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Go Speed International Statement.

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According to Companies House, Go Speed International Ltd has two shareholders (Mr & Mrs Guess Who?) with paid up share capital of £100. The company was started up after the liquidation of the previous company - Go Speed Ltd - that left debts of some £40,000.00 behind it.

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When it's a televised meeting the ref has diddly squat to do with whether the meeting goes ahead. That goes down to the meeting steward who is there to do Russell's bidding, in other words do everything to keep Sky happy.

You can't blame Sky for the continual farces but you can blame Russell. His determination to keep the TV boys happy has resulted in some shocking meetings, tracks and decisions in the past few years, and why we are saddled with Ronnie - the Man with the Sadim touch.

I had thought all meetings in the league championship were run under same rules but this is clearly not the case. Perhaps tv meetings should be excluded from overall result so winner is best from referee run events,

TV elite speedway is now more like tv wrestling orchestrated by clowns for "entertainment"

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Ok so Coventry were happy to ride for the money but once it became clear they would not win they wanted the meeting to be postponed? To be fair any club in their situation would act the same but Havelock comes across less than professional when things are not going his way.

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Have the promoters, by signing away such power to GSI in the first place, allowed themselves to be put over a barrel?

Seriously, would a promoter decide to cancel a meeting over 48 hours beforehand unless its completely open and shut case?


Either the promoters decided (and have been proved correct) that it was financially worth it, to sign away so much power to a third party back in 2009, or


they were wrong/eejits/conned.....(delete as appropriate).

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Go Speed international,now that company name sounds really the business,but i thought i would take a look at their company address in Dartford,its nothing more then a business centre po address in Dartford!!!!.But the thing that made me laugh is also listed at the same address is a priivate detective agency!!!! ( I know its not the Russell boys but it would be so much fun if it was!!!)


check out their head offic next to Hair Flairhttps://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.447296,0.199461,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1soZTOM8EQYo9TXK_hE97mHw!2e0

Must be a mistake as it says Centre For Excellence. Unless it's the other side and British Speedway is being run from a skip :)

Handy for him to get his hair done anyways :) :)

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Have the promoters, by signing away such power to GSI in the first place, allowed themselves to be put over a barrel?...


It takes episodes like this to highlight what a huge botch up the whole media arrangements that the BSPA have signed themselves up to are, who benefits from it (Ronnie Russell & Mrs Russell) and what goddam awful partners in crime (figure of speech - no actual crimes being alleged, yet...) GSI Ltd are.

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coventry.jpg COVENTRY have issued the following statement on Friday June 5:


COVENTRY Speedway notes the statement issued by Go Speed International Ltd regarding the Coventry v Poole fixture on Monday June 1.


Coventry will be providing the relevant authorities with statements of fact concerning the events of last weekend, and Monday itself, to prove that the statement issued by Go Speed International Ltd is incorrect and damaging to our club’s credibility within the sport. Evidence will be forwarded to the BSPA and the SCB.


As a club, we are so incensed by the debacle of Monday evening that we are seeking a full enquiry into the events, and we call on all parties to hold a meeting where all views can be considered when the evidence has been compiled.


We trust the SCB and BSPA to consider our requests for the meeting to be re-staged. Allowing Poole to retain the four league points gained in such unsatisfactory circumstances impacts not only Coventry, but all other Elite League colleagues who are still striving for play-off qualification.


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I had thought all meetings in the league championship were run under same rules but this is clearly not the case. Perhaps tv meetings should be excluded from overall result so winner is best from referee run events,

TV elite speedway is now more like tv wrestling orchestrated by clowns for "entertainment"


Pretty soon it'll be like the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. If there's a faller the viewer will have the power to press the red/blue/green/yellow buttons on their handsets and decide on who gets excluded, as the referee has been effectively been relegated to a glorified scorekeeper with no effective powers over the conduct of the meeting.

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As far as i know, the agreement with GSI made back in 2009 which included the terms and conditions which are now causing the Coventry management so much angst, doesn't have a formal review date so presumably its just run since then without being amended.

So anyone who has become a promoter since 2009, becomes automatically bound up to those terms and conditions.

I'm not a Coventry expert, so don't know when Mick Horton became the promoter......would he have been around in 2009?

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coventry.jpg COVENTRY have issued the following statement on Friday June 5:


COVENTRY Speedway notes the statement issued by Go Speed International Ltd regarding the Coventry v Poole fixture on Monday June 1.


Coventry will be providing the relevant authorities with statements of fact concerning the events of last weekend, and Monday itself, to prove that the statement issued by Go Speed International Ltd is incorrect and damaging to our club’s credibility within the sport. Evidence will be forwarded to the BSPA and the SCB.


As a club, we are so incensed by the debacle of Monday evening that we are seeking a full enquiry into the events, and we call on all parties to hold a meeting where all views can be considered when the evidence has been compiled.


We trust the SCB and BSPA to consider our requests for the meeting to be re-staged. Allowing Poole to retain the four league points gained in such unsatisfactory circumstances impacts not only Coventry, but all other Elite League colleagues who are still striving for play-off qualification.


Based on previous experience,something makes me think that it will be a complete waste of time and effort, unfortunately.

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Good statement by Coventry and good to see them taking action.


I guess you are a Coventry fan then. As somebody who isn't one (and have no dislike of the Bees) I think the statement a reflection from somebody who just does not want to accept what happened because he came out on the wrong side of what was a difficult situation. Poole (no I am not a Poole supporter) on the other hand got on with the task in hand, namely getting past heat ten and by doing so ensured they obtained a victory rather than lose the benefit of the lead they had built up both when the track was capable of being raced on and when conditions became less so. Contrary to Coventry promotions view that "Allowing Poole to retain the four league points gained in such unsatisfactory circumstances" should not be allowed, I would point out that the group of individuals who had the best chance of doing that were in fact the Coventry Bees...but they chose not to race...ah but they were behind anyway so now they need a plan B and I for one hope it does not pay off, they have had their chance and lost!

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Based on previous experience,something makes me think that it will be a complete waste of time and effort, unfortunately.

Sadly I agree but it's good to see somebody standing up to them and not just rolling over and letting them do what they like. Without clubs taking a stand, this sort of mess will keep happening again.

Who knows, Poole may have won this meeting if it had been held in better weather but at least that would have been fairly done without Coventry having no say in track prep and the fans being robbed of a good meeting. It's unfair that Horton has lost so much money due to circumstances beyond his control.

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The investigation into the accuracy of the statement is 100% necessary and I look forward to the outcome. It is high time there was a shift in power and transparency throughout British speedway. However I would note 2 things...


1) Poole's points will not be touched, and why should they? Poole did not complain about the state of the track, and it was clear from the coverage that at least 1 Coventry rider was more than happy to ride, which is at least 8 vs 6 who wish to ride vs those who didn't. If the majority of the riders wish to continue as well as the track steward then the meeting is legitimate and the points will stand.

2) Sky will not be happy about this negative exposure one little bit and will likely hamper the already fragile future coverage deals.

Agree with your first paragraph.

Agree Poole should keep the ponts, cos I've never been in favour of points being decide off the track.

As for 2, probably a good thing, let's leave TV alone, let the Go Speed agreement lapse and sort the sport out.

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Not a surprise that Coventry would come back rubbishing Go-Speed's claims. Which one do you believe? I think my money is on the Bees version because the GSI one was so weak. However, I don't agree with the last bit of pushing for it to be restaged. They rode 10 heats and a result was reached - end of. Time to move on and think themselves lucky they didn't get a harsher punishment for refusing to ride in heat 10!

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Sadly I agree but it's good to see somebody standing up to them and not just rolling over and letting them do what they like. Without clubs taking a stand, this sort of mess will keep happening again.

Who knows, Poole may have won this meeting if it had been held in better weather but at least that would have been fairly done without Coventry having no say in track prep and the fans being robbed of a good meeting. It's unfair that Horton has lost so much money due to circumstances beyond his control.

It will take a lot more than that to make me feel sorry for Horton. :D

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