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Arena Essex

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The comments are not anti-Poole. They anti-those who let Poole get away with stuff. Also, which comments are slanderous? I've had a look and at best you've got silly/stupid comments but nothing slanderous.

You dont think the up matt fords arse comment is anti poole then!!

You dont have to stick up for him just because he supports your team.

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You dont think the up matt fords arse comment is anti poole then!!

You dont have to stick up for him just because he supports your team.

I don't see how they're anti-Poole no. Take that way if you like, it's typical of some Poole fans to see offence where it isn't though. the offence is at those who seem to worship the ground he walks on and let him get away with what he does.

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1. I cannot agree with your view about the SCB - it controls what it is given to control.


2. The real power is with the promoters and I feel Lakeside have been in a position in the past to do more to change things. They haven't taken those chances, for whatever reason.


3. British speedway needs some strong leadership. I long hoped Lakeside would lead.


4. I have no axe to grind but my honest opinion is that Lakeside could have done more.

1. Good job you were not in charge of The Nuremburg Trials with that stance. Everyone would have walked free.


2/3/4. More or less all the same rhetoric, so I've lumped them together. However, to summarise, and hopefully put some 'meat on the bones', could you please enlighten us by answering:


- What exactly should Lakeside have led, and why?

- What more could Lakeside have done, and how?

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I don't see how they're anti-Poole no. Take that way if you like, it's typical of some Poole fans to see offence where it isn't though. the offence is at those who seem to worship the ground he walks on and let him get away with what he does.

Well that's not me is it, i have never condoned Matt Ford's actions when he has done wrong but that comment is anti Poole in my view.

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Very surprised to read the comments in the speedway star this week which seems to paint a very dark cloud hanging over the future of speedway at Arena Essex, I knew plans were in the pipeline but all of a sudden it seems to have taken a more menacing angle, if the site is not going to have room for the speedway then the four wheeled motorsport must also be in jeopardy, though frankly from what I have heard down the years I would be amazed if the Woodrolf family were to sell up out of choice, I also know someone who frequents the car track quite a lot just to have a burn up and he has never said anything about that being in danger of ending, is this threat real or is it simply another speedway promoter crying wolf because large amounts of their fan base have walked because the state the sport is in?

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Point 1: It is Speedway Control Bureau - I read that as controlling but not setting the policy. So SCB can do rules and regs but the power rests with the BSPA. I have read this week that the SCB chairman is doing a tour of all speedway tracks to speak to all sorts of people about the state of the sport. He hopes to talk to the BSPA, the report said. So, I think it is the BSPA that is in charge.


Not sure trials in Nuremberg is a suitable analogy.


In relation to the other points, I maybe attached too much hope in the fact that a few years ago Lakeside had new promoters. In Jon they had the speedway guru and in Stuart, a successful businessman. Frankly, I hoped the two together would make the sport see sense.


It didn't happen, which is a pity. (I know Jon has been criticised for some of his ideas but at least he tried to come up with something new).


Maybe Jon and Stuart became worn down by the status quo.

bit like Sandu at Coventry some promotors do not not want an independent management running the sport which is what it needs so there is no conflict of intereste Imo
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Ah yes the old 'independent management' argument solves everything!!?


Nobody has been able to name anyone (either individually or as a committee) that is truly independent ie without any allegiance past or present to any club!!

We already have a team of them, they're called referees!

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Very surprised to read the comments in the speedway star this week which seems to paint a very dark cloud hanging over the future of speedway at Arena Essex, I knew plans were in the pipeline but all of a sudden it seems to have taken a more menacing angle, if the site is not going to have room for the speedway then the four wheeled motorsport must also be in jeopardy, though frankly from what I have heard down the years I would be amazed if the Woodrolf family were to sell up out of choice, I also know someone who frequents the car track quite a lot just to have a burn up and he has never said anything about that being in danger of ending, is this threat real or is it simply another speedway promoter crying wolf because large amounts of their fan base have walked because the state the sport is in?

It appears the Woodroff family are content to sell the stadium and move on. They seem to have had no contact with the Council with a view to continuing to run stock car racing. their investment is a clapped put old stadium in need of extensive renovation and sale of it under a compulsory purchase order would make a handy retire ment fund for them. The speedway promotion on the other hand have had negotiations with Thurrock Council, local councillors have been to some meetings , so I believe have prospective parliamentary candidates before the election.


The bottom line is that the developers are only interested in maximum profit which means no speedway, but the Council have to consider provision of leisure facilities and speedway is a big leisure feature. What Jon Cook was saying was a plea for maximum support for the resigning matches to shore up the councils position in backing speedway as it is the Council that ultimately decide planning permission

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If Cook thinks that the Council will insist on a developer providing a speedway stadium as part of the planning permission I fear he will be disappointed. The best they might get is a contribution towards costs as part of a section 106 agreement but even that isn't guaranteed. That would then leave the question of funding the difference.

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If Cook thinks that the Council will insist on a developer providing a speedway stadium as part of the planning permission I fear he will be disappointed. The best they might get is a contribution towards costs as part of a section 106 agreement but even that isn't guaranteed. That would then leave the question of funding the difference.

I don't think Cook is exactly making it up as he goes along. He said at the fans forum last year that he was in contact with a compny that specialises in these sort of things and seems to have subsequently had meetings with the Council and various others. No doubt he has been in touch with Dave Gordon of Belle Vue for advice, and probably the Swindon promotion as well. We can only wait and see withou.t pre- judging anything. Add to that the fact that Stuart Douglas holds the purse strings and he is no fool in business matters if look where his career has taken him,

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In relation to the other points, I maybe attached too much hope in the fact that a few years ago Lakeside had new promoters. In Jon they had the speedway guru and in Stuart, a successful businessman. Frankly, I hoped the two together would make the sport see sense.


It didn't happen, which is a pity. (I know Jon has been criticised for some of his ideas but at least he tried to come up with something new).


Maybe Jon and Stuart became worn down by the status quo.

Richard, you've not answered my points - namley what should Lakeside have 'led'; and what should Jon Cook and Stuart Douglas have actually done?


All that you've done is simply changed your stance from apportioning some degree of blame on them both for Speedway's current ills, to giving them character references.


If you are going to point the finger at Cookie and Duggo (as you appeared to initially) then at least back it up with something meaningful. Otherwise, you are basically just talking out your @rse mate.

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Get Real, At the end of the day money will be the deciding factor . As we have seen at other venues over the years even those who profess to be Speedway supporters will capitulate if enough money is waved in their faces.

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  • 2 months later...

I have just dragged this thread from the archives as decision time is getting rather close. If Lakeside are to enter a team into the EL next year it will have to be declared by the weekend of 17th/18th October. No news from the promotion since 16th September so every day that passes makes it look less likely that they will come to the tapes in 2016.

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I sincerely hope that the sport is not lost to the County again, but, as you say, with the lack of news from the promotion and the Kent Kings announcement regarding Elite League racing, it is looking bleak at the moment.

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There is an 'update' on the Hammers Website (for what it is worth) re ongoing negotiations and, perhaps, the most poignant comment concerns Stuart Douglas' commitment to 'Essex'.



Edited by TonyE
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I have just dragged this thread from the archives as decision time is getting rather close. If Lakeside are to enter a team into the EL next year it will have to be declared by the weekend of 17th/18th October. No news from the promotion since 16th September so every day that passes makes it look less likely that they will come to the tapes in 2016.

The theoretical date is 18th October but there is precedent for giving a club extra time to decide, as happened in the case of Peterborough

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Thus putting Lakesides riders at a disadvantage as they all have to hang around waiting to find out if they have a job while other riders sort out team places. I hope for their sake Cookie doesn't drag it out and drop certain riders in the smelly stuff. (as happened last year)

Arena haven't got many assets to keep hanging around have they ?
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