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Ipswich 2016


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So having won a dead rubber last night, we really need to win Thursday to get our league campaign started with a w not another l. Somerset ain't normally the best of teams to visit foxhall, but with rohan in their side I think we need to be on it. Is it worth preparing a track the rohan doesn't like?

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Eeks, not the Flyin Ryan Frying Pan?! Well, I won't say 'owt else in case it becomes a case of, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire', Sue.


I haven't had a fry up for ages, so if you have got a couple of minutes in your hectic, home, work, social and ...... (something that rhymes with social.... no, can't think) schedule, then sausage, bacon, tomato, beans, a couple of 'over easy' eggs and there if there is some room, it doesn't have to be much room, mushroom, would just hit the spot a treat. 7:30 pm this Thursday, second bend, three steps down from the top. Smashing. I might even get you a cuppa (not from a flask), the next time you are texting the Updates. Now, that sounds a great deal (for me) :lol: .


Hehe, leave the tomato out, hate the things, oh and def no black pudding.


The frying pan remark is a throwback to the early days of Updates when I would threaten the ones not behaving with a virtual frying pan to keep them in line. It seemed to work quite well too as it usually dispersed the tension.


Ah, they were the good old days when the meeting threads were full of talk about virtual frying pans, wobbly bits and wotsits. Unfortunately, not everyone liked it and thought it should just be a reporting service (even made noises about that was what we were paid to do....paid? Yeah right, would be nice) rather than the community we had.


I always feel like we are missing an element nowadays, we have lost the fun.

Edited by crazysue
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Hehe, leave the tomato out, hate the things, oh and def no black pudding.


The frying pan remark is a throwback to the early days of Updates when I would threaten the ones not behaving with a virtual frying pan to keep them in line. It seemed to work quite well too as it usually dispersed the tension.


Ah, they were the good old days when the meeting threads were full of talk about virtual frying pans, wobbly bits and wotsits. Unfortunately, not everyone liked it and thought it should just be a reporting service (even made noises about that was what we were paid to do....paid? Yeah right, would be nice) rather than the community we had.


I always feel like we are missing an element nowadays, we have lost the fun.


I love tomatoes, uncooked, fried, grilled, baked, stewed, steamed, broiled, errr blanched, errrr pickled (yuk) and drink tomato juice, but like you I don't like black pudding - which I hope doesn't make me racist... Enjoyed haggis when I've eaten it, buy despite my Scot's ancestry - I wouldn't go out of my way to make sure it was on my plate, not even on 25 January to celebrate 'Burns' Night - which some people says it's done when they've eaten it.


(I've just realised that the singular of 'tomato' doesn't end in an 'e', but that the plural includes an 'e'. Is that right, or am I going mad(der)?)


Haha, a 'virtual frying pan', I can just imagine a frying pan emoticon, emoji or whatever they are called, heading along the errant poster's screen and bashing their avatar around the back of the head.


And wobbly bits and wotsits. Looks like I missed out by not being speedway social media savvy at that time. I would've enjoyed all that. You should make a reference to the frying pan (or the wobbly wotstis) the next time you update. It may even cheer up some of the posters, or the hundreds that appear to view but do not contribute. I first registered for the (always excellent) Updates site only this winter, during the Aussie Championships, as I was stuck at home at the time and fancied having a bit of speedway social media intercourse and thought it would help to cheer me up, which it definitely did. There you go Sue, 'Speedway Updates - it looks good, it texts good and, by golly, it does you good' (was that Guiness? No, it was Mackeson - gee, whatever happened to that?).


I've noticed over the years that there a a lot of speedway supporters that take life to seriously and are very boring.


I could not agree more, sir. That's exactly what I thought when I first saw one of your posts on here :lol: .


I've always tried to inject an element of humour into everyday life and tend to carry that on in my posts on here, which I hope comes across (can I say that?).


You guys are whipper snappers compared to me (big '0' birthday due in October), but I have found that the older most people get, the less they care what other people think of them and they enjoy taking the mickey out of themselves. Of course, don't be in a rush to get there, but it can be one of the plus points of older age.

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Haha, didn't realise how many "foodies" the Witches had as fans :wink: .


Don't pints of pig's blood or ox blood go into a black pudding..? Sorry, but yuk.

There's more blood in your fillet steak as there is in your slice of black pudding before it's cooked!


Strange how some folk think, "yuk" at the thought of black pudding but you've "enjoyed" haggis that contains sheep's pluck? ;)

Edited by Steve Irving
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There's more blood in your fillet steak as there is in your slice of black pudding before it's cooked!


Strange how some folk think, "yuk" at the thought of black pudding but you've "enjoyed" haggis that contains sheep's pluck? ;)


I beg your (black) pudding? Are you on the BlackPud marketing board or similar Steve, as I seem to have upset you with my comment, based on my experience of eating both products? And I wouldn't know about fillet steak, as I don't eat that either. As long as the 'plucky' sheep has been dagged and docked, its fine by me.

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For me it is the taste, I just don't like the taste of black pudding, nothing to do with the content...can hardly talk about content and blood as I like my steaks rare. Also betraying my Scottish roots (I'm half Scottish), I am not very partial to haggis either...


Macca - I am most certainly going to try to shoe horn references in to wobbly bits, virtual frying pans and Wotsits on Thursday, let's see what the newer members think of them (if they make it to the update at all - ah it's Fozzie as my updater, they will! I stopped confuzzling him years ago so he puts my weird and wonderful stuff up)

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I beg your (black) pudding? Are you on the BlackPud marketing board or similar Steve, as I seem to have upset you with my comment, based on my experience of eating both products? And I wouldn't know about fillet steak, as I don't eat that either. As long as the 'plucky' sheep has been dagged and docked, its fine by me.

Upset me? LOL don't be daft. Did you not see the smilie?


I just find it genuinely strange how one can find the thought of black pudding containing pigs blood "yuk", but will happily eat something containing Sheeps offal (heart, liver and lungs).


Certainly no upset here that you don't like black pudding that would be absurd!

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