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King's Lynn 2016

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Buster obviously hasn't lost interest or he wouldn't have put himself up as Chairperson of the BSPA. Perhaps he wants change and i guess he's trying to do something about it. He's admitted that it's a harder job than he expected when he was voted in though.

I think the club is missing someone in a PR position.

It's no good having a PR person if they are not given free rein to do the job properly.


I admit I wasn't a fan of the last guy who did it but on reflection I think he was actually trying to do the job with both hands tied behind his back.


Buster likes to be in control but he needs to learn how to delegate when he has capable people to do jobs.

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personally though I think the club has bigger problems than which league we ride in - Rob seems to me to look unhappy in the pits or on track walk he's certainly lost his smile - Dale seems to be more hands on than Rob now - talking to long term fans I no most have concerns as to what has seems to have gone wrong at the club over the last 2 seasons - is Buster losing interest ? Fans seem unimportant lack of communication is at an all time low . Some say this is moaning well maybe it is but something needs to change at the club and why has this been allowed to happen in the first place .

I think Rob has looked disillusioned for two or three years now, wouldn't be surprised if this is his last.

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I think Rob has looked disillusioned for two or three years now, wouldn't be surprised if this is his last.

wouldn't surprise me either he certainly doesn't look happy . Maybe a shake up at the club is what's needed .
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Modern day riders, management and the supporters are getting further apart than ever. The speedway family is no longer a close knit group, and club togetherness is at an all time low..

Meetings are now just another payday for riders... Team race suits are just real estate for riders sponsors, no longer worn with pride...

That's a pretty blanket statement, very negative and not true for many clubs and riders, no more than it ever has been. Of course the promoter(s), management and fans of any club have to make the club a place that riders want to race for and feel a part of .... works all ways, for riders and fans ..
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It is my belief that since Buster became Chairman of the BSPA, his connection with the Stars has suffered. Where once we were a little club with a good atmosphere and decent happy crowd, now we are a smaller club, with a lesser crowd and no atmosphere at all. Most of the fans are unhappy with this but nothing seems to be done to address it. Win, Lose or draw, Happy or not, the impression I get is that nobody gives a damn anymore......


Except TREES......... Probably you should be the PR person..... Cant be any worse than what we have now....

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Presentation is still stuck in the 70's even though there has allegedly been improvements. There has to be more going on to grab the public's imagination in this day and age with a bit of razzmatazz. It's no wonder the crowds are dwindling

Edited by kelvinht
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Presentation is still stuck in the 70's even though there has allegedly been improvements. There has to be more going on to grab the public's imagination in this day and age with a bit of razzmatazz. It's no wonder the crowds are dwindling


Presentation is stuck in the 70's then you use the razmatazz :nono:


To bring it more up to date the presentation has t b sick bra' :t:

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How old is your fence now? The air fence that's not an air fence, it's full of polystyrene balls or some other exotic material... I know they are given use by dates, so to speak, but I think the Lynn fence is looking really tired, old, and tatty looking these days, especially on the tellybox....Anyone else agree that it makes the track area look amateur and uncared for.....?

Edited by Shale Searcher
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How old is your fence now? The air fence that's not an air fence, it's full of polystyrene balls or some other exotic material... I know they are given use by dates, so to speak, but I think the Lynn fence is looking really tired, old, and tatty looking these days, especially on the tellybox....Anyone else agree that it makes the track area look amateur and uncared for.....?


As long as it passes all the required regulations who cares

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As long as it passes all the required regulations who cares


It matters to presentation!!

Even with an old stadium like Kings Lynn, a clean and neat looking fence, a clean, freshly painted white line (kerb at some tracks) and A clean and tidy centre green (grey) in Lynn's case... Makes it all look a lot more professional and welcoming...

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It matters to presentation!!

Even with an old stadium like Kings Lynn, a clean and neat looking fence, a clean, freshly painted white line (kerb at some tracks) and A clean and tidy centre green (grey) in Lynn's case... Makes it all look a lot more professional and welcoming...


Rather have a tatty looking fence that doesn't lift allowing riders to go beneath it to a sparkling clean new air fence that lifts when a bike hits it and the rider follows thro to hit the solid fence behind it.


Altho I get your point that it could look better with a bit of attention.

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Rather have a tatty looking fence that doesn't lift allowing riders to go beneath it to a sparkling clean new air fence that lifts when a bike hits it and the rider follows thro to hit the solid fence behind it.


Altho I get your point that it could look better with a bit of attention.

A agree about airfences lifting, if they are attached properly, checked thoroughly after (any) impact lifting should not be the problem it can be...

Even a slight impact can break the grip on the heavy duty velcro fastenings, plastic buckles snap (weakened) by constant exposure to the sun maybe, poorly fitted rubber kickboards, rear hooks jolting out, top hooks breaking/moving, shale getting compacted under the rubber kickboards, the number of parts that can be damaged, loosened off, incorrectly fitted, checked, poorly repaired.. is quite high, and, its a big and, after an impact, the airfence panels need checking each side of the impact up to at least 4, maybe 5 panels each side of the impact....!!! Also, blower fittings, and air fence air pipes (link the panels together) can become dislodged, so not enough air is transferred from panel to panel, there's loads that can fail, especially if not thoroughly checked after even the lightest/smallest impact on the air fence.....

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I thought the safety fence at Lynn is meant to be better than the air fences?Dosen't it absorb more of the impact if a rider hits it.When you see Kasprzak walk away from a full on impact a little while ago you know it's doing the job its meant to.Afterall riders safety comes first.

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It matters to presentation!!

Even with an old stadium like Kings Lynn, a clean and neat looking fence, a clean, freshly painted white line (kerb at some tracks) and A clean and tidy centre green (grey) in Lynn's case... Makes it all look a lot more professional and welcoming...

old stadium ?? It's more or less new 90% been replaced over the last 10 years other than the new National Stadium and Leiecster it's by far the newest stadium in the EL.
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old stadium ?? It's more or less new 90% been replaced over the last 10 years other than the new National Stadium and Leiecster it's by far the newest stadium in the EL.


I could imagine, every promoter in the land would like to get hold of AFA. With the exception NSS, it is the most complete stadium in the leagues... Our problems is not the Stadium, its all the issues associated with it. Like: Team People, Promotions, Riders, BSPA , Fans, Shale, Attitude, Atmosphere, Excitement, Presentation, Communication ... The list is long but surmountable. With the right person at the helm, positioning the club in the right direction all these issues could disappear.


I always thought Buster was that man, but in recent years, he seems to have lost his enthusiasm. and that is reflected by the fans.


Shame really.... :sad:

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I could imagine, every promoter in the land would like to get hold of AFA. With the exception NSS, it is the most complete stadium in the leagues...


You sure about that statement?


What does the AFA have that Glasgow, Sheffield, Kent, Coventry, Poole etc don't?


King's Lynn is vastly improved on the old version i agree but let's no kid ourselves that we have some kind of super stadium. It isn't as good as those I've mentioned I'd argue.

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You sure about that statement?


What does the AFA have that Glasgow, Sheffield, Kent, Coventry, Poole etc don't?


King's Lynn is vastly improved on the old version i agree but let's no kid ourselves that we have some kind of super stadium. It isn't as good as those I've mentioned I'd argue.

Sheffield, Coventry and Poole????? I'd say apart from maybe their grandstands the AFA is definitely better than those ...... dunno about Kent and the new Glasgow, haven't been to them ...
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Sheffield, Coventry and Poole????? I'd say apart from maybe their grandstands the AFA is definitely better than those ...... dunno about Kent and the new Glasgow, haven't been to them ...


So, what is it that makes the AFA better than the 3 you first mention?

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Poole's is due for a bit of an upgrade - if you believe all the local media reports?!


its only the 'new' glass restaurant/stand in fairly recent years that has been added, The Poole stadium really does need a new main grandstand and some development of both turns 1-2 and 3-4 - potentially with some covered terracing, better refreshment facilities and office space.

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