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Should Tai Woffinden Ride For Team Gb ?

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Just answer this Why has tai been seen belting out the Aussie anthem but not the British one ? Where is his heart, think the tattoo shows the answer and his actions.


Just answer this why haven't you got the balls to ask Tai to his face? Why when proved wrong on the whole Ben Fund thing haven't you got the balls to admit you were wrong? Why cant you grasp the fact that Tai did learn his trade in Australia and was a star in the NL when he did join and could and probably would of started higher if he had been able? You seem insistent on ensuring everyone answers questions so answer a few of your own

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Just answer this why haven't you got the balls to ask Tai to his face? Why when proved wrong on the whole Ben Fund thing haven't you got the balls to admit you were wrong? Why cant you grasp the fact that Tai did learn his trade in Australia and was a star in the NL when he did join and could and probably would of started higher if he had been able? You seem insistent on ensuring everyone answers questions so answer a few of your own


He won't.


Easiest way to deal with him now is whatever he posts, just simply reply... Coward.

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he lived there for 15 years.. think a part of his heart will always be there.. i think its very short minded to think he will forget it bearing in mind they sing it in the schools over there all the time.. and you know what i dont even know the words to our national anthem.. so i wouldnt sing it either.. and we dont sing it in our schools over here..


and so what if he has a tattoo of the australian flag on him.. he wear the british flag where everyone can see it.. everytime he rides for us in a GP and holds our flag for the GP press..



He may of lived there but is he British or Austrailian or confused to where he belongs.


When one is young you can be indecisive in making up your mind. I don't say that is the case here - but on the other hand it might well be in regard to Tai Woffinden's 'dual nationality' robert72.

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Not by everyone but then you only read what you want to hear.

Was looking for all the many fellow Tai have haters that you claim to exist but sadly I can't read what isn't there.


Cardiff will go bonkers for Tai on Saturday whilst you are your little group of haters will be wiping away each others tears.


WOFFY WOFFY WOFFY - king of England. The perfect role model.

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holy mother of god we are back to page 10 again...


REWIND.... same discussion same answers

I notice with your above comment that you didn't come out screaming he is 100% British so does that mean you think tai is unsure too.


Tomorrow tai will want the British fans there to cheer him on but he doesn't care about the British fans wanting to see him more often in Britain.

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Just answer this Why has tai been seen belting out the Aussie anthem but not the British one ? Where is his heart, think the tattoo shows the answer and his actions.

I have a Japanese tattoo because I can, your point? ?


Oh I forgot . You don't have one.

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Was looking for all the many fellow Tai have haters that you claim to exist but sadly I can't read what isn't there.


Cardiff will go bonkers for Tai on Saturday whilst you are your little group of haters will be wiping away each others tears.


WOFFY WOFFY WOFFY - king of England. The perfect role model.


I hope you aren't speaking on my behalf with this comment stevebrum? :icon_smile_clown:

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Was looking for all the many fellow Tai have haters that you claim to exist but sadly I can't read what isn't there.


Cardiff will go bonkers for Tai on Saturday whilst you are your little group of haters will be wiping away each others tears.


WOFFY WOFFY WOFFY - king of England. The perfect role model.


it will just be Gustix and Robert72.. in the little group


I notice with your above comment that you didn't come out screaming he is 100% British so does that mean you think tai is unsure too.


Tomorrow tai will want the British fans there to cheer him on but he doesn't care about the British fans wanting to see him more often in Britain.


and you know that for a fact do you... meet me in Manchester on the 30th.. and i will be there when you say that to him face to face..


LAST TIME I OFFER YOU THAT CHANCE.. take it or shut up

Edited by Dazzafl
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When one is young you can be indecisive in making up your mind. I don't say that is the case here - but on the other hand it might well be in regard to Tai Woffinden's 'dual nationality' robert72.

When one is old you can be confused,lonely and frustrated.I don't say that is the case here-but on the other hand it might well be in regards to gustix's posts

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Just answer this why haven't you got the balls to ask Tai to his face? Why when proved wrong on the whole Ben Fund thing haven't you got the balls to admit you were wrong? Why cant you grasp the fact that Tai did learn his trade in Australia and was a star in the NL when he did join and could and probably would of started higher if he had been able? You seem insistent on ensuring everyone answers questions so answer a few of your own


Ill ask again as you ignored it or are you the coward you are called

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Not everywhere and everyone from what I have seen according to some Posts in this lengthy but interesting thread. :neutral:

It's interesting for trolls, well 2 of them anyway.

otherwise it's as bland and done to death as is possible.


Don't forget your tissues tomorrow so you and Robert72 can wipe each others tears when the crowd go wild for king Tai.

it will just be Gustix and Robert72.. in the little group





I underestimated the one man crusade. It's a duo.

One have one troll when you can have 2.

I hope you aren't speaking on my behalf with this comment stevebrum? :icon_smile_clown:

Only on behalf of the sensible speedway in the UK.

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Was looking for all the many fellow Tai have haters that you claim to exist but sadly I can't read what isn't there.

Cardiff will go bonkers for Tai on Saturday whilst you are your little group of haters will be wiping away each others tears.

WOFFY WOFFY WOFFY - king of England. The perfect role model.

perfect role model, I guess you don't have kids or you were brought up in a Jeremy Kyle town and think all kids should look like him.


Saying he is a role model is something he is not in the eyes of most parents.


The king of England is Danny King at least he bothered to take part in his national title, that's a real Brit

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Well said robert72. :approve:

So if you don't think Tai is an Aussie, why do you think he rides as British out of convenience?


Well said robert72. :approve:

So if you don't think Tai is an Aussie, why do you think he rides as British out of convenience?

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perfect role model, I guess you don't have kids or you were brought up in a Jeremy Kyle town and think all kids should look like him.

Saying he is a role model is something he is not in the eyes of most parents.

The king of England is Danny King at least he bothered to take part in his national title, that's a real Brit

We have had this out before one you always ignore.

Why do kids and parents flock to meet him? Why do great Ormonds St Hospital let him meet the kids he raised huge amounts of money for ?.

Because he is a great role model that has reached the very highest in his chosen field.


Only bigots use things like tattoos to degrade someone's achievements.

In your eyes he isn't a role model, but then you are a bigot so it's no wonder nobody listens to your opinion or takes if seriously.

Bigots are the worst kind of human beings so thanks for confirming what we have known all along.

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Just answer this why haven't you got the balls to ask Tai to his face? Why when proved wrong on the whole Ben Fund thing haven't you got the balls to admit you were wrong? Why cant you grasp the fact that Tai did learn his trade in Australia and was a star in the NL when he did join and could and probably would of started higher if he had been able? You seem insistent on ensuring everyone answers questions so answer a few of your own


Answer please or just proves everyone right that you are a coward.. Tiny bit of credibility is vanishing..


Its just pure jealousy Tai has achieved what you never could

Edited by phillipsr
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