tigers spokesman - more like still greetin' to yourself :rofl:

Difference is I am never wrong you only think you are never wrong ;) .

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I'm assuming the market research has been done and speedway is seen as a weekend, family activity - so they are going for a few different audiences. Hardcore fans, young people as part of a Friday night out, older fans etc. There is something for everyone at Ashfield. So it should be weekend and it needs to accomodate the Polish league. That leaves Friday.

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I'm assuming the market research has been done and speedway is seen as a weekend, family activity - so they are going for a few different audiences. Hardcore fans, young people as part of a Friday night out, older fans etc. There is something for everyone at Ashfield. So it should be weekend and it needs to accomodate the Polish league. That leaves Friday.


This "older fan" would far prefer sitting on a warm, sunny, clear Sunday afternoon than a freezing cold, gloomy, ill-lit Friday night, even if a few riders with other commitments cannot be signed. Before you presume to speak on our behalves, wait until you're old to find out how much you feel the cold and how your joints stiffen up as a result, and how your eyesight deteriorates. That's partly why we get free eyetests, winter heating allowances, and bus passes.


And why cannot we just make riding for the Tigers on a Sunday a more attractive prospect than Poland, etc ??

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Tapeworm, I'm not presuming to speak for older fans or anyone ( and certainly not deriding them - I go with a lot of older folks). Personally I prefer the Sunday as well!!! Although Obviously the majority of weeks are summer so it shouldn't be freezing.


The point is this seems to be the promotions thinking.

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If they did in fact research supporters' views, I wonder how rigourously they went about it? Surely they are not being reliant on a hand out questionnaire or an on-line survey. How easy it would have been to organise a vote during admission to any meeting this year. (Obviously not at a meeting against Edinburgh)

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If they did in fact research supporters' views, I wonder how rigourously they went about it? Surely they are not being reliant on a hand out questionnaire or an on-line survey. How easy it would have been to organise a vote during admission to any meeting this year. (Obviously not at a meeting against Edinburgh)

The only questionnaire that I recall was at last season's End of Season dance, no results have ever been released. :neutral:

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"The only rubbish appears to be in your head as it's obviously cluttering your brain"


"why - explain but briefly please instead of the usual lengthy waffle"


"I apologise in advance for adopting the less than polite terms used by yourself (rubbish, garbage)"



There is a world of difference between making a point that a theory is 'rubbish' - and conversely stating personal insults that are clearly intended to be derisory.


The detailed points made in my post #479 remain unanswered. Should you answer them or address me then please refer to the points only. Thank you.

Edited by justere2cgoodspeedway
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I would think so - the promotion are not going to keep everyone happy because they are ruthlessly ambitious and professional, but I'd rather that than the back of a fag packet, second string to the dogs stuff we might otherwise expect. Edinburgh have proved without a shadow of a doubt that they are the best team in the Premier and I'm sure they want to put an end to that.

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The only rubbish appears to be in your head as it's obviously cluttering your brain from comprehending that you are contradicting yourself.



You refer to "The historical agreement and close nearby thing is a load of rubbish" (why - explain but briefly please instead of the usual lengthy waffle) and then you try to justify your pov by referring to situation "through the 70's, 80's and 90's" (earlier history btw :wink:).







Pot calling the kettle black with that one i had to read it again to make sure you actually wrote that after some off your rambling's.


I have actually enjoyed the view's off this poster he has made several good post's as an outsider looking in and from there perspective, & yet unsurprisingly you come on and try and confuse the issue with incoherent point's which is only relevant in your small minded posting's


I respect that you are making the point based on sticking up for your club and the team you support , But to tell any poster what length there post's must be is absurd and a personal attack on the poster.


It appears this poster has sussed you out if you don't like the length off there post's simple answer don't read them.

Edited by Gazc
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