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Poole 2016

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  On 12/13/2015 at 11:18 AM, BANANAMAN said:

Why do you always react ? They wind you up everyday like a clockwork toy & you fall for it again , again & again ! Ignore the comments you don't like , rise above it , don't read it ..You will feel a lot better for it .

we dont wind him up..........we are sick of his daft comments and the failure to act like a man and admit when he is wrong. He name calls everyone and then when gets some back runs off crying to the mods. Nobody trys to wind him up he winds everybody else up

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  On 12/13/2015 at 11:18 AM, BANANAMAN said:

Why do you always react ? They wind you up everyday like a clockwork toy & you fall for it again , again & again ! Ignore the comments you don't like , rise above it , don't read it ..You will feel a lot better for it .


He can't rise above it as he's completely oblivious to things, that's why he posts the same drivel day after day...mud sticks (as has already been proven a few times on here from other team supporters) and us sane Poole supporters wish he'd wind his neck in or keep quiet from time to time. But he just abuses me when I ask him too. He's seems to be on a one man crusade to crucify Poole Speedway when he honestly thinks he does the opposite, and the only person who cannot see that is Starman himself.


AS for the Dak situation, on this occasion I personally don't feel that MF deliberately 'lied'. As other have said, maybe the Swindon offer came along after MF had, had his conversation with Dak where he said at the time his current intention was to assist his father and give the UK a miss in 2016. Not really a complex scenario which may have taken place now is it? Good luck to him I say :t:

  On 12/13/2015 at 1:40 AM, Starman2006 said:


Really, im still here, but i find it a pointless exercise talking to people like you and umpteen others on here who clearly have issues...



So who else on here has problems with 'umpteen others'? Clue: Nobody. I suggest you take a look in the mirror to see the one that has the issues. The 'umpteen others' can't all be wrong...but I'm sure you'll tell me they are anyways!!!

Edited by chris4gillian
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  On 12/13/2015 at 1:40 AM, Starman2006 said:

Really, im still here, but i find it a pointless exercise talking to people like you and umpteen others on here who clearly have issues...



The only issues that me and the people like me is whe n you and Red Panda make bald statements that fly in the face of common sense then can't back them up when challenged, even to the exrtent of implying Chris Holder is a liar when he talks about who he will or will not ride for.

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  On 12/13/2015 at 2:22 PM, Paulsmith said:

El Aldio take your bad attitude elsewhere it is not required on this forum . Unlike u Red Panza and Statman are well respected on this forum .my ma always told me manners cost nothing.

My match reports for Neasden F.C. in the Harlesden Recorder are always well received.


Nothing wrong with Bad Manners when Buster Bloodvessel was with them.


And it's E. I. Addio you.

Edited by E I Addio
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  On 12/13/2015 at 2:22 PM, Paulsmith said:

El Aldio take your bad attitude elsewhere it is not required on this forum . Unlike u Red Panza and Statman are well respected on this forum .my ma always told me manners cost nothing.

El Aldio? Wasn't he in one of the spaghetti westerns? :P

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  On 12/13/2015 at 11:18 AM, BANANAMAN said:

Why do you always react ? They wind you up everyday like a clockwork toy & you fall for it again , again & again ! Ignore the comments you don't like , rise above it , don't read it ..You will feel a lot better for it .

Oh i do trust me. I wouldn't dream of lowering myself to there level... They clearly have issues in one way or another..

  On 12/13/2015 at 2:22 PM, Gavan said:

go away freak

:rofl::rofl: pot kettle black..

  On 12/13/2015 at 10:29 AM, Gavan said:

oh my god i forgot the forum rules that i must only post on my own teams thread!


do your research pal as ive been on Somerset, Glasgow, Lakeside , Edinburgh and Newcastle threads in the last few days.


ive only actually made one comment on a Poole thread and lo and behold in comes the village idiot to make a remark.


If you also read the comment i didnt have a go at Poole. But the fact of the matter is that 99% of the bad stuff on this forum about Poole is down to you and the comments you make but you cant see that. Your own fans are telling you to put a sock in it yet you just spout crap after crap.


I dont have an issue with any Poole fans on here (so come on Red Panda wake up) but you are a law unto yourself and give your club, on this forum, a bad name

Yeh just when it suits you to make it look good. The 99% of the rest of the time you are trolling the Poole thread. Very sad. Try using your own clubs thread occasionally.

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:14 PM, Starman2006 said:

Oh i do trust me. I wouldn't dream of lowering myself to there level... They clearly have issues in one way or another..

:rofl::rofl: pot kettle black..

Yeh just when it suits you to make it look good. The 99% of the rest of the time you are trolling the Poole thread. Very sad. Try using your own clubs thread occasionally.

yep your spot on. i spend all my time trolling the Poole thread. then i think 'damn it i need to make myself look good for Starmans benefit' so i go and make a few comments on other threads just so i dont seem foolish.


You are quite a pathetic sad little man

Take a good look at the bigger picture, forget the fact i know your a clown , and look at what EVRYONE else is writing about you. Your own fans are telling you that you are an embarrassment so take the hint and realise how stupid you make yourself look

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:27 PM, Paulsmith said:

Goods points STatman this gavan fellow is not only useing two names hes spends his time on Poole topics rather than his own teams . A complete fool of the highest order .

Thanks mate. And its Starman.. :t:

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:21 PM, Sherborne Green said:



Stop everyone winding each other up and insulting each other. People support different teams and have differing views but there is no need for insults.


This is a thread for discussing POOLE SPEEDWAY. The word is speedway.


Merry Chistmas everyone.

wont happen


you have a fan that unfortunatly drags your teams name in to murky depths on here which causes some people to think he represents Poole Speedway.


I know he doesnt and 99% of Poole fans on here a decent folk.


We had a fan on the Ipswich thread (Aljack) who was similar. In the end the real supporters told him to shut up and eventually he did. We can only dream

  On 12/13/2015 at 3:27 PM, Paulsmith said:

Goods points STatman this gavan fellow is not only useing two names hes spends his time on Poole topics rather than his own teams . A complete fool of the highest order .

Do yourself a favour buddy and leave the forum. Im more than happy to report someone who has multiple aliases like yourself


i have only one account and always have so i suggest quite strongly that you back off.


only a freak would do what you do buddy


  On 12/13/2015 at 3:30 PM, Starman2006 said:

Thanks mate. And its Starman.. :t:

lol and spot the sucker who thinks the poster is real

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:33 PM, Gavan said:

wont happen


you have a fan that unfortunatly drags your teams name in to murky depths on here which causes some people to think he represents Poole Speedway.


I know he doesnt and 99% of Poole fans on here a decent folk.


We had a fan on the Ipswich thread (Aljack) who was similar. In the end the real supporters told him to shut up and eventually he did. We can only dream

Do yourself a favour buddy and leave the forum. Im more than happy to report someone who has multiple aliases like yourself


i have only one account and always have so i suggest quite strongly that you back off.


only a freak would do what you do buddy


lol and spot the sucker who thinks the poster is real

See what i mean. You cannot get enough if it. I rest my case..

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:21 PM, Sherborne Green said:



Stop everyone winding each other up and insulting each other. People support different teams and have differing views but there is no need for insults.


This is a thread for discussing POOLE SPEEDWAY. The word is speedway.


Merry Chistmas everyone.



Well said Sherborne Green!! If only.......... :t:

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:37 PM, Gavan said:

its ok ive reported the poster


cant believe you think he is real.............oh wait yes i can.


Just ignore the twit Gavan, why entertain 'it'?


And as for Starman, we both sing off the same hymn sheet but I've decided to take a step back and just laugh at him as it's pointless doing anything else. Just let him carry on with his tiresome school boy attitude, manner and abuse. Folk like that are a waste of time and beyond help. He doesn't listen to his own fellow fans so he's not going to take notice of anyone else. You're wasting your time fella.

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