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The Dilemma Of Greg Hancock

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I think ive read it all now when I see people actually saying they like to see crashes as it adds to the enjoyment!


Well personally (and these are the only ones ive seen 'live') it wasn't much fun seeing Paul Muchene slid off slowly but right under the wheel of the poor Nick Floyd. It wasn't great fun seeing Frede Schott and Brett Saunders crash dramatically at Foxhall one night. I didn't really enjoy seeing Andy Galvin's career practically be over twice, once in a broken leg at Rye House and once a broken neck at Arena. And then finally the great Mark Lorams career ending crash that destroyed the back straight at Foxhall.


What Pedersen did to Hancock THIS TIME was in my eyes hard not dirty. Nicki quite rightly was excluded. What Hancock did was inexcusable absolutely but sometimes enough is enough.


When Boycey punched Gollob it was for the same reasons the riders had had enough. To be fair Gollob seemed to change an awful lot after that punch, maybe he realised he needed to change and im sure most fans now don't see Gollob as dirty, hard maybe but not unfair.


Unfortunatly its probably to late for Nicki to change. He cant pass people without basically almost putting them out the race.


If he needs to know how to pass people fairly he needs to study Loram and yes even Darcy.


If you want to see hard and fair racing im sure there is a link somewhere to a race at Poole between Havvy, Loram, Hancock and Hamill. Watch them throw the bikes at each other but never dangerous always showing respect for their opponent

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No I don't. For a start we've only got 1 mans word that's what is being said - not saying he lied but a case of chinese whispers.

So come on, Phil says riders are suggesting others will fence Nicki, what does fence mean in your opinion?


PR actually just used it as a cheap debating point with me to try and score a hit.

Perhaps, I goaded him a little.


We really do know what fencing means.

It is ugly and an attempt to downgrade it into meaning something else to get out of a 'miss-speak' is a bit daft.

And a tad transparent.


In the olden days Ivan Mauger and Ivor Brown had a feud.

Mauger hated Brown with a passion and he later admitted it was the only time he deliberately tried to 'fence' someone


He meant hurt him intentionally.

As we all know, really deep down, if we are honest


I think we should leave this particular point alone now and move on, for safety's sake.


Edited by Grand Central
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Unfortunately I cannot make it that night.

Bizarrely the 4th of July has been 'annexed' my US friends, of all things.

Let's hope this threads a good indicator of the 'buzz' created.


US friends?


That's like a Bees fan admitting to spending Cardiff weekend with Poole fans :o


Who'd do that? :nono:


I'd put money on it being damp squib too....

WELL said ... but bet first thing fans at Cardiff look for is the heat involving NP and GH.

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What I find most staggering about this thread is people's inability to spell Nicki correctly. I know speedway fans ain't the brightest bunch but it's a five letter word ffs...

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What I find most staggering about this thread is people's inability to spell Nicki correctly. I know speedway fans ain't the brightest bunch but it's a five letter word ffs...

Dirty is a five letter word. Rhymes with Nicki. :neutral:

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What I find most staggering about this thread is people's inability to spell Nicki correctly. I know speedway fans ain't the brightest bunch but it's a five letter word ffs...




We've had Nikki, Nicky and Niki. I'm waiting for Nike.


Come on somebody, ' just do it. '

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What I find most staggering about this thread is people's inability to spell Nicki correctly. I know speedway fans ain't the brightest bunch but it's a five letter word ffs...

It amazes me how many people can't spell Tai. So Nicki stands no chance!

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What I find most staggering about this thread is people's inability to spell Nicki correctly. I know speedway fans ain't the brightest bunch but it's a five letter word ffs...



Anything over four letter words and a lot of people struggle :P

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Mr Drink and ride aka Darcy Ward should learn to keep his mouth shut. He was convicted for being drunk during a Grand Prix so I really don't think he

is the rider that have a right on complain about others for being unsafe.

darcy is never going to learn to keep his head down and his mouth shut, from what I have been told saying Pedersen was unsafe is about the mildest thing that was on twitter hence lots have been deleted and an appeal to keep it clean placed. as far as I'm aware nicki has not used druds then avaded the police been mixed up in a sexual assault or been drunk the night before a meeting, some people should look closer to home before calling someone a w******r

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darcy is never going to learn to keep his head down and his mouth shut, from what I have been told saying Pedersen was unsafe is about the mildest thing that was on twitter hence lots have been deleted and an appeal to keep it clean placed. as far as I'm aware nicki has not used druds then avaded the police been mixed up in a sexual assault or been drunk the night before a meeting, some people should look closer to home before calling someone a w******r

Indeed, and many of the same people who slag off Nicki for his hard racing, seem to think Darcy is 'little Mr Innocent' who is misunderstood and should be given a break.

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Pedersen was hard, but not deliberate in his move on Hancock. Certainly has generated some chatter. What Sundstrom did to Doyle in the World Cup was deliberate, and he wasn't even excluded. The point is, they can all push the safety line sometimes, Pedersen just does it more often.

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The point is, they can all push the safety line sometimes, Pedersen just does it more often.

I would agree with that. Nicki does push it more than most, but the fact is most riders are guilty, with the odd exception of Greg who does not know how to pass (joke). So all the other riders slagging Nicki off I find incredible.

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Yep, more often than not its something a rider might be guilty of a couple or so, maybe even half a dozen, times in a career, it is usually so rare the examples are easy to remember.

I suspect most riders are guilty of it multiple times per season when you consider how many races they all do, all over the world.

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You could be right, I bet they're all at it the rascals! I wonder why Pedersen gets singled out?

I think it was a bit like Gollob in his early days when Boyce punched him. He does have a reputation, so most incidents he is involved in is perhaps nothing more than 50/50 in most cases but his reputation meant people put blame on him, people always think 'oh Nicki again, must be his fault'.

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