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Mike Lee in Speedway Star


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Ha, we're discussing Mike Lee back in the days when he was young taking drugs and you start on the youth of today. We're no worse now than people were back then.


Owwwwwww touchy, I say this with my kids in mind, they tell my of kids who they know who are apparently taking some sort of drugs, and just accept it. The mother and father of my daughter even brought drugs back from Amsterdam just because they are legal over, they are smokers too so perhaps they think the drugs are no different to cigarettes.


Anyway like you say this is a thread about Mike the Bike :D so I don't want to turn it into a thread re the rights and wrongs of drug taking and smoking!


Kids of today ........... :mad::blink::D

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he was so good, and focused even at 16 it was scary. his father groomed him to be champion. he had the very best of equiptment and, thanks to his father, became a very accomplished tuner as well. he succumbed to outside influences and rebelled. the rest is history, but unlike the majority of riders, starting from the beginning days of the sport up to the present, he did become world champ, and deservedly so. ;)

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I always got the impression that Mike was bored with the sport,the problem was he did not have anything to go to when he finished with it.

i think that is always a danger for someone who starts at a really early age. also, i think things came a bit easy for him, at least more so than most riders. he was fun to watch, you could pick him out a mile away with his unusual style. none quicker when he was on form. in the end, if a rider who you paid to watch, left some good memories, well, they did their job. it is just a shame that his personal troubles sometimes over shadowed his accomplishments.

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It's a definite worth thinking about. ;)


Actually I am going to speak to the sports editor at Tempus just after Easter to discuss a future programme of books, so any suggestions would be wecome...

Speedway In Australia :D


Hasn't that just been done?

Yep! (:o)


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  • 3 months later...

One of my favourite memories of Michael was turning up for a Rye House press day and finding him sitting in the ref's seat operating the starting gate for the sessions. As always I found him quiret and friendly although obviously a lost soul.


I cannot condone drug use and certainly not dealing but the guy paid a heavy price for his mistakes. Nor can I condone failing to meet his commitments to supporters but I could sympathise with Michael's frustrations with the sport and watched with profound sadness as his voice became one in the wilderness, as his protests and frustration took him down the wrong road.


In the end he made an enemy of the speedway authorities. One day he let them have their opportunity to exact their revenge with catastrophic results for the rider and arguably the sport.


You cannot help but feel that with the right guidance and support he could have let that talent flourish instead of being stifled.


Sometimes it is safer for a rider not to have an opinion or rebel. Sadly some cannot do it effectively and constructively.


Did Michael let the sport down or was it the sport that let him down? I suspect that both sides had serious faults in this case.

Edited by rmc
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One of my favourite memories of Michael was turning up for a Rye House press day and finding him sitting in the ref's seat operating the starting gate for the sessions. As always I found him quiret and friendly although obviously a lost soul.

A well balanced post rmc and one which I largely agree with. I was amused to read this little gem too. Mike Lee in the ref's seat? Wow, that is an image and a half. :shock:

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One of my favourite memories of Michael was turning up for a Rye House press day and finding him sitting in the ref's seat operating the starting gate for the sessions. As always I found him quiret and friendly although obviously a lost soul.


I cannot condone drug use and certainly not dealing but the guy paid a heavy price for his mistakes. Nor can I condone failing to meet his commitments to supporters but I could sympathise with Michael's frustrations with the sport and watched with profound sadness as his voice became one in the wilderness, as his protests and frustration took him down the wrong road.


In the end he made an enemy of the speedway authorities. One day he let them have their opportunity to exact their revenge with catastrophic results for the rider and arguably the sport.


You cannot help but feel that with the right guidance and support he could have let that talent flourish instead of being stifled.


Sometimes it is safer for a rider not to have an opinion or rebel. Sadly some cannot do it effectively and constructively.


Did Michael let the sport down or was it the sport that let him down? I suspect that both sides had serious faults in this case.

the only problem to this well thought out and knowledgeable post, is that mike had the best guidance, equiptment and support, through his father..who really does deserve a lot of credit for mikes quick rise to the top...of course andy lee was a champion in his own right too. ;)

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Mike Is At Kingslynn Alotte And Helps Allot Of Are Riders

I halve a spelling checker,

It came with my pea see.

It plainly marks four my revue

Mistakes I dew knot sea.


Eye strike a key and type a ward

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait aweigh.


As soon as a mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the era rite

Its rarely ever wrong.


I've scent this massage threw it,

And I'm shore your pleased too no

Its letter prefect in every weigh;

My checker tolled me sew.



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I nominate GRs little ditty for post of the month..

And I'll second that. Brilliant! :D

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Mike Is At Kingslynn Alotte And Helps Allot Of Are  Riders

Oh dear...I see it's spread to here now :blink:


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no he doesn't help Adam Allott... :wink:

if he did Adam might be able to score a point when he doesn't make the gate....

Thats been Adam's problem all along, World beater in one race and losing to a total novice the next, very frustrating but his Dad was exactly the same.

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