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The Most Secret Speedway Meeting Ever

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From the video the track seemed to be rather dry and dusty. I hope they get it better than that on the night as I can see it causing a lot of problems by the time they get to the latter heats with the track breaking up.

THINK the video may have been deceptive but they didn't have the usual watering truck available so that may have had something to do with it but the track was still in good shape at the end according to the guys who rode it.

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Yeah, I know that.


I'd still like to have a butchers at the results, though.


All the best


Kennett, Kerr and Richie W all ended up with 11 points.

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THINK the video may have been deceptive but they didn't have the usual watering truck available so that may have had something to do with it but the track was still in good shape at the end according to the guys who rode it.

agree the video is deceptive, the track was in very good condition and perfect to race on right up to the last heat with several lines for those that wanted to use them, and a joy to watch the lads racing on it, thumbs up to Phil Morris for organising this. for someone who is not always too bothered about going to cardiff, from the moment they were having their practice laps, i had a buzz about the place, and feel this could be a very good gp.

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Gathered that much, but what did the other 13 riders score and what were the heat details?


All the best


Don't know and don't really care. The track was OK and that was the point of the meeting.

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agree the video is deceptive, the track was in very good condition and perfect to race on right up to the last heat with several lines for those that wanted to use them, and a joy to watch the lads racing on it or, thumbs up to Phil Morris forganising this. for someone who is not always too bothered about going to cardiff, from the moment they were having their practice laps, i had a buzz about the place, and feel this could be a very good gp.

Phil Morris couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. :cry::cheers:

P.S. just in case you think I don't like Morris, I don't................ I HATE HIM.

Edited by tyretrax
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Earlier in this thread Phil Rising listed the riders, not seen the full results. The get together was'nt a meeting as such, it was to test the track, that was the main purpose, get opinions, and they now still have over a week to improve/consolidate the track before Sat 4th July


First, for those who have enquired, the line-up: Kyle Howarth, Lewis Blackbird, Stuart Robson, Robert Lambert, Danny King, Charles Wright, Kyle Newman, Ritchie Worrell, Ashley Birks, Richard Lawson, Jason Garrity, Adam Ellis, Lewis Kerr, Josh Bates, Edward Kennett and Adsam Roynon.

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I'LL see whether a can find out but it was all very informal.


Cheers Mr Rising.


I appreciate it was informal, but someone must have been keeping score, because it's known that 3 riders top scored on 11.


Speedway is a very statistic-driven sport, and supporters do like having results. I know I do. In fact, I always read the Speedway Star backwards - the match reports first and then the rest of it.


All the best


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Don't know and don't really care. The track was OK and that was the point of the meeting.

That was then. Now they've got just over a week to f##k it up. Shale not hydrating, roof left open ,damaged water main, rising damp etc. The permutations are endless and we're talking Ole Olsen/BSI here.

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The equivalent of 2 meetings on the track (practice) 24 hours before hand is hardly going to help the situation.

PRACTICE is shorter this year

That was then. Now they've got just over a week to f##k it up. Shale not hydrating, roof left open ,damaged water main, rising damp etc. The permutations are endless and we're talking Ole Olsen/BSI here.

THANKS for your positive vibes

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Please,please put the results out there.We have numerous speedway stattos who have hardly got any sleep since this meeting was run and only a small part of the results was leaked.


Or maybe it would be possible to mail them individually to every member apart from Rob Peasley after they have signed a pledge of secrecy?

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Great attitude. :o


Someone must know the result of the meeting, and it would only take a couple of minutes to post a result on the Speedway Grand Prix website.


All the best


Who the hell cares?


It was only a Test for the Track.


You do go on sometimes.





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Who the hell cares?


It was only a Test for the Track.


You do go on sometimes.





What do you mean 'sometimes'. :P

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