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Leicester Lions 2016

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Just like to say, Hemsley gets a lot of stick on here, but he should get some credit where it's due. He's listened to the fans, riders etc views and is now paying for the track alterations to be made. Lets hope its succesful.

Yep, after 5 years of sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting "lalalala, don't want to hear that", he's found that by taking his fingers out, there's some sense being said. If that's what you call "listening", I'm Frasier Crane.

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That was the biggest step of all , but the answer lies in making the bends longer , which can only be achieved by making the straights further apart , not by moving the Kerbs in . Is there any track in the country with a centre green as narrow as BP ?

Buxton !!!!!!

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Just seen that Klindt has signed for Scunthorpe, but it is only until the Polish season starts has he has commtments over there.

Just hope that for once they have not signed a rider who will only be part of the Lions setup for just a few months as in previous years.

Will be good to see what actually happens with the track changes I for one hope that it includes both ends of the track, then at least we may see less of those first bend crashes, we seem to get aboubt 10 of those per meeting.

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Massive alterations. Widening the straights, taking about 3 metres off the corners which will shorten the straights. Could end up as a totally different track, which is what some want of course.

Got the right man doing it in Glyn.

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Marky.... All 4 turns are being done. 3 and 4 are now ready for the top shale. As most of you know the new track at Manchester have had shale ordered for months and with the weather the way its been Breedon can only store so much shale under cover. No one wants to lay wet shale. Turns one and two will be next when the shale is available. (DRY) Hope this answers some questions.

What about the drainage?

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Weather watcher - 10 first bend crashes per meeting? That's a bit of an exaggeration isn't it? That's a bit like saying there are 10 rider passes per season! Looking forward to seeing the outcome of the track changes which is what everyone wants to see. Now that the track length will effectively be shorter, will DH be looking to pay riders less as they will now not have travel so far? Just a thought!

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Not sure how you can really say DH has listened to his fans when it comes to the track becketlion, in fact quite the opposite. I'm guessing if he's finally listened to anything other than himself it's probably his pocket. But to give him his due, and I think you probably have to whatever your issues with him, it takes a lot of balls to go back on the one thing that in many ways has defined his power and control of the sport in Leicester. It's always appeared to me to be the stick by which he flayed his rivals and detractors, the proof irrefutable that he's in charge, it's his track even if he's the only one who thinks it's any good. Of that there has been no doubt. So well done David Hemsley on finally giving his fans what they want, Not sure if i'd be allowed in to watch the new track or not to be honest but it's great that most Leicester fans will finally get their wish.


Just because I can't stop moaning, It's a bit sad reading the comments on the Leicester facebook though, the usual backroom staff who have defended the indefensible over the last 5 years, seemingly to me in order maintain their position within the club, appear to be having a few problems with the alterations taking place. At least that's how it currently reads to me. Time for a few mirrors to be looked into after 5 years of wholly patronising puff from them including the usual 'just as much passing at Leicester as anywhere else', 'Blackbird Road was just as crap', 'All speedway is now just as crap', 'I counted 20 passes in the first two heats you blind idiots', 'it's costs too much to alter' blah blah blah.


Hey, maybe it's time for a track chat amnesty!


Finally, Wouldn't it be great to get Joe Screen down to the track when it's finished as it looks to me like he may actually be able to use all those new bits this time, eh Tsunami.


all the best,


Edited by volty
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Perhaps just as well I haven't booked our usual week's holiday in May and September because I'd better start saving my money with the prospect of Speedway at Coventry, Leicester (now the track is being altered) and the odd Peterborough Sunday meetings. :lol:

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Great news about the track. Well done to DH for being 'big enough' to take on board the feedback given and act upon it..


Hope it all turns out well and delivers a great standard of racing to stand alongside the excellent facilities..


(and Matej can ride it)...😃

Edited by mikebv
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They stay where they are and a road cone will be placed on them so the riders know where they are.

Come on big Al ask a silly question?

Well that's good news I had heard from somewhere (cant be sure where/who) that modifications to track could entail major work to the drainage obviously incurring big costs.
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Not sure how you can really say DH has listened to his fans when it comes to the track becketlion, in fact quite the opposite. I'm guessing if he's finally listened to anything other than himself it's probably his pocket. But to give him his due, and I think you probably have to whatever your issues with him, it takes a lot of balls to go back on the one thing that in many ways has defined his power and control of the sport in Leicester. It's always appeared to me to be the stick by which he flayed his rivals and detractors, the proof irrefutable that he's in charge, it's his track even if he's the only one who thinks it's any good. Of that there has been no doubt. So well done David Hemsley on finally giving his fans what they want, Not sure if i'd be allowed in to watch the new track or not to be honest but it's great that most Leicester fans will finally get their wish.


Just because I can't stop moaning, It's a bit sad reading the comments on the Leicester facebook though, the usual backroom staff who have defended the indefensible over the last 5 years, seemingly to me in order maintain their position within the club, appear to be having a few problems with the alterations taking place. At least that's how it currently reads to me. Time for a few mirrors to be looked into after 5 years of wholly patronising puff from them including the usual 'just as much passing at Leicester as anywhere else', 'Blackbird Road was just as crap', 'All speedway is now just as crap', 'I counted 20 passes in the first two heats you blind idiots', 'it's costs too much to alter' blah blah blah.


Hey, maybe it's time for a track chat amnesty!


Finally, Wouldn't it be great to get Joe Screen down to the track when it's finished as it looks to me like he may actually be able to use all those new bits this time, eh Tsunami.


all the best,


It's being made ready for when the Bees take it over next year , 12 months to bed in and be a decent racetrack :)

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