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Poland V Denmark Friday 1st May Live On Tv

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Would be great to see England having a test series against the Danes - even if it was a "UK based" Danish team, so domething like nki bjerre Hans bech kilderman michelsen bjarne and porsing. a full strength England team (I.e. including tai and Nichols) could at least make a decent battle of it.

This particular match is certainly a clash of the two top test sides in world speedway.

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Denmark with their best riders. As for us (Poles) Grzegorz Walasek (Greg), Piotr Protasiewicz (PePe) and Janusz Kołodziej (Kołdi) are certainly better riders than Maciej Janowski (Magic). BTW we call Iversen "PUK" way more often than NKI. It's a nickname given him by his closest family in his childhood. :)

Nice try!!

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Would be great to see England having a test series against the Danes - even if it was a "UK based" Danish team, so domething like nki bjerre Hans bech kilderman michelsen bjarne and porsing. a full strength England team (I.e. including tai and Nichols) could at least make a decent battle of it.

This particular match is certainly a clash of the two top test sides in world speedway.


Could also include Nicki Pedersen too, as he and his family live in Stevenage....


As we all know though, the BSPA long ago lost their appetite for test matches......

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Personally would love to see a return to the Test Matches, with Poland, Denmark, Sweden, USA, Australia, even Russia, Czech Republic. Half a dozen matches a season, some away, would be an ideal warm-up for the World Cup. But there is little chance of this happening with the current number of league meetings.

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Genuine question. What would be more beneficial to British speedway. Four to six test matches a year, or the same number of rounds of Elite League fixtures? Spread the Test Matches around the tracks, promote them like hell, try and get TV coverage, so the BSPA can make some money and spread the profits around the tracks. It would probably do the Britain team a lot of good as well, get the team used to riding with each other and against top quality riders at Grand Prix level intensity.

Unfortunately I could never see the BSPA going for this, as British promoters, in the current financial climate, are too busy looking after their own back. In their eyes its all about survival rather than seeing the bigger picture.

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Tbh I think you could host a 3 test series against the Aussies and Danes and it at least break even. Surely not unrealistic to get 2000 paying customers @ £20 each? I reckon that would cover the riders, and then series/meeting sponsorship to cover the other costs? Both Danes and Aussies could field teams from riders based here, do only tai would need to bring across bikes from Europe.

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Surely not unrealistic to get 2000 paying customers @ £20 each?


You'd get 2000 scribes describing the test series as a Mickey Mouse event, 2000 people complaining about the price, 2000 excuses for why people wouldn't be able to go, 2000 downloads of the free racecard off here and at least 2000 people "watching" on the updates site for free...but 2000 turning up at the track???

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I don't have a problem with people watching updates sites, I do it myself, for meetings around the country.

I don't have a problem with people downloading racecards to fill in while they watch TV, if that's what they want to do, if it helps them follow the meeting, fine by me.

If people are making excuses not to go, then what's on offer mustn't be good enough. The sport needs to make itself unmissable. For instance other sports face live TV, poor weather etc. but still manage to attract good crowds. That's because fans don't want to miss out. Whether it's the atmosphere, facilities, the product on offer is better, could be any or all three of those.

The sport in general needs a right shake, from top to bottom, to help attract fans, sponsors, TV companies and audiences back.

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You'd get 2000 scribes describing the test series as a Mickey Mouse event, 2000 people complaining about the price, 2000 excuses for why people wouldn't be able to go, 2000 downloads of the free racecard off here and at least 2000 people "watching" on the updates site for free...but 2000 turning up at the track???

I think it would only be described as mickey mouse if for instance Denmark couldn't use Nicki for some reason and brought in Andreas Jonsson or Greg Hancock,otherwise test meetings are much missed on the calendar.By me anyway.I was thinking of going to Denmark last weekend for the U21/U19 tests between Denmark-Sweden and Poland.And there were mutterings on the net about why Germany can't get some tests like this for the youngsters.The question of course is like always,who is going to finance them?But on the other hand you can look at it as investing in the future,rather than gaining financially at this moment in time.You see those countries who put these tests on at different levels happen to be those that are producing talent.Well leave Sweden out of that......... :P

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