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Leicester Lions 2016

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Are you for real poor stadium ? The physical stadium is one of the best in the country every club bar maybe Belle Vue would love to be in our situation of owning their own stadium.


What facilities that you pay £18 for is better at other clubs? You pay your money to watch speedway not to look at the colour of the toilet walls .

I see that the admission prices for next season have been increased! Have to agree with a comment on the Lion's Facebook page that, although the admission fees will be the same as Coventry & Wolverhampton, we will be paying more for an inferior product e.g. poorer stadium facilities, track and, last season, team.

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Are you for real poor stadium ? The physical stadium is one of the best in the country every club bar maybe Belle Vue would love to be in our situation of owning their own stadium.

What facilities that you pay £18 for is better at other clubs? You pay your money to watch speedway not to look at the colour of the toilet walls .


I cannot believe anyone could call Leicester a poor stadium.

It's outstanding for what has been achieved in a short time.

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I see that the admission prices for next season have been increased! Have to agree with a comment on the Lion's Facebook page that, although the admission fees will be the same as Coventry & Wolverhampton, we will be paying more for an inferior product e.g. poorer stadium facilities, track and, last season, team.

Season ticket prices are the same as last season if you buy them before 31st of December.
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Are you for real poor stadium ? The physical stadium is one of the best in the country every club bar maybe Belle Vue would love to be in our situation of owning their own stadium.


What facilities that you pay £18 for is better at other clubs? You pay your money to watch speedway not to look at the colour of the toilet walls .


The stadium itself is a super little set up. Testament to a lot of hard work put in by a dedicated group of volunteers. Shame you can't see into the pits but i believe that layout was part of the planning conditions. However if you pay your money to watch speedway then £18 doesn't strike me as being value for money.

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It is really a sad state of affairs in British speedway when we have to panda to riders because of the GP's Poland and Sweden, I can't ever see the day that British speedway returns as a top flight nation where the riders where worried about having problems riding over here, instead of the other way round, the days that British speedway was the one place that all the top riders headed for is a long lost memory.

With the riders now making the European clubs thier priority, because they clubs over there pay them far more than they get over here, I think we would be far better off without them.

Let them go and race there, and let British speedway concentrate on getting the British riders to a stage they where at over 10 years or more ago when the Brits could hold thier own against the rest of the world, we are now nothing more than a second rate nation in the speedway world.

So let them go and race over there, before long they will all want to come back when as with over here the clubs start to go bust because of all the stupid money they are offering to get the big names over there.

We have already seen it happening over there with clubs folding and some of the Polish clubs not paying riders.


I agree with you it is sad that British Speedway finds itself in this situation, but it's no surprise. The writing been on the wall for many years and the 'Powers' do nothing about it. They bury their head in the sand, believing they can survive on their own, without a thought for the sport, the fans or the riders. All there concerned about is their own little existents', I've even read on here that some think the PL is the No.1 and should be hailed as such. That alone echo's ridiculous ideas shared by some Promoters and fans....


I also agree we need to concentrate on our own league, but saying that, we don't want to put up walls making it impossible for the top riders to compete here. We cant nurture our lads to the top without racing against quality. The British Promoter cant compete with the finances from aboard, so we need to make sure, what we do have is appealing to them. We once had it all. Every country was jealous of our speedway stature. But over the years, our league has stood still while others have moved with the times. We now need to change our whole approach of Speedway in this country to compete equally with those other countries.


We cannot continue with this make-believe existents . We have to compete and comply with other countries and their schedules..........

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I agree with you it is sad that British Speedway finds itself in this situation, but it's no surprise. The writing been on the wall for many years and the 'Powers' do nothing about it. They bury their head in the sand, believing they can survive on their own, without a thought for the sport, the fans or the riders. All there concerned about is their own little existents', I've even read on here that some think the PL is the No.1 and should be hailed as such. That alone echo's ridiculous ideas shared by some Promoters and fans....


I also agree we need to concentrate on our own league, but saying that, we don't want to put up walls making it impossible for the top riders to compete here. We cant nurture our lads to the top without racing against quality. The British Promoter cant compete with the finances from aboard, so we need to make sure, what we do have is appealing to them. We once had it all. Every country was jealous of our speedway stature. But over the years, our league has stood still while others have moved with the times. We now need to change our whole approach of Speedway in this country to compete equally with those other countries.


We cannot continue with this make-believe existents . We have to compete and comply with other countries and their schedules..........

Any ideas how???

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One fixed race night and 14 fixtures in the Elite League is the only chance of getting any of the big names of returning to Britain. That is more important than the money as they want to ride but not multiple flights in and out and stuck in airports.

If Britain paid what Poland paid then the number of matches, multiple race nights and all that wouldn't matter to the riders. Indeed it didn't in the 1990s when the British leagues still had most/all of the top riders who also rode in Poland and Sweden as well (and in some cases Denmark and Germany too, when they had a half-decent league).


The top riders basically don't want to ride in Britain because it's not worth their while. Okay, if we only ran a handful of fixtures on a fixed race day, some riders might be persuaded to do a few extra meetings to supplement their wages. The question has to be asked yet again though, will they actually bring any more money into British speedway through increased gates, sponsorship or television money, or will the sport just again be paying out money it can't afford?


I suspect the answer will be the latter, quite aside from the fact that a 14-match programme on a fixed race is not an economic model that will work in Britain. How are other riders in the teams who aren't riding elsewhere expected to make any sort of living?


It's ok saying forget them and let British riders come through but when they start getting to a decent standard they will also be looking at Poland and Sweden to ride and Britain will become a pain for them too.

That's the harsh reality of economics, but no different to cricketers wanting to go off and play in the IPL because the money is so much better than what English counties can afford to pay. Alternatively though, making the sport actually affordable for both fans and promoters, and having a meeting every week at which all riders appear as advertised, might possibly improve the fortunes of British speedway in the long run. At the very least it might save it from extinction.

I agree with you it is sad that British Speedway finds itself in this situation, but it's no surprise. The writing been on the wall for many years and the 'Powers' do nothing about it. They bury their head in the sand, believing they can survive on their own, without a thought for the sport, the fans or the riders. All there concerned about is their own little existents', I've even read on here that some think the PL is the No.1 and should be hailed as such. That alone echo's ridiculous ideas shared by some Promoters and fans....

The reasons for the decline of speedway in Britain are many and varied, but the promoters are not entirely to blame. The opening up of Poland after the austerity of the Cold War period meant there was money there to launder, whilst Sweden has far less pressures on land that have forced up the costs of venues in Britain. The FIM giving away the SGP and allowing it to be run on multiple prime weekends per year also badly affected Britain regardless of what's claimed, and it's absolutely criminal how the likes of Coventry were forced to give up their lucrative race nights and effectively into pecuniary as a result.


There obviously isn't a great deal of vision within the BSPA otherwise they tried to head off or at least mitigate issues like the SGP, as well as trying to address the destructive 'them' and 'us' attitudes between the top tier and second tier over the years. However, the reality is that speedway really only ever made a living for a handful of promoters, whilst most over the past 25 years have been 'fan promoters' who're in it for the glory until they've done their wedge, and therefore gave little thought to ongoing sustainability. Of course there are a handful who've run a fairly tight ship over the years, but again they're probably more occupied with keeping their tracks running than thinking about the bigger picture.

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Hemsley is bemoaning in this weeks Speedway Star that Leicester are only getting 1,000-1,500 people turning up to watch the Lions.......I know Diamond Dave seems to think in his words "I stand there and watch some of the racing where the quality and entertainment is first class" but Dave get your head out of your butt,the racing is routinely poor to crap...if you want more people to turn up then give the paying customers what they want,a decent "racing" track not the frankly boring circuit that is a follow the leader bore fest!

As with many promoters, "speedway is great value for money, so I cannot fathom why so few come"...😡


Only seen two meetings at Leicester, one on a 'stream' with bet365, and one in person...


When I went there I had a certain apprehension as to the quality of the racing as I had read 'ad infinitum' that the straights were too long and the bends too tight to deliver good racing, and the meeting I saw on the net was follow the leader with the leader half a straight in front most races...


And guess what? Everyone who has suggested that the track is an issue were absolutely correct...!😶


Great facility for speedway being so far from houses, great attempt at engaging a 'younger crowd' the night I went, decent food, reasonable priced bar, and apart from the back straight terracing being 'too flat' meaning if you are stood at the back it is difficult to see, the spectator facilities are good too..


Just a shame the track doesn't make for good racing...


Change that, make the racing closer, and maybe more than 1500 will attend?


Who am I kidding, promoters know best!😝

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Season ticket prices are the same as last season if you buy them before 31st of December.

That's o.k. if you can get to all matches but I can't.

I cannot believe anyone could call Leicester a poor stadium.

It's outstanding for what has been achieved in a short time.

Leicester only lease the land from the Council.


I am grateful to all those who spent the winter of 2010/2011 in helping to build the new stadium, I even helped myself in a small way. The point is that the Leicester management on their Facebook page justify the increase in admission by saying that it will bring prices into line with those at Coventry and Wolverhampton. Most people would agree, I think, that, although wonders have been worked at Beaumont Park, the stadiums (stadia for the Latin scholars out there) at Brandon and Monmore are better than the one at Leicester and that the racing is better at those two tracks. In addition the Bees have been in the playoffs in the last two seasons and it was only at the fag end of last season that the Lions drew level on points with the Wolves. So am agreeing with the person who posted a comment on the Lions Facebook page that you will get better value for your money at Brandon or Wolverhampton than you will at Beaumont Park (especially if Jason does not come back).

Season ticket prices are the same as last season if you buy them before 31st of December.

That's o.k. if you can get to every meeting but I can't.

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That's o.k. if you can get to all matches but I can't.

Leicester only lease the land from the Council.


I am grateful to all those who spent the winter of 2010/2011 in helping to build the new stadium, I even helped myself in a small way. The point is that the Leicester management on their Facebook page justify the increase in admission by saying that it will bring prices into line with those at Coventry and Wolverhampton. Most people would agree, I think, that, although wonders have been worked at Beaumont Park, the stadiums (stadia for the Latin scholars out there) at Brandon and Monmore are better than the one at Leicester and that the racing is better at those two tracks. In addition the Bees have been in the playoffs in the last two seasons and it was only at the fag end of last season that the Lions drew level on points with the Wolves. So am agreeing with the person who posted a comment on the Lions Facebook page that you will get better value for your money at Brandon or Wolverhampton than you will at Beaumont Park (especially if Jason does not come back).

That's o.k. if you can get to every meeting but I can't.

I chuffing hate that phrase, be it admission to speedway or parking in town centres. Folks only want to 'bring prices in line' when there's an increase involved. You never, ever, hear 'We're going to reduce the price to bring it into line with so & so' :mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Wolfsbane
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Doyle confirms that he will not be riding for the club in 2016 on his facebook page.

Sits back in shock and amazement!!! :shock::o:wink:


His next announcement will then start the domino effect with other clubs and riders.....!



EDIT: Oh good didn't have to wait long - Swindon it is!!

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Perhaps batchelor will ride as he seems to have lost favour with Swindon

The last rider I would want at Leicester would be Troy "no try" Batchelor!

If he signs then no season ticket for me.

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Can just see Leicester being left with Zengota, Watt, Summers, Batch and Wozniak!

With their good reserves i think that could end up being a better team than a top heavy Swindon side.Doyle on his own did not do Leicester much good last year did he.

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With their good reserves i think that could end up being a better team than a top heavy Swindon side.Doyle on his own did not do Leicester much good last year did he.

Zengota, Watt and Summers will lose almost 5 points between them next season. So Swindon would have to start 5 points under the limit. The reason the team with Doyle failed wasn't because of Doyle but because the other 6 (well, 3 of them - at any given time) were beyond crap.

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