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Berwick 2016

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captain Kev

the Fish

Claus/Ben Barker




Thought about Carr for my team, he has come back well from injury but IMO needs a season winning races and being a top rider at NL level. However if the promoters introduce a fast track reserve system then Carr would certainly be in my team, though the top five would need to change as there would bound to be a decent sized reduction in points limit.

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First off....I obviously hope we run in 2016. Everything I can cross is crossed! Would have Jorgensen and Doolan back in a heartbeat. Both have been fantastic this season.


Not sure how it fits but something along the lines of


Barker / Fisher






And AN Other

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I would give another chance to thornblom looked a decent rider once he got going. Probably had to many crashes in a short period. Only thing not in his favour would be having a 7point average.

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Is there a definite deadline for declaring whether we run next season or not. Will the present Promotion definitely give up their licence if no offers of help or takeover are forthcoming.Overtures seem to indicate that they have lost their enthusiasm rather than huge financial losses.


BSPA have a meeting in around a months time, at the meeting Berwick will have to declare if they are running next year or not, you would think though that if an investor or buyer has come forward and is in talks with the club a period of grace would be given.

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There was talk a while back on here, about supporters paying a monthly donation. Did anything ever come of that? Does anybody know if the idea was put towards the promotion? An option to consider if no new owners are found surely.

Correct - I think it was, rather than shot down, pointed out that while financial contributions would help, the crux of the matter is the current owners are worn out. I fear that trying to manage a Speedway club in the UK is akin to pushing a wet turd up a hill with your nose.


My personal point of view is that Berwick Bandits really aren't doing anything wrong. It's been well run, they've been open enough about the situation over the years, been good at tub-thumping when they've had to be, rarely embellished details for the sake of PR, when things have gone **-up, they've subsequently explained themselves and apologised when they need to. Everything is in the right place. The biggest problems I think, are with Speedway itself and they are not unique to Berwick or any other side in the UK.

We've been to a half dozen meets this year, and this year the kids were bored silly. In past years, they've been absolutely buzzing post-race. Even named their cat after Kozza Smith. Truth be told, I was the same. Bored rigid. Sure - I appreciate the guys on their horses are sweating blood out there, but it's been rare to see any racing opportunity. The bikes are just far too fast.


As riders spend more money tuning, the costs go up, as costs go up, the financial risks are even greater. It's no surprise to me that you see some riders coasting around Berwick one day and racking up the points elsewhere. Or vice-versa. Not sure what it was this year, as well, but normally there are at least two lines at Berwick you can take (inside, no brainer for the leader and outside, for the mentalists who are happy to dial it up on the straight and shower the 3rd benders as the sweep round). This year, the track hasn't had that. I know nothing about track building, but if you have only one line, it's stands to reason that pretty difficult to have anything remotely entertaining other than a procession. Your only hope of an overtake is to take 3 laps of shale in the face and pray the guy in front makes a mistake. I suspect the increased terminal speed of the bikes contributes to this single line factor too. It's too fast. Have I mentioned that it's too fast.


Berwick should be commended for keeping it going as long as they have. Meanwhile the blazer wearers at the BSPA should be rounded up and slapped with a wet fish.


My point is, Berwick have been fighting a losing battle. They changes have to come from above. Now - if we do have a club for 2016, I'd like to see the following implemented:


1. Sealed engines purchased by clubs for their riders (dislaimer: Aye, yir maw)


2. Fast-track system for NL riders, as per the EL fast-track - this has been a superb initiative IMO. Bit some EL clubs on the backside right enough, but they'll figure it out next year.


3. Online post-heat / race sponsorship system. Like a rider? Enjoyed a race ; contribute to a pot via paypal. This already happens at the meets where - if a riders engines explodes then cash is gathered to assist (no doubt with a contribution going towards Gideon & co) ; why not allow the online savvy to contribute as well. Might also help clubs appreciate that the social media foamers can (nay, do) make a positive contribution.


4. Live streaming via Youtube or something similar. There's absolutely no reason not to do it now. Rip up the broadcast contract as they current guys are making are complete Gene Hunt of the whole thing (I don't mean to include GRT in this - their DVDs are superb, but I also fear they are restricted with their broadcast mediums). There's simply no correlation between streaming and being there unless you have somebody chucking gravel in your face and you've burning castrol and sniffing the fumes while camped at your laptop. This would also help my previous point. Got a mate who doesn't know what Speedway is? Send them a link to the highlights and drag them along the week after.


5. Red and Green Shells, and Rainbow powerups.


6. I thought about this when I saw Coty give it the full beans on the banking. A pursuit-style heat or two. Teams pair up at opposite straights of the track and get N laps to chase each other down. Would help racers with team-riding, we'd see some technical riding (or not *coughs*). None that elbows nonsense on the 1st bend. Bonus points for catching the opposition before the heat ends. This could even be used as a replacement for double-points - as it is more of a challenge than anything else.


7. Mandatory donuts from the heat winner. Every time. Kids love it.






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There was talk a while back on here, about supporters paying a monthly donation. Did anything ever come of that? Does anybody know if the idea was put towards the promotion? An option to consider if no new owners are found surely.


Yes, an e-mail was received by the promotion on August 24th, replied to on August 27th. The detailed and constructive suggestions put forward are under active consideration.


Such a scheme is broadly very positive, but the current promotion are anxious to ensure such a "trust fund" would be properly administered by (1) responsible and supportive people who are not (2) part of the actual promotion.


The bigger question has to be whether they (the current promotion) can be convinced by this, and other still-necessary funding assistance, to re-apply for league membership at the AGM.

Edited by crescent girl
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