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Ipswich 2016


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I am the sort of person who says I told you so, so I'm saying it with a little reminder, particularly to baldyman -









Rye House







So plymouth at the moment don't have a team you are basically putting ipswich last?


Looks like it, yep. Enjoy your Speedway, baldyman and all the other Ippo fans. Crowds look like they soon will be lower at Foxhole than those recently at the EWR - and you don't have a major potential economic worry sitting on your doorstep in Silly Suffolk. Poor team, Poor track, Poor Promoter, Poor Team Manager, Poor Reserves = Poor Home Results leading to Poorly Fans equalling Poor Attendances. Soon be time for another S.O.S. campaign with the club going cap in hand to the local population. But no Tim Woodward or Jamie Cann to Support it this time. Don't like to say it, but must be worrying times for all concerned.

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I am the sort of person who says I told you so, so I'm saying it with a little reminder, particularly to baldyman -




Looks like it, yep. Enjoy your Speedway, baldyman and all the other Ippo fans. Crowds look like they soon will be lower at Foxhole than those recently at the EWR - and you don't have a major potential economic worry sitting on your doorstep in Silly Suffolk. Poor team, Poor track, Poor Promoter, Poor Team Manager, Poor Reserves = Poor Home Results leading to Poorly Fans equalling Poor Attendances. Soon be time for another S.O.S. campaign with the club going cap in hand to the local population. But no Tim Woodward or Jamie Cann to Support it this time. Don't like to say it, but must be worrying times for all concerned.


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What must be most frustrating is that all bar Ritchings got a win or paid win last night so its not like they don't know how to do it.

It seems to take Kerr a while to get the bikes setup each meeting but then rolls off the wins?

Sadly it seems that as soon as Covatti has an off night so do the Witches? Not sure what the options are though?

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Re the drivel from multumwotsit above.


The crowd Id say was about 700 (200 higher than the EWR norm??)

on a night that -

was the 2nd match in 5 days (cost for some?)

as cold as @#%& and with rain forecast

had LOD finale on tv (wink)


I think it will be the lowest we see this year even if results continue to be iffy. It will be back around 1000 for most and higher for the fair weather weeks.


Re the finances and the need for extra help I think it will be there if needed and thats the TRUth.

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How about trying those clappers that Leicester city use to create a bit more noise and atmosphere? Just a thought. If anyone has ever been to a premier league darts evening it's loud and the atmosphere is something else. Where we sit it's totally dead at foxhall.

I noticed on twitter that morten has been moaning at the size of the crowd for last night and if people turn up the team will turn it around.

Edited by baldyman
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I did thanks Baldy. I had it cauterised. Tempting fate, but it hasn't bled like that since.


I think all of the comments made since the loss last night are spot on (apart from multumessy wotsit's). Like the idea of clappers Baldy. Situated on the Heath, the stadium has no chance of keeping in an atmosphere - if one was created, but any attempt to make some (allowable) noise has got to be a good idea. Most sportsmen react to support and the noise generated from the terraces. Wouldn't think that 'clappers' would cost too much and if they had them made in, matching, tru7.com colours, with the sponsor's name on them, it would also act as advertising for Mr Nicholls. I'm still intrigued as to what CL had in mind when he tweeted about Fan Interaction, as that seems to have died before it was born.


Clappers that make the riders go like the Clappers - I'm a marketing / branding superstar. Knew I'd missed my vocation - or should that be vacation...?


The SGP start line girls can't be doing anything on Thursday, 12 May. Lets get them over here - EasyJet to Stansted then up the A120 and A12, simples. Announce it on Social Media (and Tinder and such places) and, boob boom! Boobs Bob's your uncle (not sure where my mind went there for a moment...) I know two guys in their 20's who would be there like a shot (can I say that?)


Get some giant tipper trucks in the car park. There must be some tipper geeks out there. Then rope them up and herd them into the stadium. Instant increase in crowd level.


Ed Sheeran is a huge speedway fan (possibly) and a really nice bloke who is proud of his Suffolk (ginger) roots. Get Ed down to Foxhall to sing a couple of songs before the meeting, in the interval and after, the next time he is back for a beer in The Castle in Fram. Massive crowd guaranteed. The guy has sold out Madison Square Garden three times - he would definitely add a couple or more at Foxhall Heath Garden. All he needs is a mic and a guitar - and he would probably bring his own. His best friend is Taylor Swift. I'm sure he could ask her to trot out a ditty (I said ditty), or two on another Thursday evening. If you don't ask, you don't get and Ed can only say, no - or he may just say yes...


Lots of Reasons to be Cheerful - 1,2,3 - OK, that wasn't Ed Sheeran - lets say then - Thinking Out Loud.


And, Ipswich does still have a speedway team. Lots of places don't that did and many more places never did have. For a small town in Suffolk, Ipswich doesn't do too bad. Keep the faith - or alternatively, blame Mike Smillie. Does anyone know what he does exactly as a General Manager?

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Wow someone likes my idea. Thanks. Normally if anyone comes up with an idea the next person normally tells you why it won't work. Great idea about getting them in sponsorship colours. Taylor Swift is far to nice, give me someone like ash costello

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It won't work :lol:


(Just getting over the fact that you knew something about football, with Leicester City fans and their clangers clappers. And, I had to Google ash ash costello - but am none the wiser...)

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Wouldn't matter if Ed was there singing we can't hear sod all on the back straight anyway !

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Just the one ash. She is a singer covered in tattoos that ya mum wouldn't want you to take home lol. My kind of women. No you would never have heard of her or her group unless you are into haunted mansion rock. Never had a record in this country.


I've said before I'm a freak and I like freaks music to.

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