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Glasgow V Edinburgh The Final 16th/17th October @7.30pm/7.00pm

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The letter handed out isnt particularly controversial. Its Edinburghs right to object to Glasgows request which they have exercised. Its a no brainer for Glasgow wanting to move to a Friday as it doesnt compete with other sports like football as it does on a Sunday and there are no foreign speedway leagues running that night either. Glasgows owners clearly feel frustrated by it all and wont attend Armadale any more. Thats no great issue.


However we need to dispel the myth Scottish speedway. There is no such thing, there is Glasgow speedway and there is Edinburgh speedway. For the 3 seasons prior to this one Glasgow could have gone to the wall and no one in the east would have batted an eyelid.


The other myth is that there is cross over of fans attending each others tracks. Absolute nonsense! Outwith when the teams meet this just doesnt happen. For years there has been a mutual boycott among many of attending each others track which has only changed this year with the relaunch of Glasgow. Im not sure it is capable of lasting in the long term and no doubt this statement will deter a few more.

Edited by MD
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Lengthy meeting tonight. Looked for a while as if we would have 30 starts in the one meeting! Hope Rob and Spud are okay.


Not much comment on who Monarchs can get at reserve. Hope Max and Sam come to the party.


RE the intro. First time I have ever seem just the one team stopped and presented at starting line.

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Speedway fans of all clubs are in the main a great bunch, though in my travels in the 60's the only aggressive fans i ever met, apart from one lady at Newport were Glaswegians. I'm sure though that today's Tigers fans are a lovely group :lol: .

That must have been the one that attacked me at Somerton Park with an umbrella, there was a drought and they couldn't water the track it was a dustbowl. :o

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Will Embra have two ambulances tonight?

Where does it say that? That's you're interpretation.

For what valid reason would Embra not want Glasgow to run on Friday's?


For the last three meetings, in addition to the normal ambulance, there has also been a Range Rover Ambulance parked beside the pits area, so possibly this will be the case today.

At the start of the season, and I'll stand corrected on this, but were the Embra promotion not saying if 2015 was another loss making season they would close?


As they have indicated they will object to Glasgow Friday nights, I assume they're running 2016.

If so, I assume they have broken even in 2015 from all income streams.

Or were the Embra fans being misled in the first place?


I would assume that since new income streams/initiatives have arisen, such as via the Monarchs Fans Trust, perhaps the financial situation has improved.


IMO Edinburgh is less reliant on autocratic owners than those of Glasgow, whose after meeting speech was classless and petulant.


If this is how the custodians of Ashfield are going to conduct their business in future, perhaps they will become known as "Jack & Victor Soprano" :P

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I would assume that since new income streams/initiatives have arisen, such as via the Monarchs Fans Trust, perhaps the financial situation has improved.




And you're rationale for assuming is based on what exactly?

And why assume anything at all?

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At the start of the season, and I'll stand corrected on this, but were the Embra promotion not saying if 2015 was another loss making season they would close?


As they have indicated they will object to Glasgow Friday nights, I assume they're running 2016.

If so, I assume they have broken even in 2015 from all income streams.

Or were the Embra fans being misled in the first place?




And you're rationale for assuming is based on what exactly?

And why assume anything at all?


Safe to assume intellectual interpretation is not your forte then if you cannot comprehend my response ;)

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i hope Glasgow lose heavily - so many Glasgow trolls on here!.

Its a shame cos I like what the Facenna brothers are doing at the Peugeot Ashfield Statdium...

Its just the Glasgow fans I cannot stand! :mad:

noodles fault not yours. We like you.

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IMO Edinburgh is less reliant on autocratic owners than those of Glasgow, whose after meeting speech was classless and petulant.

Which part? Thanks were given all round and they made it clear they wont be bullied by anyone. It was very clear who that was referring to. Im not sure that alone would drive your comments.

Edited by MD
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For the last three meetings, in addition to the normal ambulance, there has also been a Range Rover Ambulance parked beside the pits area, so possibly this will be the case today.


I would assume that since new income streams/initiatives have arisen, such as via the Monarchs Fans Trust, perhaps the financial situation has improved.


IMO Edinburgh is less reliant on autocratic owners than those of Glasgow, whose after meeting speech was classless and petulant.


If this is how the custodians of Ashfield are going to conduct their business in future, perhaps they will become known as "Jack & Victor Soprano" :P

In your opinion off course my interpretation is that they will do whatever it takes to make Glasgow the biggest and best club they can and to maximise there resources they have.


I thought it was a very positive end off season speech.


I await the Chuckle brothers response tonight this is when we really hear classless and manipulation especially to there own clubs fan's.

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Speedway shooting itself in both feet again - this time in front of a bumper crowd.

No excuse for not having extra medical cover at such a meeting.

While riders safety should always come first ,this issue regarding Ambulance and Doctor attendance and transfer of patient and his injury notes to the 2nd Ambulance when the situation arises is major concern in the sport.these type of delays are not acceptable and killing the meeting stone dead with all the hanging about.While a number of tracks struggle to find a 2nd doctor others say they can't afford it and some are lucky that have fans as Docters that can be called on if required (without expense I assume).it is a thorny subject and I am not having ago at any particular Promotion but the situation has to be addressed properly.New fans are not going to stand twiddling there thumbs is this situation wondering what's going on ,they won't be back the next week!!! Speedy recovery to injured riders and hope for a cracking trouble free 2nd leg tonight.Monarchs start favourites but it's on a knife edge IMO .Probably depends who guests for Summers and Branford or bike failures. Edited by Fromafar
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Well done Glasgow for scraping out a decent lead for the circumstances.

Mustve felt like a war of attrition at times last night!

Think Edinburgh will have enough to pull it back but you never know what might happen if theres a bit of pressure particularly early on.


Re the Friday night spat - If the Monarchs need a handful of fans from Glasgow to be viable at a time when they are pretty much dominant then Id say they are doomed.

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While this meeting is great for Scottish speedway its also bad for it with all this petty bickering.


Why does speedway constantly shoot its self in the foot. Ok the meeting dragged on a bit, cant really blame Glasgow for the crashes/injuries or even the false starts. Yes I think their presentation/timings could be better but over time im sure it will improve. What I can blame Glasgow on is the timing of 'that letter'. Fair enough Glasgow promoters are annoyed at Edinburgh promotion but talk about bad timing now people are talking about race nights rather than the biggest meetings of each clubs history. IMO Edin shouldn't have a veto on deciding if they can race Fri night it should be discussed at AGM and all teams have a vote (ideally an independent body but will avoid that discussion for now).


Now in light of all this all these vile supporters (mainly those allowed on social media) appear and say they hope each others clubs fold. Thats not a speedway fan in my eyes.


I should take my dads approach to speedway. He doesn't do Facebook or the BSF or any social media. He turns up watches the speedway without any hostility or politics and seems to enjoy himself.


Rant over

Mon the Monarchs :D

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Question is DO any Edinburgh fans support Glasgow and vice versa? Will Fridays for Glasgow really affect the Edinburgh fan base?


Surely it's like asking whether any Lynn fans support Ipswich every week? Bloody no lol

wasat glas/ ashfield on fri nite . what a beautiful place the manergment has turned this round .was like walking into 5 star hotel foyer was just out of this world . very big disapointment though the person with the mike could not make out 1 word he said all thro meeting at 4th bend everybody asking each other what is he saying glas/tiger get mike prob sorrertedfor 2016 everything else was top class thank for a great nite

While riders safety should always come first ,this issue regarding Ambulance and Doctor attendance and transfer of patient and his injury notes to the 2nd Ambulance when the situation arises is major concern in the sport.these type of delays are not acceptable and killing the meeting stone dead with all the hanging about.While a number of tracks struggle to find a 2nd doctor others say they can't afford it and some are lucky that have fans as Docters that can be called on if required (without expense I assume).it is a thorny subject and I am not having ago at any particular Promotion but the situation has to be addressed properly.New fans are not going to stand twiddling there thumbs is this situation wondering what's going on ,they won't be back the next week!!! Speedy recovery to injured riders and hope for a cracking trouble free 2nd leg tonight.Monarchs start favourites but it's on a knife edge IMO .Probably depends who guests for Summers and Branford or bike failures.

well said that man everything you said was/is correct

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The letter highlighted the season ticket deal , the crossover one , which Edinburgh brought to a premature end saying only two Glasgow fans made use of it . Then they object to us running on a Friday night because it could affect their attendances . Doesn't really add up . Anyway onto last night , ref seemed to be on a mission to burn as many clutches out as he could last night with the length of time he was holding riders at the tapes , no wonder one or two riders ending up going through them . The endless witch hunt of young James and his starting prowess shows no sign of abating either . Monarchs fans round us screaming in protest every time the tapes went up when James was in a race . Sweet moment when he made a perfect start against the blessed Cookie in heat 11 , the blue and yellow mob had just finished their howls of protest when the blessed one came down trying all he could to get past James .

Hope both injured riders , who's meeting came to a premature end , are not too badly hurt and that tonight's meeting is a powderkeg classic . We need every one of our fantastic Tigers side to be at the top of their game tonight and hopefully Smiley Sam is still riding the lawn mower he used last night and his good bikes are en route to Oz , that helps .

Was a long drawn out affair last night , mainly due to the ref causing all the reruns , but there is now draught beer in the bar which made all the delays bearable haha :drink: C'mon the Stripes tonight , let's make tonight a smug free celebration

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The letter highlighted the season ticket deal , the crossover one , which Edinburgh brought to a premature end saying only two Glasgow fans made use of it . Then they object to us running on a Friday night because it could affect their attendances . Doesn't really add up . Anyway onto last night , ref seemed to be on a mission to burn as many clutches out as he could last night with the length of time he was holding riders at the tapes , no wonder one or two riders ending up going through them . The endless witch hunt of young James and his starting prowess shows no sign of abating either . Monarchs fans round us screaming in protest every time the tapes went up when James was in a race . Sweet moment when he made a perfect start against the blessed Cookie in heat 11 , the blue and yellow mob had just finished their howls of protest when the blessed one came down trying all he could to get past James .

Hope both injured riders , who's meeting came to a premature end , are not too badly hurt and that tonight's meeting is a powderkeg classic . We need every one of our fantastic Tigers side to be at the top of their game tonight and hopefully Smiley Sam is still riding the lawn mower he used last night and his good bikes are en route to Oz , that helps .

Was a long drawn out affair last night , mainly due to the ref causing all the reruns , but there is now draught beer in the bar which made all the delays bearable haha :drink: C'mon the Stripes tonight , let's make tonight a smug free celebration

Can the BSPA bring a ban against Sarggent for bringing the sport into disrepute.

More importantly where do I get a bet on that he will break the tapes or get a warning tonight.



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Question is DO any Edinburgh fans support Glasgow and vice versa? Will Fridays for Glasgow really affect the Edinburgh fan base?


Surely it's like asking whether any Lynn fans support Ipswich every week? Bloody no lol

The answer is no but thats just the smokescreen, its more likely that Glasgow and Edinburgh will be competing for an ever decreasing number of riders for Friday nights and with the way things are going Glasgow may have more financial clout moving forward.


Going back to a previous point the club owners have said the club must cover revenue expenditure from gate receipts whilst they are happy for the moment to spend on capital items in and around the stadium.


It feels like the tide is turning and we are going to have our time once again and step out from the shadows of Edinburgh, a bit like the beginning of the Shawfield era. The bitterness then from our rivals was significant with accusations of oversized engines and all sorts. Those people are still involved with them today and dont expect them to take it lying down.

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