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Glasgow V Edinburgh The Final 16th/17th October @7.30pm/7.00pm

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With the situation at Ashfield these days,I've no doubt there will be a lot of riders forwarding their CV's to the club for next season.

I've heard from reliable sources on numerous occasions that is exactly the case. First heard this in May, and several times since.
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I've heard from reliable sources on numerous occasions that is exactly the case. First heard this in May, and several times since.

Stewart told me the very same today and he has been quite supprized with some of the names of the top riders that are asking him We even have a open practice this Sunday with 12 NL riders coming for it they think they must be in with a chance of our number 7 position or sussing the track out

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Good to see we're all still chums despite the Armadle Massacre at the weekend.... ;) My thoughts of the weekend from the Chatzone are...


OK here goes, this could be longer than a KJ classic!!!

They say you are never too old to learn and now I agree. Last year as we hammered Somerset by 1 point to win the PL, I was in France, but with internet so never missed a heat thanks to the best updates in speedway. My lesson learnt is no holidays in October next year!

So this year, after a weekend of humping the Tigers, I was off to Poland for the GP and missed Panthers away - thanks to Pammie for the updates ;) - In my defence, there may have been a few choruses of 2-4-6-8.... Monarchs on the terraces of Pila on the Sunday, someone may even have started a chant of "There's only one Grand Monarch"in recognition of our favourite local ref who was seated two rows behind.


So home from Poland then off to France for three weeks, well I never go on holiday ever! Caught the Chatzone updates as we breezed past the Panthers . Then off to Corsica with our friends that stay in France full time. Note to self - arrange an apartment/hotel with wifi next time. Last Friday night, Pammie kept me up to date as Tigers cheated their way to a 7 point win ;) was I worried? Never, our team is by far the best team ever since last season!!


So Saturday night, at our friends apartment for dinner, they had wifi - I'm no daft! Until Mrs H says about heat 9, we're going back to our flat????? One divorce later, I decide to go mad and follow the updates using mobile data, I'm sure that an appeal on facebook will cover my mobile bill this month! When heat 13 came up to confirm what we all knew, I may have had a small shandy, I certainly raised a glass to absent friends - Uncle B and my dear Dad would have loved it.

Got back to our French house last night and was nearly in tears reading all the posts and watching all the videos of Sat night, Fantastic!! Memo to Cookie and 007 though - stick to riding bikes fast and forget the percussion!!.


So 2015 Monarchs? After our best year ever, I felt we were going to make top 6, be close in the Cups, but probably no Cups (reminds me of a song - No Cups in Glasgow!!) The cost of retaining Cookie was Rob and Max at reserve - that's fine, I'd go with Cookie and 6 x 3 pointers just to watch him every week.

The unbelievable happened early doors, we lost to the Ashfield millionaires!! Then lost again to them in the Pl and to Panthers too! Outwith that, without being as invincible as last year, we won most of our meetings home and away and finished top of the league, Pl Fours winners, League Cup Winners oh and of course Spring Trophy winners! To win the Pl play-offs was only right for the best team in the PL by a short mile.


So to the riders - Cookie - murder!! fell twice in the play-off finals and only broke a few track records!! Robbed of being British Champion, fantastic at Cardiff, and showed the world, or the 6 people who can afford Sky Sports how good he can be in the EL. If this was a last season at Monarchs, he has signed off as well as Robbo at Hearts in 1998!

Justin, superb season, the odd meeting when he started badly, he usually won his last two. 007 - the spy who came in from the cold! To be fair, Kevin I believe had no bikes or back up for UK speedway last year, no conspircay, but we enjoyed believing there was one, superb return from Der Kaiser!!.

Erik came with a great long track CV. Took a while to get going but his class was always evident. Many important race wins especially that great night at Somerset - must be #1 to sign for next year. Sam started off well, injury held him back but his work behing the scenes when injured showed how much he loves the Monarchs. Absolutely delighted he will be riding in the GP at the weekend, is there a nicer guy in speedway? (apart from KL of course? )


The reserves - Max improved slowly all season, we didn't have a joker at reserve like some teams, signing Cookie again meant 2 x 3 pointers. Max stared beating not just reserves or 2nd strings, but then heat leaders... Berwick at home his best night? He'll do even better next year, matured so much this year on and off track, great guy. For Rob, basically the same - injuries stopped him progressing even further, his comments last weekend about letting the team down are nonsense - a very important team member that chipped in home and away.


So that's it for 2015, no pressure on the promtion for 2016, but we lost the KO Cup this year, room for improvement lol.

Finally, Thanks to all the updaters who have kept me in touch this season on my odd holiday, and thanks to KJ for his previews these last few weeks. If Heaven has wifi, I hope Brian Gray enjoys reading this drivel!!

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Good to see we're all still chums despite the Armadle Massacre at the weekend.... ;) My thoughts of the weekend from the Chatzone are...


OK here goes, this could be longer than a KJ classic!!!

They say you are never too old to learn and now I agree. Last year as we hammered Somerset by 1 point to win the PL, I was in France, but with internet so never missed a heat thanks to the best updates in speedway. My lesson learnt is no holidays in October next year!

So this year, after a weekend of humping the Tigers, I was off to Poland for the GP and missed Panthers away - thanks to Pammie for the updates ;) - In my defence, there may have been a few choruses of 2-4-6-8.... Monarchs on the terraces of Pila on the Sunday, someone may even have started a chant of "There's only one Grand Monarch"in recognition of our favourite local ref who was seated two rows behind.


So home from Poland then off to France for three weeks, well I never go on holiday ever! Caught the Chatzone updates as we breezed past the Panthers . Then off to Corsica with our friends that stay in France full time. Note to self - arrange an apartment/hotel with wifi next time. Last Friday night, Pammie kept me up to date as Tigers cheated their way to a 7 point win ;) was I worried? Never, our team is by far the best team ever since last season!!


So Saturday night, at our friends apartment for dinner, they had wifi - I'm no daft! Until Mrs H says about heat 9, we're going back to our flat????? One divorce later, I decide to go mad and follow the updates using mobile data, I'm sure that an appeal on facebook will cover my mobile bill this month! When heat 13 came up to confirm what we all knew, I may have had a small shandy, I certainly raised a glass to absent friends - Uncle B and my dear Dad would have loved it.

Got back to our French house last night and was nearly in tears reading all the posts and watching all the videos of Sat night, Fantastic!! Memo to Cookie and 007 though - stick to riding bikes fast and forget the percussion!!.


So 2015 Monarchs? After our best year ever, I felt we were going to make top 6, be close in the Cups, but probably no Cups (reminds me of a song - No Cups in Glasgow!!) The cost of retaining Cookie was Rob and Max at reserve - that's fine, I'd go with Cookie and 6 x 3 pointers just to watch him every week.

The unbelievable happened early doors, we lost to the Ashfield millionaires!! Then lost again to them in the Pl and to Panthers too! Outwith that, without being as invincible as last year, we won most of our meetings home and away and finished top of the league, Pl Fours winners, League Cup Winners oh and of course Spring Trophy winners! To win the Pl play-offs was only right for the best team in the PL by a short mile.


So to the riders - Cookie - murder!! fell twice in the play-off finals and only broke a few track records!! Robbed of being British Champion, fantastic at Cardiff, and showed the world, or the 6 people who can afford Sky Sports how good he can be in the EL. If this was a last season at Monarchs, he has signed off as well as Robbo at Hearts in 1998!

Justin, superb season, the odd meeting when he started badly, he usually won his last two. 007 - the spy who came in from the cold! To be fair, Kevin I believe had no bikes or back up for UK speedway last year, no conspircay, but we enjoyed believing there was one, superb return from Der Kaiser!!.

Erik came with a great long track CV. Took a while to get going but his class was always evident. Many important race wins especially that great night at Somerset - must be #1 to sign for next year. Sam started off well, injury held him back but his work behing the scenes when injured showed how much he loves the Monarchs. Absolutely delighted he will be riding in the GP at the weekend, is there a nicer guy in speedway? (apart from KL of course? )


The reserves - Max improved slowly all season, we didn't have a joker at reserve like some teams, signing Cookie again meant 2 x 3 pointers. Max stared beating not just reserves or 2nd strings, but then heat leaders... Berwick at home his best night? He'll do even better next year, matured so much this year on and off track, great guy. For Rob, basically the same - injuries stopped him progressing even further, his comments last weekend about letting the team down are nonsense - a very important team member that chipped in home and away.


So that's it for 2015, no pressure on the promtion for 2016, but we lost the KO Cup this year, room for improvement lol.

Finally, Thanks to all the updaters who have kept me in touch this season on my odd holiday, and thanks to KJ for his previews these last few weeks. If Heaven has wifi, I hope Brian Gray enjoys reading this drivel!!

FFS DavyH with a post that length Lord Cyclone our newly self appointed administrator will be jumping on your heid.

On second thoughts, as youse two are brethren, I can hardly expect him to be consistent.

Hey, don't worry about holidays in October 2016, book those cheap flights now, as you'll not be in any finals next year!

Now, after your sensible and humorous interlude can the rest of us get back to petty and ill informed hatred and point scoring? :)

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George - the plural of you is you, not youse - ewes are more than one female sheep!! Please try to keep up to the standard the forum ;) Seriously though, I felt quite emotional writing that post, despite all the kindergarten like spats on here, we all love our speedway and I wanted to express my thought about the weekend. My divorce has worked out wel - Mrs H has both houses - I have the garage in France, the shed in Scotland, my Yamaha XS650 and the beer fridge, Can life get better? ;)

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George - the plural of you is you, not youse - ewes are more than one female sheep!! Please try to keep up to the standard the forum ;) Seriously though, I felt quite emotional writing that post, despite all the kindergarten like spats on here, we all love our speedway and I wanted to express my thought about the weekend. My divorce has worked out wel - Mrs H has both houses - I have the garage in France, the shed in Scotland, my Yamaha XS650 and the beer fridge, Can life get better? ;)

Please don't give Lord Fiveone any ideas, I'm in enough doo doo as it is. ;)

Only way life could get better is if Michelle Pfeiffer moved in, revealed (steady!) a love of speedway and had no prior knowledge of the dark side to Edinburgh Monarchs. Oh and also liked dirty things .... No not that, I meant Armadale staduim.

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Just an aside talking about the EL on SKY - I've got NOWTV and you can get SKY Sports full shebang for 7 quid a night or 10 for the week. So likes of Poole Bel Vue I got for ten pounds and watched it so often I got Nigel's ESP and knew the results as soon as the tapes went up. HOPEFULLY they'll cover more premier next year.


Worth it if you are into Speedway as you don't need all the sky package. This has nothing to do with the thread.

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Pot calling the kettle black with that one i had to read it again to make sure you actually wrote that after some off your rambling's.


I have actually enjoyed the view's off this poster he has made several good post's as an outsider looking in and from there perspective, & yet unsurprisingly you come on and try and confuse the issue with incoherent point's which is only relevant in your small minded posting's


I respect that you are making the point based on sticking up for your club and the team you support , But to tell any poster what length there post's must be is absurd and a personal attack on the poster.


It appears this poster has sussed you out if you don't like the length off there post's simple answer don't read them.


Stop kidding yourself, justere2cgoodspeedway is a Tig, trying to pass himself off as a neutral, - check his early posts from when he joined the Forum :wink:

Edited by cyclone
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No surprise really people wanting to sign for Glasgow. Where ever the money the riders will follow.

Unless your us of course and you actually want to win a trophy for a change.

No surprise really people wanting to sign for Glasgow. Where ever the money the riders will follow.

Unless your us of course and you actually want to win a trophy for a change.

All history now.
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