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Leicester Lions 2016

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He barely completes a lap at Lakeside. Having watched Davey Watt tootling around at the back last night though, I don't think it's possible for us to do worse

Watt can't be as bad as Walasek surely?

If the rumours are true regards Watt then like you say anyone that can put in 80% is 79% better at the moment.

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Spot on Al


You maybe right you maybe wrong but the fact is that if you have got a good product people will come and watch and a sucessful team puts bums on seats.


It takes a brave person to admit they got it wrong or made a wrong decision but it takes a bigger person to make those changes to get the right result


I think mr and Mrs Hemsley have to thanked in there part for bringing speedway back to Leicester but like you said earlier do not live with your heads in the sand and ignore those around you that maybe know better




Maybe he struggling with Black Country accent

Case of muddle along till the season finishes, revolving door of riders at full tilt, then hope that some new and competent promotion & management come along (and it would involve DH being realistic about the selling price - if it's not gone bust by then, in which case somebody could buy it cheap).

Then it would need to sport's admin and governing bodies, and the promoters in general, to come up with something better and suitable as far as the leagues is concerned. Leicester to make a sound decision on where to be within that structure. And finish the track re-vamp.

If all that happens, there might be hope.

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So the SCB have finally published Mr Hemsleys case on the website not good for the club or sport as he will not pay the fine.


He deserves some of this but do think the fine is rather excessive and the ban means nothing to him as he is no longer the Promotor.

Edited by flagrag
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Hopefully the SCB will change their stance of not allowing a new promotion to take over the club until fines and costs are paid as that is not something that they are responsible for and will only achieve in the club remaining closed.


I can understand that they will not allow Yulia to take over and in my opinion that is a good idea as she is not very speedway oriented at all and is embarrassing in the pits with riders

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So the SCB have finally published Mr Hemsleys case on the website not good for the club or sport as he will not pay the fine.

He deserves some of this but do think the fine is rather excessive and the ban means nothing to him as he is no longer the Promotor.

Stunned at how big the fine is but don't think he will pay it anyway.

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Hopefully the SCB will change their stance of not allowing a new promotion to take over the club until fines and costs are paid as that is not something that they are responsible for and will only achieve in the club remaining closed.


I can understand that they will not allow Yulia to take over and in my opinion that is a good idea as she is not very speedway oriented at all and is embarrassing in the pits with riders

I can't see David paying the fine. Assuming I'm right, would any prospective new promotion be happy to pay the fine in order to operate what must be a loss making enterprise? Maybe not, flagrag is spot on there. I felt that the future wasn't looking too rosy before this, the SCB ruling certainly does nothing to make the prospects look any brighter..

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Steep fine, totalling over £9K


A fine of £7500 in addition to the £300 fine imposed at the Meeting.

Costs of the Court Hearing £1380


saying that, if he fails to pay and it actually ends up in a real court and the rulings are upheld Hemsley could find himself in deeper stuff


Art 3.2.5 (Ungentlemanly Conduct) x 2 counts
Art 3.2 9 (fraudulent comments) x 2counts
Art 3.2.8 (an act of violent, threatening and abusive behaviour) x 2 counts
Art 3.2.7 (acts prejudicial to the interests of the sport) x 1 count


Those last three would be interesting to know about what actually happened

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So, he gets a bit het up and goes to see the referee - a £7.5K fine plus £1.4K costs and licence suspension seems a bit steep to me. There must be more to it than that? When we've seen behave in such a way towards other riders or officials I don't remember them facing such harsh penalties?


Ultimately, could it see Leicester closed down? Taken over by Horton or is that just me touting a conspiracy theory?

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So, he gets a bit het up and goes to see the referee - a £7.5K fine plus £1.4K costs and licence suspension seems a bit steep to me. There must be more to it than that? When we've seen behave in such a way towards other riders or officials I don't remember them facing such harsh penalties?


Ultimately, could it see Leicester closed down? Taken over by Horton or is that just me touting a conspiracy theory?


Not paying or appealing the original £300 fine was a bad start. Not turning up for the SCB hearing was just plain stupid. If he doesn't pay up it comes out of the bond.


was it a female referee at the King's Lynn meeting?


What he said could fall in the same category as the Eva Carneiro v Jose Mourinho court battle


The ref was Mick Bates. 3.2.8 includes non payment of fines, 3.2.9 will possibly be his reported outburst over the PA and probably his disingenuous statement in which he said he was standing down as promoter when in fact he'd been suspended for 2 weeks.

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was it a female referee at the King's Lynn meeting?


What he said could fall in the same category as the Eva Carneiro v Jose Mourinho court battle


No, the referee was Mick Bates. This was the meeting in which the referee (allegedly) turned the floodlights out by mistake, stopping the meeting for half an hour.

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Hopefully the SCB will change their stance of not allowing a new promotion to take over the club until fines and costs are paid as that is not something that they are responsible for and will only achieve in the club remaining closed.


I can understand that they will not allow Yulia to take over and in my opinion that is a good idea as she is not very speedway oriented at all and is embarrassing in the pits with riders

they are an embarrassing trio,david yulia and norrie,throw in dave darcy and you have the complete comedy act thats second to none.

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Certainly throwing the book at him. What next for Leicester?

The knives are out . if you want to know what happens next , See Milton keynes Elfield park . They wont be happy until they see Leicester close

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