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Should Tai Woffinden Ride For Team Gb ?

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Still opinions and not facts.


And, yes, I'm fine with what Tai said yesterday I don't get upset or offended everytime I hear an expletive, they're just a words afterall and Tai's comment yesterday wasn't said with any malice.

SHOCK..HORROR..OUTRAGE....Someone swears on TV...ORF WITH HIS HEAD!..Honestly Wackie,I'm with You some people need to lighten up.

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So say a small band of narrow minded bigoted fans on this forum..He doesn't embarrass me or the thousands of fans cheering Him on yesterday..Roll on World Championship no 3 and many more..Go Woffy!


Woffinden is a hugely talented, World class rider, who already is a multi World champ and likely to win more, that doesn't give him the right to swear in interviews and make him look a bit of a fool to put it lightly. Lewis Hamilton didn't swear after winning today`s F1 GP, nor to the best of my knowledge has he resorted to swearing during any other interview. Andy Murray won Wimbledon today, but didn't launch into a four letter tirade after his match, nor has he when losing a number of major Finals over recent years.


As our World champ, and being arguably the highest profile rider, is it asking to much for Tai to carry himself with a little more professionalism.

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Woffinden is a hugely talented, World class rider, who already is a multi World champ and likely to win more, that doesn't give him the right to swear in interviews and make him look a bit of a fool to put it lightly. Lewis Hamilton didn't swear after winning today`s F1 GP, nor to the best of my knowledge has he resorted to swearing during any other interview. Andy Murray won Wimbledon today, but didn't launch into a four letter tirade after his match, nor has he when losing a number of major Finals over recent years.


As our World champ, and being arguably the highest profile rider, is it asking to much for Tai to carry himself with a little more professionalism.

Says Who?..He's His own man...Murray's let enough expletives out, and so has His missus...Its not that bl00dy serious..all part of thge English language..people making too much about nothing again...GO WOFFY!

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Says Who?..He's His own man...Murray's let enough expletives out, and so has His missus...Its not that bl00dy serious..all part of thge English language..people making too much about nothing again...GO WOFFY!


Sorry but your just plain wrong on this, as any sensible thinking person would agree, going with your argument there`s nothing stopping you answering my post with a tirade of swear words, something which you wont do, if indeed you are right that its not that bloody serious.

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Sorry but your just plain wrong on this, as any sensible thinking person would agree, going with your argument there`s nothing stopping you answering my post with a tirade of swear words, something which you wont do, if indeed you are right that its not that bloody serious.


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Still opinions and not facts.


And, yes, I'm fine with what Tai said yesterday I don't get upset or offended everytime I hear an expletive, they're just a words afterall and Tai's comment yesterday wasn't said with any malice.

So if a kid repeated it then your still fine with it ?

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But you said his final race which clearly you were wrong which is the norm with your posts




I explained what I meant because he did win his final qualifying race and not THE final so it's clear what I meant, unless you are claiming I said he won the final.

However it's better than being a bigot and a hater.


He may not embarrass you but he definitely embarrasses British Speedway.


bigots like you embarrass British Speedway.


But it's clearly Not just my opinion but many others as you know.


Well the many being 3 of you. Or as I like to call it the unpopular club.

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Says Who?..He's His own man...Murray's let enough expletives out, and so has His missus...Its not that bl00dy serious..all part of thge English language..people making too much about nothing again...GO WOFFY!



But in all walks of life there are boundaries. This forum for instance does not allow foul language, the members accept that, including you or you wouldn't be on here, because that's what the majority of decent minded people want. Yes we all swear, I do myself, but there is a time and a place. I do not swear in front of children and never when I was working and in uniform (despite extreme provocation at times). It's a matter of self control and respect. Woffinden has achieved much in his 26 years and is rightly acclaimed as world champion BUT he has to realise that with that title comes responsibility.


It's all very well people complaining about the lack of media coverage of speedway but speedway and it's participants, has to learn to play the game. i.e. be presentable to the majority of readers/listeners/viewers in the first place to gain their interest. Wimbledon and F1 realise that and so does it's competitors. If Tai Woffinden really wants to do his best for British speedway he needs to learn to moderate his behaviour (in public at least) and toe the line that professional sportsmen have to. If not he can win 10 world titles but British speedway, and indeed world speedway, will see no benefit.

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Dear god one swear word and thats it hang him...


Robert72 we on for the 30th i will ask him not to tell you to F**K off.. i promise..


The word is in the english dictionary and its 2016.. there harsher words than that said every second of every day..


Just another thing to persicute Tai.. no wonder he doesnt want to ride over here.. and with all this crap i dont blame him.. maybe someone will tell him to cut ties with the UK and ride as any nation he wants.. had enough of this forum i am out of here

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Dear god one swear word and thats it hang him...

Robert72 we on for the 30th i will ask him not to tell you to F**K off.. i promise..

The word is in the english dictionary and its 2016.. there harsher words than that said every second of every day..

Just another thing to persicute Tai.. no wonder he doesnt want to ride over here.. and with all this crap i dont blame him.. maybe someone will tell him to cut ties with the UK and ride as any nation he wants.. had enough of this forum i am out of here

Tai is an uneducated foul mouthed individual surrounded by yes people who can't control him for the better.


In years to come people will remember tai for other things rather than his talent on a bike.


He needs to grow up

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Tai is an uneducated foul mouthed individual surrounded by yes people who can't control him for the better.


In years to come people will remember tai for other things rather than his talent on a bike.


He needs to grow up

Let see you have the balls to say that to his face.. but no you are a coward.. who sits there casting judgement behind your keyboard..


No time for you at all..

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Dear god one swear word and thats it hang him...


Robert72 we on for the 30th i will ask him not to tell you to F**K off.. i promise..


The word is in the english dictionary and its 2016.. there harsher words than that said every second of every day..


Just another thing to persicute Tai.. no wonder he doesnt want to ride over here.. and with all this crap i dont blame him.. maybe someone will tell him to cut ties with the UK and ride as any nation he wants.. had enough of this forum i am out of here



It is indeed, followed by 'vulgar' or 'obscene'. Definition of vulgar being 'lacking sophistication or good taste', 'obscene' being 'offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency'.


Edited by Vincent Blackshadow
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Let see you have the balls to say that to his face.. but no you are a coward.. who sits there casting judgement behind your keyboard..

No time for you at all..

There you go again making a false judgement without facts, everyone who knows me know I speak my mind and don't hide behind anyone.


Your mate looked a twit yesterday and had the mental age of a bad 15 year old teenager

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I am pretty sure most kids here the same thing day in and out in the outside world or in school..


You cannot keep kids in a bubble hear it educate from it.. adrenaline and riding.. plus 10's of thousands of people cheering for you.. no wonder things come over him..

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There you go again making a false judgement without facts, everyone who knows me know I speak my mind and don't hide behind anyone.


Your mate looked a twit yesterday and had the mental age of a bad 15 year old teenager

Meet him with me on the 30th and let me hear you tell him to his face.. the challenge is there.. lets see if anyone of you has the balls to do it..

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