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Sheffield 2016

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Great team building from Sheffield, and well done to the promotion. Thinking back to the Neil Machin years, much as the reason there is a Tigers team at all is down to him, I can't remember many years where the team building was carried out with this professionalism. All completed before Christmas, and real thought put into the selections. If they can finally get some luck on the injury front, this could be a great team in 2016.


Stead- great captain, if he can keep to 9.5/9, a solid number 1 and there aren't many available. I don't think he would be back if he had any question marks over fitness and the mental side of it. He's come back from worse injuries before, I hope he can do it again


Berge- interesting on a 4.2ish average. Given an injury free run, and decent equipment, hopefully another one who can push on, certainly at 19 should be seen as an opportunity for improvement (feels like a French version of the first Sheffield no2 I ever saw, Richie Musson)


Howarth- great signing, 7 average and rode at no1 for Workington at times last year. Many times riders have come to Sheffield and used it to get to the next level, I hope he's another. Young, British, and showing ambition, 2016 might be his year?


Bates- totally different rider from the raw reserve who crashed a lot. Still has a rush of blood, but his scoring from august onwards last year was great when the rest of the team was falling apart through injury. He says he wants to put 2 points on his average, 1 would be a big step forward. Again, young, British, ambitious.


Garrity- BIG step forward last year and exciting to watch. If he pushes on again next year, Sheffield will have 2 no1s in the team, again young British and ambitious, what's not to like?


Hall- wasn't sure about him when announced, but at 4.1, surely Richard will take his (last) chance and look to get back to where he was? I don't know anything about his perceived attitude, but with the new promotion, a desire to prove a lot of people wrong, and the opposition reserve berths not being that challenging, if he doesn't put 2 points on that average then I'd be amazed. If he gets dialed in, and takes it seriously, could be a lot more than that. So is it a gamble? Well, if it doesn't come off, hopefully Sissis will be fit mid year and could step in, but I hope Richard takes the opportunity and returns to what we know he can do. After all, it's not age, ability or injury that's left him where he is. An attitude change back at Sheffield is the easiest thing to fix surely?


Greaves- don't know anything about him, but he had 9 meetings in the prem for Workington last year, got better towards the end of those, and a solid, if not no1 NL rider, so will be interesting if he can learn and improve


Overall, an interesting, mostly British and balanced team. Can't wait to see them in action when I'm back in the UK in May (hopefully there won't be an injury curse in 2016 and the team will still be in 1 piece by then!)

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Looking forward to the season coming, think the promotion have put an exciting team together.


Steady will be 100% fit and raring to go, he said there is no way he would have returned unless he knew that for sure and he is always in the gym. Having Sheffield as his home track will ensure the confidence will return quickly. Garrity is after the No1 spot and I can only see him getting better, Howarth is a good signing and will be a good back up to the top 2.


How successful Sheffield will be I believe rests on the lower order. The vast improvements Bates showed last season will be key and I know he already can't wait for next season investing heavily on equipment and under guidance of Stead will improve further.. Berge I think will be ok on the big fast tracks and has looked good at Sheffield previously, smaller tight tracks I still think he has some improving to do.. Hall has the ability and with Owlerton as his home track should put 2 pts on his average. On good equipment I think he will be ok but the big question is will he be consistent enough. Greaves I have no idea about, could go either way but he does need to calm down a little and have less crashes.. I see a similarity with him as with Bates. Once Stead helped him out you could see the changes almost instantly, the different lines he was using on the track and how much more speed he had and much more control of the bike. Hope this happens for Nathan too.

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As an interested speedway spectator, but not a dyed in the wool Sheffield supporter, I think it is a great team!


It looks to me like a really exciting team to watch, I cannot say if it is strong enough to bring home honours (and injuries can always humble the best selected sides), but from my point of view, watching at Owlerton this coming season will be an absolute treat, particularly given a clear M1 from the south.


No complaints or grumbles from me, the promotion have got it right.

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Hall- wasn't sure about him when announced, but at 4.1, surely Richard will take his (last) chance and look to get back to where he was? I don't know anything about his perceived attitude, but with the new promotion, a desire to prove a lot of people wrong, and the opposition reserve berths not being that challenging, if he doesn't put 2 points on that average then I'd be amazed. If he gets dialed in, and takes it seriously, could be a lot more than that. So is it a gamble? Well, if it doesn't come off, hopefully Sissis will be fit mid year and could step in, but I hope Richard takes the opportunity and returns to what we know he can do. After all, it's not age, ability or injury that's left him where he is. An attitude change back at Sheffield is the easiest thing to fix surely?



I think Hall is taking his (last) chance seriously. He's on the lookout for new sponsors (see http://goo.gl/l3YGl0 page 3) so he must be thinking of investing in some new kit.

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Its a funny time of year for speedway, some fans seem to of decided the league table before a wheel has even been turned. A good team on paper doesn't always work on the track, and vice versa. I like the look of the team, and like most sides, are looking at most riders improving on their average.

Stead is a no brainer, and even on a high average, cannot be left out at Sheffield when fit. He brings so much more to the table than just his point scoring.


One of the main plus points for me is the amount of british riders in the side. I hate to see sides with 1 or 2 brits in and the rest made up of aussies, danes etc. This is the british premier league and I want to see british riders in it.



Looking forward to March already and onwards, when we will see for sure what our team can do!

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Fine, but "meh" not much of an opinion is it?

perhaps not much of an opinion says it all for how HKP sees it - not much of a team???


I can see his point as its potentially such a long tail. Away from home at some tracks it starts at Howarth.

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