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Should Tai Woffinden Ride For Team Gb ?

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The question is Should Tai be riding for Team GB taking into account is lack of interest in anything to do with British speedway unless Monster is involved.

Think i answered the question with what i said , he's just doing the same as any other successful sports person trying to earn himself a living .

People bang on about how you can't compare speedway to any other sport i think that rubbish , they go where they can get the best for them selves knowing that at any time during a race their career could be ended heaven forbid .

David Beckham never played in England for years but was always there if his country called .

The SCB should make sure that they do there most to try and get the top riders available for when they do the British Semi's of course they want him over here for these and think they may have made a mistake this year . They messed Harris about with his GP qualifying and King as well both could have progressed maybe if they hadn't of had the added worry and prob alot of travelling .Ok maybe not King as he missed his semi to ride in Germany and that didn't quite work out for him there but maybe it was playing on his mind aim i doing the right thing by missing my own national semi final ? It seemed rather daft to programme in these fixtures knowing that there was GP qualifying happening on the same weekend .

As for should Tai have been given a wild card for the final IMO i think Tai got them out of a sticky situation by saying he would have to turn one down if he was offered one . Was he offered one ? did he decline ? who knows .

Yes some of Tai's antics will not go down well with some people but he puts bums on seats and with his participation at the SWC will add more to the crowd than any other home rider .


He's a cert. unfortunately there aren't enough other 'certs' to win it (hopefully I'm wrong).


Very true GB has some good riders but looking at the other teams and think that we are no way as strong as some of them . We need Tai to leave him out would be cutting your nose off to spite your face .

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good point,,


swearing has been part of music for ages... notably the Who back in 1978 did the song "who are you" where in the song it said Who the F*ck are you



Not sure what that's got to do with the discussion. Drink and drugs have been a part of music for even longer but when a certain team manager tried to justify one of his riders drug taking on the basis that "It's what young people do" almost the entire forum thought he made a complete idiot of himself. When the same rider was caught over the alcohol limit before a GP he got a ban for it and it was no defence to say drugs are part of music.


Young people are almost always crass, it goes with the territory of adolescence. Doesn't mean adults have to be.

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Young people are almost always crass, it goes with the territory of adolescence. Doesn't mean adults have to be.


Apparently so according to some grown ups. Like sheep following each other.

Those on here that approve of swearing need to remember that not everyone does, and maybe some of those that don't were watching the GP on Saturday, got quite excited by the racing, just as we did, but then shocked to hear and see words and actions they trying to protect their families from, and whoosh..... any thoughts of going to a local speedway meeting gone out of the window. Of course Tai will still get his sponsorship money from Monster (and others) but the long term damage could be far greater.

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Think i answered the question with what i said , he's just doing the same as any other successful sports person trying to earn himself a living .

People bang on about how you can't compare speedway to any other sport i think that rubbish , they go where they can get the best for them selves knowing that at any time during a race their career could be ended heaven forbid .

David Beckham never played in England for years but was always there if his country called .

The SCB should make sure that they do there most to try and get the top riders available for when they do the British Semi's of course they want him over here for these and think they may have made a mistake this year . They messed Harris about with his GP qualifying and King as well both could have progressed maybe if they hadn't of had the added worry and prob alot of travelling .Ok maybe not King as he missed his semi to ride in Germany and that didn't quite work out for him there but maybe it was playing on his mind aim i doing the right thing by missing my own national semi final ? It seemed rather daft to programme in these fixtures knowing that there was GP qualifying happening on the same weekend .

As for should Tai have been given a wild card for the final IMO i think Tai got them out of a sticky situation by saying he would have to turn one down if he was offered one . Was he offered one ? did he decline ? who knows .

Yes some of Tai's antics will not go down well with some people but he puts bums on seats and with his participation at the SWC will add more to the crowd than any other home rider .



Very true GB has some good riders but looking at the other teams and think that we are no way as strong as some of them . We need Tai to leave him out would be cutting your nose off to spite your face .

Had it been the British Monster Final he would of been there, it's all about money over loyalty with tai.

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FFS you lot...listen to yourselves.


Does anyone actually pause for thought before they press 'post' and actually think about what you are typing? Do you actually read what you are posting...does it not make you cringe that you have actually taken time to post such trivia.


I've never seen so much drivel written by self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, pedantic, nagging old fools.


You want the 'youth of today' to respect you and behave? Listen to yourselves.


If you lot are so put out by swearing...please do not go to any live sporting events...even the likes of Cricket, Polo, Rugby, Tennis...the air is blue.


It's ok for Prince Phillip and the Royals to swear within hearing distance of microphones and make jibes...but not for a pierced tattooed oik from Scunthorpe.


Yes swearing is not ideal...but get over yourselves....this whole forum is becoming/has become like an old peoples home for disgruntled sad depressed old gits.


No wonder this country has gone to the dogs...not because of the youth...but because too many old gits sit around complaining and actually DO very little...apart from complain about others.


You negative bunch of whining old tossers....and that's coming from another old git.

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Yes Gresham this self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in the mouth, pedantic, nagging old fool thinks very carefully before I post.


Do you?


You say the royals swear, yes they do, but not when they have a mic under their nose. If a microphone picks up swear words from the general pits area, a walkabout etc that is a world away from shouting the F word into a microphone.


If you and the rest of the sycophants cannot see that,well I feel sorry for you.


Simple question, did/would you have ever stood in your parents kitchen and yelled "I'm gonna make some Fing noise" and what would be your reaction if a child of yours yelled those words at you?

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FFS you lot...listen to yourselves.


Does anyone actually pause for thought before they press 'post' and actually think about what you are typing? Do you actually read what you are posting...does it not make you cringe that you have actually taken time to post such trivia.


I've never seen so much drivel written by self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, pedantic, nagging old fools.


You want the 'youth of today' to respect you and behave? Listen to yourselves.


If you lot are so put out by swearing...please do not go to any live sporting events...even the likes of Cricket, Polo, Rugby, Tennis...the air is blue.


It's ok for Prince Phillip and the Royals to swear within hearing distance of microphones and make jibes...but not for a pierced tattooed oik from Scunthorpe.


Yes swearing is not ideal...but get over yourselves....this whole forum is becoming/has become like an old peoples home for disgruntled sad depressed old gits.


No wonder this country has gone to the dogs...not because of the youth...but because too many old gits sit around complaining and actually DO very little...apart from complain about others.


You negative bunch of whining old tossers....and that's coming from another old git.

I thought it was a bit beyond swearing but I suppose any sort of profanity is now classed as such. Anyway if people wish to complain they do have the right to.

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Yes Gresham this self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in the mouth, pedantic, nagging old fool thinks very carefully before I post.


Do you?


You say the royals swear, yes they do, but not when they have a mic under their nose. If a microphone picks up swear words from the general pits area, a walkabout etc that is a world away from shouting the F word into a microphone.


If you and the rest of the sycophants cannot see that,well I feel sorry for you.


Simple question, did/would you have ever stood in your parents kitchen and yelled "I'm gonna make some Fing noise" and what would be your reaction if a child of yours yelled those words at you?


firstly dont feel sorry for me..


secondly if my child did that i would ask them why they felt the need to do it..


if they had just done a bunge jump and got of and said that was F**KING awesome.... i wouldnt say a word..

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Yes Gresham this self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in the mouth, pedantic, nagging old fool thinks very carefully before I post.


Do you?


You say the royals swear, yes they do, but not when they have a mic under their nose. If a microphone picks up swear words from the general pits area, a walkabout etc that is a world away from shouting the F word into a microphone.


If you and the rest of the sycophants cannot see that,well I feel sorry for you.


Simple question, did/would you have ever stood in your parents kitchen and yelled "I'm gonna make some Fing noise" and what would be your reaction if a child of yours yelled those words at you?

Really?...Old Phillip is renowned for swearing in front of cameras and the public...one example... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N05CApWqp_M


I don't like swearing...but for so many people to post and complain about young Tai it's embarrassing.


Hearing one swear word...and the whole bloody forum is offended.


I'm more offended by the people complaining.


I'm offended by Speedway fans making noise for the sake of making noise...empty vessels and all that.


Yes forum members have a right to complain...but that's all you lot seem to do. Complain about everything.


In answer to your question...if my child said that...I'd probably laugh and then tell them it's not appropriate...but I wouldn't keep going on about it, like it's the end of the world.


If it was something that was continuous...then that would be a different matter.


Swearing has been going on at sporting events and music events for as long as I've been alive.


One swear word...and it's gone freakin mental on here.


Having witnessed the joy young Tai brought to kids and families at the GP on Saturday...I don't think the 'F' word is going to spoil their occasion.


I bet you lot write into the BBC complaining as well don't you.

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Gresham with regards to that clip I must have gone blind cos I cannot see the mic under Philips nose? I believe it was picked up by a news camera, certainly wasn't part of an interview. So I'm sorry but it is a different scenario to Tai on Saturday.

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Really?...Old Phillip is renowned for swearing in front of cameras and the public...one example... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N05CApWqp_M


I don't like swearing...but for so many people to post and complain about young Tai it's embarrassing.


Hearing one swear word...and the whole bloody forum is offended.


I'm more offended by the people complaining.


I'm offended by Speedway fans making noise for the sake of making noise...empty vessels and all that.


Yes forum members have a right to complain...but that's all you lot seem to do. Complain about everything.


In answer to your question...if my child said that...I'd probably laugh and then tell them it's not appropriate...but I wouldn't keep going on about it, like it's the end of the world.


If it was something that was continuous...then that would be a different matter.


Swearing has been going on at sporting events and music events for as long as I've been alive.


One swear word...and it's gone freakin mental on here.


Having witnessed the joy young Tai brought to kids and families at the GP on Saturday...I don't think the 'F' word is going to spoil their occasion.


I bet you lot write into the BBC complaining as well don't you.



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Gresham with regards to that clip I must have gone blind cos I cannot see the mic under Philips nose? I believe it was picked up by a news camera, certainly wasn't part of an interview. So I'm sorry but it is a different scenario to Tai on Saturday.



Yes but to fair old Phil hadn't just completed 4 adrenaline filled laps in front of 40k+ screaming fans. It was only a word and there were seemingly quite a few who hadn't even picked up on it, what a fuss over not very much of a misdemeanour.

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Gresham with regards to that clip I must have gone blind cos I cannot see the mic under Philips nose? I believe it was picked up by a news camera, certainly wasn't part of an interview. So I'm sorry but it is a different scenario to Tai on Saturday.

He's surrounded by the worlds media...he knows there are cameras and microphones following his every word. He knows full well it will be picked up.


Tai's 'scenario' on Saturday is pretty much like every other event I've been too, where a sportsman or Artist has been in the 'moment's and swore...not through anger but joy.


Did you not watch Glastonbury and Adele's performance? Littered with swear words. All in front of a family audience.


It's the norm these days.


People aren't going to stop going or be put off because they heard him swear...in fact they will actually see him as very normal for these days.


I'd rather hear a young lad express his joy and excitement with an expletive...as now a days it's not seen in the 'traditional' sense of the word....than someone ranting and raving in anger and swearing.


People complaining all the time over drivel like this, is far more harming to the speedway community than what Tai said on Saturday.


I suggest you never go within hearing distance of any Sporting event, music or comedy event...or even the Queen's Garden party...because you will be highly offended.


It's time a few of you realised that the world didn't finish in 1950 and start moving with the times.


The days of the Raj, afternoon tea and 'it's not cricket' have moved on...as anyone who attends cricket will tell you.


You may not like it...but times have moved on.


Not having a dig at you Star lady...but what Tai said is far less damaging to Speedway than what is written on this forum.


Any 'newbie' would never enter a Speedway meeting after reading this forum.


It's pathetic how many people complain every day over the most trivial matters.


This forum is far more damaging to speedway than anything Tai has ever done.

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He's surrounded by the worlds media...he knows there are cameras and microphones following his every word. He knows full well it will be picked up.


Tai's 'scenario' on Saturday is pretty much like every other event I've been too, where a sportsman or Artist has been in the 'moment's and swore...not through anger but joy.


Did you not watch Glastonbury and Adele's performance? Littered with swear words. All in front of a family audience.


It's the norm these days.


People aren't going to stop going or be put off because they heard him swear...in fact they will actually see him as very normal for these days.


I'd rather hear a young lad express his joy and excitement with an expletive...as now a days it's not seen in the 'traditional' sense of the word....than someone ranting and raving in anger and swearing.


People complaining all the time over drivel like this, is far more harming to the speedway community than what Tai said on Saturday.


I suggest you never go within hearing distance of any Sporting event, music or comedy event...or even the Queen's Garden party...because you will be highly offended.


It's time a few of you realised that the world didn't finish in 1950 and start moving with the times.


The days of the Raj, afternoon tea and 'it's not cricket' have moved on...as anyone who attends cricket will tell you.


You may not like it...but times have moved on.


Not having a dig at you Star lady...but what Tai said is far less damaging to Speedway than what is written on this forum.


Any 'newbie' would never enter a Speedway meeting after reading this forum.


It's pathetic how many people complain every day over the most trivial matters.


This forum is far more damaging to speedway than anything Tai has ever done.


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My simple answer to the original question is 'yes'.

If the BSPA wanted to make it conditional that to be selected for the national you had to ride in the British leagues they should simply set that out before the season starts (the RFU do a similar thing saying that if you don't play in England you will not be selected to play rugby for England, other than in exceptional circumstances) but the BSPA hasn't done so,so we must assume they are happy to do so.

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Gresham, let's get one thing straight, I wasn't offended. I was disappointed that someone who is supposed to represent the sport I still love could be so crass, unprofessional and quite frankly stupid.


This forum contains hundreds of posts bemoaning the lack of media interest, sponsorship etc. Now you might think such crass behaviour doesn't matter but it does to the likes of TV executives and advertising managers who control column inches and advertising budgets. Tai has been at the top for a couple is seasons now, has interest or sponsorship for the sport as a whole increased? I don't think so.


Tai being world champion could have opened up tremendous opportunities for British speedway, it hasn't happened.

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Really?...Old Phillip is renowned for swearing in front of cameras and the public...one example...




I'm more offended by the people complaining.


I'm offended by Speedway fans making noise for the sake of making noise...empty vessels and all that.


Yes forum members have a right to complain...but that's all you lot seem to do. Complain about everything.



1. That's a bit rich considering the number of threads you have started moaning about the sport and complaining that flings ain't wot like they used to be in the good old days.


2. If you are offended by the people complaining it's probably best if you don't read the thread.


Swearing has been going on at sporting events and music events for as long as I've been alive.



How many Speedwáy GP's have there been and how many of the previous winners have found it necessary to use

the F-Word when interviewed in front of the crowd afterwards ?


Its not the end of the world, just a shame he couldn't come across as a bit more articulate on that particular occasion.


Shouldn't disqualify him from riding for Team GB though.

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Oh well sorry about that.


A comparison then. Both opting out of GB events to persue individual glory.


Did you really need that explaining to you? Somehow I doubt it.

Though actually Murray withdrew from representing gb in a team event to pursue individual glory. Tai withdrew from an individual event to focus on a more prestiguos individual event. Interesting comparison, clearly Murrays is the more "selfish" of the two choices.
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FFS you lot...listen to yourselves.


Does anyone actually pause for thought before they press 'post' and actually think about what you are typing? Do you actually read what you are posting...does it not make you cringe that you have actually taken time to post such trivia.


I've never seen so much drivel written by self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, pedantic, nagging old fools.


You want the 'youth of today' to respect you and behave? Listen to yourselves.


If you lot are so put out by swearing...please do not go to any live sporting events...even the likes of Cricket, Polo, Rugby, Tennis...the air is blue.


It's ok for Prince Phillip and the Royals to swear within hearing distance of microphones and make jibes...but not for a pierced tattooed oik from Scunthorpe.


Yes swearing is not ideal...but get over yourselves....this whole forum is becoming/has become like an old peoples home for disgruntled sad depressed old gits.


No wonder this country has gone to the dogs...not because of the youth...but because too many old gits sit around complaining and actually DO very little...apart from complain about others.


You negative bunch of whining old tossers....and that's coming from another old git.

Look up 'self righteous' definition, then read your post again.

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