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Leicester Lions 2016

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I'm finding it hard to understand why the management didn't go out on a limb to sign Jason.


Any fool can see that he was the best in the league last year and solid in the GPs and has the potential to be World Champion.


I'm remember when Tai came To BP and the crowd came to the world champ,if we had a world champion riding at Leicester it would put bums on seats guaranteed also if you have a winning team it doesn't matter what night you race.


Like people have said before the product has to be watchable too



bold quote. doyle world champ??

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1 Valve - Yes fellow elite league clubs would have been very happy for Leicester to have ran midweek as stated previously they struggle to get their riders to go to Leicester to ride in away fixture. In fact I am told some promotors even encouraged Hemsley to change but NO he would not listen I fear for the future of the club and would not be at all surprised for him to announce that before Christmas that he cannot get a team together as riders won't come on Saturdays and that he is withdrawing from the league for a year

Edited by flagrag
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Jason gave Leicester every opportunity to sign him up for 2016 and has been straight down the line he told David and Norrie in August that he wanted to return but would not do another season of Saturday nights.


Doyle even agreed to do a few Saturday's before Poland & Sweden started but Hemsley would not listen and tried to play the emotional card that he would not be where he is now without his time at Leicester. Anybody who knows or has had dealings with Doyle will know this won't work.

I did hear even after the conference he said David are you sure you know what you are doing but the blinkers are firmly on.

Well done David Hemsley, someone has finally stood up for British speedway and refused to be dictated to .. 3 years ago Jason Doyle would have been happy to ride whatever the racenight . but like so many other Australians who Improve to the point that they qualify for Poland and the GP . Doyle now thinks he's so important that British speedway has to fit in with him , never heard him trying be be the tail that wagged the dog in the previous 10 years when he was a middle of the road premier league rider , earning his bread and butter from British Clubs

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There is something quite disturbing in all of this, and that is the state of mind of David Hemsley himself. I'm now saying this primarily out of concern for the well-being of another human. But also the effect it is probably having on others, and the speedway club whose existence we all value at various levels and in different ways.

His interview yesterday on RL was alarming in terms of how he came across and the possible underlying state of mind.

I would have a bet that (and this is based on his various media outputs over the years and over-hearing him talking to other people) if he were to be assessed professionally, a clinician would identify strong delusional and narcissistic traits, maybe coupled with tendencies for paranoia and other conditions.


There have been many examples of delusions, which could well be of a fixed nature from what is being stated elsewhere on this thread.

Delusion (beginning to break) that because he has re-created Leicester Speedway (in his image?), and then taken it into the Elite League, he will be bestowed with all of the "just rewards" he thinks that he should be entitled to receive.

Delusion (probably still intact) that his track produces entertaining racing.

Delusion (now broken) that Jason Doyle would stay loyal to him despite what he had been told

Delusion (broken now, I think) that the world's best riders are interested in coming to work for him


I can't help but think that the other promoters have been well aware of this for some time. There must be serious concern among them, especially the EL ones, about Leicester's future as the truth starts to dawn. That in turn may put the league itself in jeopardy (but some would say that it needs to be killed-off anyway - maybe its now non-viable as a credible product even with only 7 teams such is the dearth of riders of suitable quality who are prepared to take part in it).


When you see somebody's delusions start to become broken, is the time to start to get concerned about them. I just hope, for the guy's sake, that people who are close to him can provide the help that he might need and pick up any pieces if it becomes necessary.

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I agree the loss of JD is a massive disappointment. However, regarding Saturday night racing (agreed not good for attracting top riders to the Lions or visiting teams) does anyone know what alternative DH has on the matter? I mean, would he have been allowed to run on another night by his BSPA colleagues in 2016 and if so what night would that be?

Well it would not be Friday which, I think, is the only other night DH would contemplate running on.


Hey ho back to the Premier League?

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Hey ho back to the Premier League?


Probably the best idea but he wouldn't want to lose face by doing that so can't see it happening.

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Probably the best idea but he wouldn't want to lose face by doing that so can't see it happening.

If only he wasn't on another planet and could see , that going back to the premier league would get him far more respect from both a business point of view and a supporters point of view , theres no face lost by seeing sense and not carrying on as the elite league whipping boy.

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Well done David Hemsley, someone has finally stood up for British speedway and refused to be dictated to .. 3 years ago Jason Doyle would have been happy to ride whatever the racenight . but like so many other Australians who Improve to the point that they qualify for Poland and the GP . Doyle now thinks he's so important that British speedway has to fit in with him , never heard him trying be be the tail that wagged the dog in the previous 10 years when he was a middle of the road premier league rider , earning his bread and butter from British Clubs

How very dare he for having talent and ambition! :rolleyes:

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Having read the piece on the Speedway GB website - DH does come across somewhat bitter about Doyley leaving - and the time he invested in advising him about his visa!

Theres always 1 ,who cant see the point and tries to make something else from what they have read .

Have you ever thought the problem is in what you wrote rather than my interpretation of it - didn't think so!

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Having read the piece on the Speedway GB website - DH does come across somewhat bitter about Doyley leaving - and the time he invested in advising him about his visa!



Very bitter!

Doyle apparently made it clear that a Saturday track wouldn't work in the future and talk about stating the blooming obvious!

Think he was clear as he basically was saying change you're race night and I'll stay and when would any promotion do that for one rider?

DH Should have moved on the minute he was told you need to make changes to make it happen.


Partially he only has himself to blame if he was expecting Doyle to change his mind!

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Very bitter!

Doyle apparently made it clear that a Saturday track wouldn't work in the future and talk about stating the blooming obvious!

Think he was clear as he basically was saying change you're race night and I'll stay and when would any promotion do that for one rider?

DH Should have moved on the minute he was told you need to make changes to make it happen.


Partially he only has himself to blame if he was expecting Doyle to change his mind!

If you think that came across as bitter, you should have heard him on the radio.

That piece on speedwaygb might have been produced by Alan Jones as a media release on DH's behalf - so it will be the toned-down version

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If you think that came across as bitter, you should have heard him on the radio.

That piece on speedwaygb might have been produced by Alan Jones as a media release on DH's behalf - so it will be the toned-down version

Very nearly had a listen but think he is trying to make Doyle the bad man, when in truth the fault Liss firmly at his own feet.

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I can't really see any bitterness in the piece on speedwaygb website, just DH stating that he's saddened by Doyle's departure. If it's true that the club has invested a lot of time and effort re the visa application, then surely that's just a statement of fact?


With regard to DH's immoveable stance with the track and race night, whilst I don't agree with him, isn't it his business? Who in business doesn't want to do it their way?

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Having read the piece on the Speedway GB website - DH does come across somewhat bitter about Doyley leaving - and the time he invested in advising him about his visa!

Have you ever thought the problem is in what you wrote rather than my interpretation of it - didn't think so!

no I haven't . and dont intend to re-appraise anything I have written because I believe every word of what I wrote

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1 Valve - Yes fellow elite league clubs would have been very happy for Leicester to have ran midweek as stated previously they struggle to get their riders to go to Leicester to ride in away fixture. In fact I am told some promotors even encouraged Hemsley to change but NO he would not listen I fear for the future of the club and would not be at all surprised for him to announce that before Christmas that he cannot get a team together as riders won't come on Saturdays and that he is withdrawing from the league for a year.

Do you know what mid week nights were happily offered to DH from his fellow promoters? if it was any night then frankly he has missed a great opportunity as he should have said OK Friday it is and I suspect his crowd levels would have been no lower than Saturday. If however, there were limited nights available then that would not have been such a strong proposition to DH. If Friday was offered and he said no, then frankly, he has to rethink his business, marketing and promoting acumen.

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