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New To Speedway And Surprised At The Negativity, Are Things Really That Bad?

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HI all,


I hope you don't mind me wanting to get this off my chest.


I have been into speedway for about a year and the negativity around the sport really does shock me. Has it always been like this and what do people think has changed and is now worse?


I just find it odd reading so much negativity on Facebook and other online sites - This leads me to think that the this must be why a lot of new people may be put off and therefore this may discourage many new fans from getting into the sport.


For me, I became very disillusioned with the big money in premier league football and the way players dive around every two seconds and looked at speedway. Many speedway riders come across as very down to earth and are not afraid of a knock or two and just get on with things,


In terms of attracting new fans I am sure more seasoned fans will know what is missing but as a new fan I have to admit the despondency is rubbing off on me slightly and I am sure this could be the case for others.


To sum up. How do you think we can get the positiveness back?



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4 riders. 4 laps. It's as brilliant now as it's ever been and it's ever going to be. Multiply that by 15, 20 or 23 times its still a bloody great night out.


Where it goes wrong is the laise fair attitude of the promoters towards fans. "you've booked time of work to attend next weeks meeting? Tough, we're re-arranging it for the following week". "Rushed to the meeting after work getting here on time after a 2 hour drive? Well some people have got here late so we're delaying the start despite the fact you have a 2 hour drive home after the meeting". "Still wanting to get home at a reasonable time? Not happening today. I know we had a sun break for 45 minutes but we're going to have an interval now too".


Then there is the attitude to the rulebook. At best it's a guide.


Some people will tell you rules are crap, the rulebook is too confusing. No, the reason it's confusing is because the people who write it often ignore it or twist it.


So in short, watch the sport for what it is, 4 riders racing 4 laps and it's still amazing. Try and get into the sport and understand the rules or think of it as a serious sport and you'll go bloody mad.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 9:54 AM, SCB said:

4 riders. 4 laps. It's as brilliant now as it's ever been and it's ever going to be. Multiply that by 15, 20 or 23 times its still a bloody great night out.


Where it goes wrong is the laise fair attitude of the promoters towards fans. "you've booked time of work to attend next weeks meeting? Tough, we're re-arranging it for the following week". "Rushed to the meeting after work getting here on time after a 2 hour drive? Well some people have got here late so we're delaying the start despite the fact you have a 2 hour drive home after the meeting". "Still wanting to get home at a reasonable time? Not happening today. I know we had a sun break for 45 minutes but we're going to have an interval now too".


Then there is the attitude to the rulebook. At best it's a guide.


Some people will tell you rules are crap, the rulebook is too confusing. No, the reason it's confusing is because the people who write it often ignore it or twist it.


So in short, watch the sport for what it is, 4 riders racing 4 laps and it's still amazing. Try and get into the sport and understand the rules or think of it as a serious sport and you'll go bloody mad.


That's a great positive answer mate. Really refreshing.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 9:22 AM, hammers66 said:

I have been into speedway for about a year and the negativity around the sport really does shock me. Has it always been like this and what do people think has changed and is now worse?


It's always been like it - at least for the past 25 years. Of course, the Internet congregates all the negativity into a few places, whereas we previously just moaned on terraces with our nearest neighbours.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 9:58 AM, Humphrey Appleby said:


It's always been like it - at least for the past 25 years. Of course, the Internet congregates all the negativity into a few places, whereas we previously just moaned on terraces with our nearest neighbours.



That makes a lot of sense, I suppose people will see stuff online (like I have) and think, bloody hell, is it really that bad?

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I'm interested in all the politics etc but when I get to a meeting it's then all about the four guys racing and that will always keep me coming back for more 😆


Once out on track 95% of the time they are not thinking about anything but winning\earning most money they can\doing the best for their team 😊

Edited by Trees
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Hi Hammers, I agree with other forum members comments, that there has been negative talk about speedway for many years, however, those that are 'long in the tooth', like me and many others on here, we can see speedway is sadly dying and those that run the sport, do not seem to be doing enough to turn things around. Add to that the many clubs/teams that have come and gone and those clubs that have the Sword of Damocles hanging over them, then you can start to understand the negativity being expressed. But, as has also been expressed, the product, 4 guys tearing around an oval track, is as good as it always was, even allowing for some of the crazy rules and changes that have been introduced that get up some peoples noses.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 10:47 AM, Ray Stadia said:

Hi Hammers, I agree with other forum members comments, that there has been negative talk about speedway for many years, however, those that are 'long in the tooth', like me and many others on here, we can see speedway is sadly dying and those that run the sport, do not seem to be doing enough to turn things around. Add to that the many clubs/teams that have come and gone and those clubs that have the Sword of Damocles hanging over them, then you can start to understand the negativity being expressed. But, as has also been expressed, the product, 4 guys tearing around an oval track, is as good as it always was, even allowing for some of the crazy rules and changes that have been introduced that get up some peoples noses.



Another great response and makes a lot of sense in terms of my questions.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 9:43 AM, hammers66 said:

Thanks mate.


Hoping to get to a meeting soon. I don't drive so will have to see what I can do.

I think SCB summed it up pretty well (IMO),,,

and the more you get into it, you might find that the desponcy might even break you,,, but I do hope you enjoy it and, try and bring some friends :)

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Yes there are plenty of things that need addressing in this fantastic sport but there are also plenty of things that are great.


If motor sport is your thing then speedway has, in my humble opinion, a lot going for it.


For starters,


Its the only motorsport that is truly team based which creates tension and drama and all manner of stuff all of itself.


A meeting can be onesided and still give great entertainment, if the racing is good.


A meeting can give great entertainment if the racing is not good but the scores are close


If a race is prossesional it only lasts a minute and then another one comes along.


The mecca of motorsport is the outside pass. Something that happens in speedway more than any other sport (IMO)

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The problem is that speedway is followed predominantly by a generation of fans that is made up of "grumpy old men". In some cases, there is a severe emphasis on the word "old" too, which doesn't help.


Everyone enters into the sport bouncing with the optimism of a newly born lamb, but sooner or later all that gets beaten out of you, one way or the other. Sooner or later you too become a grumpy old man too...except if you become a grumpy old woman. One or the other.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 11:22 AM, guitar_art said:

Yes there are plenty of things that need addressing in this fantastic sport but there are also plenty of things that are great.


If motor sport is your thing then speedway has, in my humble opinion, a lot going for it.


For starters,


Its the only motorsport that is truly team based which creates tension and drama and all manner of stuff all of itself.


A meeting can be onesided and still give great entertainment, if the racing is good.


A meeting can give great entertainment if the racing is not good but the scores are close


If a race is prossesional it only lasts a minute and then another one comes along.


The mecca of motorsport is the outside pass. Something that happens in speedway more than any other sport (IMO)

But those who run the Sport can't stand that. They have to contrive (fiddle) Results by bringing in stupid Rules like Double Points.


  On 7/6/2015 at 12:26 PM, uk martin said:

The problem is that speedway is followed predominantly by a generation of fans that is made up of "grumpy old men". In some cases, there is a severe emphasis on the word "old" too, which doesn't help.


Everyone enters into the sport bouncing with the optimism of a newly born lamb, but sooner or later all that gets beaten out of you, one way or the other. Sooner or later you too become a grumpy old man too...except if you become a grumpy old woman. One or the other.

Here I am!!! :t::o :o :blink:

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  On 7/6/2015 at 12:26 PM, uk martin said:

The problem is that speedway is followed predominantly by a generation of fans that is made up of "grumpy old men". In some cases, there is a severe emphasis on the word "old" too, which doesn't help.


Everyone enters into the sport bouncing with the optimism of a newly born lamb, but sooner or later all that gets beaten out of you, one way or the other. Sooner or later you too become a grumpy old man too...except if you become a grumpy old woman. One or the other.

When you lose your club a passion dies somewhat, I certainly don't enjoy watching any team like Kings Lynn. Of course you hope that your club is run in a way you like and approve of.


As for individual riders, fans like different riders for all sorts of reasons, I mean some even support NP lol Club affiliation is huge I'd say.


Don't become a grumpy old man or woman, try always to enjoy the racing, never forget the guys are out there on 500cc motorbikes, without a suit of armour, doing speeds of 0-60 in 3/4 secs, no brakes, no gears, inches from one another/the fence and often making split second decisions.

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Hi Hammer, you have to throw into the equation the fact that some people just enjoy a good moan. If you haven't worked it out already you'll soon work out that it's the same ones that never have anything good to say. Makes you wonder why they have anything to do with them sport if it upsets them so much and the only conclusion you can draw is they are sad dos that enjoy a good moan. For he rest us I gues we are on an addictive roll or coaster that makes you feel you want to throw yourself of a cliff when your team is doing badly and has you walking on air for days after a good win.


Apart from the chronic complainers the rest of the banter should be taken wit.h a large shovel of salt. Most fans my arem ok when You meet up with them.

Edited by E I Addio
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  On 7/6/2015 at 2:48 PM, E I Addio said:

Hi Hammer, you have to throw into the equation the fact that some people just enjoy a good moan. If you haven't worked it out already you'll soon work out that it's the same ones that never have anything good to say. Makes you wonder why they have anything to do with them sport if it upsets them so much and the only conclusion you can draw is they are sad dos that enjoy a good moan. For he rest us I gues we are on an addictive roll or coaster that makes you feel you want to throw yourself of a cliff when your team is doing badly and has you walking on air for days after a good win.


Apart from the chronic complainers the rest of the banter should be taken wit.h a large shovel of salt. Most fans my arem ok when You meet up with them.





Thanks for great response. This thread has already restored my faith in passionate fans that just love the sport for what it is and are not around it to pick holes in it at every opportunity.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 2:48 PM, E I Addio said:

Hi Hammer, you have to throw into the equation the fact that some people just enjoy a good moan. If you haven't worked it out already you'll soon work out that it's the same ones that never have anything good to say. Makes you wonder why they have anything to do with them sport if it upsets them so much and the only conclusion you can draw is they are sad dos that enjoy a good moan. For he rest us I gues we are on an addictive roll or coaster that makes you feel you want to throw yourself of a cliff when your team is doing badly and has you walking on air for days after a good win.


Apart from the chronic complainers the rest of the banter should be taken wit.h a large shovel of salt. Most fans my arem ok when You meet up with them.

I completely disagree. Many forum members have memories of when speedway was better attended, when English/British riders were the best in the world, when speedway was held in Wembley and not just for a 'one-off' annual meeting. Forum members are not moaning about speedway necessarily, but are lamenting about how speedway was. We want those days back, but I am afraid, they may be gone forever. If the new generation of speedway fans think they can turn things around, then I truly wish you all the luck in the world and hope it happens.

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