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Leicester Lions 2016

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I wondered how long it would be before someone made the connection between Coventry riding at Leicester and the track alterations. Perhaps DH has had some rent in advance!

Marky.... All 4 turns are being done.

3 and 4 are now ready for the top shale. As most of you know the new track at Manchester have had shale ordered for months and with the weather the way its been Breedon can only store so much shale under cover. No one wants to lay wet shale. Turns one and two will be next when the shale is available. (DRY) Hope this answers some questions.

Thanks speedflash. Its always good to get the news from the horses mouth!. With the weather we are having it might be some time before you get it all finished then! Where does the shale come from? Hope its not from Cumbria, Yorkshire or Lancashire!

Edited by Happy Hunter
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This is very similar to the work done at Foxhall a few years back. It certainly hasn't reduced the number of falls on bends1&2 but then there have been significantly more in recent years anyway since they've been in the PL. There is definitely more space but the challenge for any track in my view is how to make the inside line a winner again because otherwise they migrate to the 'fast in, drift to the outside and ride the fence to the exit' riding so often seen at Poole in recent years. It used to be the exception/a brave man that went around the boards but now they all do it!


I think this is an excellent move and although it could make then more vulnerable at home, some fans may prefer the unpredictability it could offer.

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Ive heard they have placed a large order of Yellow and Black paint to make us feel at home.

Just leave it yellow and red , the land value will be the same when we sell it to build our new superstadium :lol:

I wondered how long it would be before someone made the connection between Coventry riding at Leicester and the track alterations. Perhaps DH has had some rent in advance!

Thanks speedflash. Its always good to get the news from the horses mouth!. With the weather we are having it might be some time before you get it all finished then! Where does the shale come from? Hope its not from Cumbria, Yorkshire or Lancashire!


I wondered how long it would be before someone made the connection between Coventry riding at Leicester and the track alterations. Perhaps DH has had some rent in advance!

Thanks speedflash. Its always good to get the news from the horses mouth!. With the weather we are having it might be some time before you get it all finished then! Where does the shale come from? Hope its not from Cumbria, Yorkshire or Lancashire!

No worries there , the shale comes form Breedon aggregates In Leicestershire . I think we would prefer it ,if you would call our new track Beaumont park, doesn't sound quite right Coventrey Bees ,Leicester :lol:

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Role on press day so we can all go along and see what has been done and to see how the track rides, think it will take a while to bed down, bet the riders will be putting in quite a few hours testing before the new season gets under way.

Hope it all works out for the best and the track will actually produce some good meetings. Just hope that the fans who have been leaving over the past couple of seasons or so make it back again.

With a little bit of luck we may even get Volty back watching again, after he had finally had enough.

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Role on press day so we can all go along and see what has been done and to see how the track rides.....


Have you changed your mind now as I thought you were giving Speedway at Beaumont Park a miss this season? :unsure:

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Well that's good news I had heard from somewhere (cant be sure where/who) that modifications to track could entail major work to the drainage obviously incurring big costs.

Hi al


Maybe the drainage issue before was a red herring and like you say may have incurred extra costs but depending on which they run it would be a case of adding extra pipe or reducing it.

Looking at the photos on Facebook it all looks good,fingers crossed it has the desired effect


Just need two more signings,fingers crossed on them too



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It's being made ready for when the Bees take it over next year , 12 months to bed in and be a decent racetrack :)

Surely with those Rose tinteds an Old Bee like you ;) would prefer the track left as it is so you could reminisce the 70's and early 80's gaters paradise Brandon was :rofl:

Not sure how you can really say DH has listened to his fans when it comes to the track becketlion, in fact quite the opposite. I'm guessing if he's finally listened to anything other than himself it's probably his pocket. But to give him his due, and I think you probably have to whatever your issues with him, it takes a lot of balls to go back on the one thing that in many ways has defined his power and control of the sport in Leicester. It's always appeared to me to be the stick by which he flayed his rivals and detractors, the proof irrefutable that he's in charge, it's his track even if he's the only one who thinks it's any good. Of that there has been no doubt. So well done David Hemsley on finally giving his fans what they want, Not sure if i'd be allowed in to watch the new track or not to be honest but it's great that most Leicester fans will finally get their wish.


Just because I can't stop moaning, It's a bit sad reading the comments on the Leicester facebook though, the usual backroom staff who have defended the indefensible over the last 5 years, seemingly to me in order maintain their position within the club, appear to be having a few problems with the alterations taking place. At least that's how it currently reads to me. Time for a few mirrors to be looked into after 5 years of wholly patronising puff from them including the usual 'just as much passing at Leicester as anywhere else', 'Blackbird Road was just as crap', 'All speedway is now just as crap', 'I counted 20 passes in the first two heats you blind idiots', 'it's costs too much to alter' blah blah blah.


Hey, maybe it's time for a track chat amnesty!


Finally, Wouldn't it be great to get Joe Screen down to the track when it's finished as it looks to me like he may actually be able to use all those new bits this time, eh Tsunami.


all the best,


David Hemsley may or may not have really believed what he said about the track but in fairness he could hardly do a Ratner and tell everyone it was cr@p no matter what he thought. Here's to hoping it all works out for the best now and the venue has the track it deserved and the fans the entertainment. I'll give it another go for sure.

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Surely with those Rose tinteds an Old Bee like you ;) would prefer the track left as it is so you could reminisce the 70's and early 80's gaters paradise Brandon was :rofl:

David Hemsley may or may not have really believed what he said about the track but in fairness he could hardly do a Ratner and tell everyone it was cr@p no matter what he thought. Here's to hoping it all works out for the best now and the venue has the track it deserved and the fans the entertainment. I'll give it another go for sure.

only Leicester fans have rose tinteds , and looking through them you only saw what you wanted to see , If your'e giving it another go after the track alterations you should be able to see quite a few who still think it is the 1970s, complete with period haircuts and war cries ,

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only Leicester fans have rose tinteds , and looking through them you only saw what you wanted to see , If your'e giving it another go after the track alterations you should be able to see quite a few who still think it is the 1970s, complete with period haircuts and war cries ,

I'm hoping it's good enough to attract sky for a couple of extra meetings and reduced admission :rofl:

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only Leicester fans have rose tinteds , and looking through them you only saw what you wanted to see , If your'e giving it another go after the track alterations you should be able to see quite a few who still think it is the 1970s, complete with period haircuts and war cries ,

Come on Speedibee


We need to bring back the track staff parade prior to the meeting marching to the tapes with everyone trying to get in step,it used to make me laugh.


Give us an L ,give us an I


You know the rest it so inspiring


Haircut wise most don't need to trouble the barbers these days



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Seems Lions fans are now complaining about concessions for season ticket holders instead of the lack of track alterations! Can't please all the people .........................

what a bunch of moaning morons we have as supporters at Leicester....I'm a season ticket holder,I pay up front,why shouldn't I get the odd little perk......put up or shut up!
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