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Should Tai Woffinden Ride For Team Gb ?

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firstly dont feel sorry for me..


secondly if my child did that i would ask them why they felt the need to do it..


if they had just done a bunge jump and got of and said that was F**KING awesome.... i wouldnt say a word..


What does 'F**KING awesome' tell you about the experience that the superlative 'awesome' on its own doesn't?


Is 'f**kin noise' any different to 'noise' in those circumstances?

Edited by Vincent Blackshadow
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Tai being world champion could have opened up tremendous opportunities for British speedway, it hasn't happened.

This is my major issue with tai


Tai has forgotten the opportunities British speedway gave him and the support British fans gave him.

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What does 'F**KING awesome' tell you about the experience that the superlative 'awesome' on its own doesn't?


Is 'f**kin noise* any different to 'noise' in those circumstances?

It's an intensifier. It intensifies the awesomeness.

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firstly dont feel sorry for me..


secondly if my child did that i would ask them why they felt the need to do it..


if they had just done a bunge jump and got of and said that was F**KING awesome.... i wouldnt say a word..

So you would be happy that your kids have no respect either

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He's surrounded by the worlds media...he knows there are cameras and microphones following his every word. He knows full well it will be picked up.


Tai's 'scenario' on Saturday is pretty much like every other event I've been too, where a sportsman or Artist has been in the 'moment's and swore...not through anger but joy.


Did you not watch Glastonbury and Adele's performance? Littered with swear words. All in front of a family audience.


It's the norm these days.


People aren't going to stop going or be put off because they heard him swear...in fact they will actually see him as very normal for these days.


I'd rather hear a young lad express his joy and excitement with an expletive...as now a days it's not seen in the 'traditional' sense of the word....than someone ranting and raving in anger and swearing.


People complaining all the time over drivel like this, is far more harming to the speedway community than what Tai said on Saturday.


I suggest you never go within hearing distance of any Sporting event, music or comedy event...or even the Queen's Garden party...because you will be highly offended.


It's time a few of you realised that the world didn't finish in 1950 and start moving with the times.


The days of the Raj, afternoon tea and 'it's not cricket' have moved on...as anyone who attends cricket will tell you.


You may not like it...but times have moved on.


Not having a dig at you Star lady...but what Tai said is far less damaging to Speedway than what is written on this forum.


Any 'newbie' would never enter a Speedway meeting after reading this forum.


It's pathetic how many people complain every day over the most trivial matters.


This forum is far more damaging to speedway than anything Tai has ever done.

It seems the World has changed dramatically since I was a lad. Now it seems doing drugs, riding uninsured motor bikes,being involved in affray,drinking to excess and now swearing in public are just things ' young people do' . Well for most people the world hasn't changed that much and parents who see these things as acceptable and the norm should take a hard look at themselves

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It seems the World has changed dramatically since I was a lad. Now it seems doing drugs, riding uninsured motor bikes,being involved in affray,drinking to excess and now swearing in public are just things ' young people do' . Well for most people the world hasn't changed that much and parents who see these things as acceptable and the norm should take a hard look at themselves

I love the excuses people make for youngsters like it's what young people do


Didn't middlo say that about something ward did that was wrong.

It seems the World has changed dramatically since I was a lad. Now it seems doing drugs, riding uninsured motor bikes,being involved in affray,drinking to excess and now swearing in public are just things ' young people do' . Well for most people the world hasn't changed that much and parents who see these things as acceptable and the norm should take a hard look at themselves

I love the excuses people make for youngsters like it's what young people do


Didn't middlo say that about something ward did that was wrong.

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It seems the World has changed dramatically since I was a lad. Now it seems doing drugs, riding uninsured motor bikes,being involved in affray,drinking to excess and now swearing in public are just things ' young people do' . Well for most people the world hasn't changed that much and parents who see these things as acceptable and the norm should take a hard look at themselves

Funny how Robert72 likes that post.


Most of those situations were what a young Darcy Ward got involved in.


What did Middlo say about it.


Its what young people do these days.


And who does Robert want as the Team GB Manager.


Answers on a postcard.

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It seems the World has changed dramatically since I was a lad. Now it seems doing drugs, riding uninsured motor bikes,being involved in affray,drinking to excess and now swearing in public are just things ' young people do' . Well for most people the world hasn't changed that much and parents who see these things as acceptable and the norm should take a hard look at themselves

I wouldn't say that it has changed dramatically when it comes to young people. All those things you mention have been going on for years with the younger generation...


People have been taking drugs regularly and swearing and being 'anti establishment' pretty much since the 50's/60's.


What has changed, is you hear more about it, through different forms of media.


I'd say morals as to what is shown via the media has changed as well.


And it has become more acceptable in many cases to swear on tv etc.


Do you blame the young one's of today for how it is...or do you blame the generation that started the moral slide downwards in the first place?


40 years ago, you had Punk, Riots, 3 day weeks, strikes, hooliganism, apartheid, mayhem.


Oh...and what about all the nice cuddly auntie beeb types that were fiddling with kids...


Yep...much better days back then...


It's the same now as it has been for years...


The difference now...we have forums where people find a moral high ground, and act like they've never made a mistake in their life and judge everyone else.


I've been lucky to avoid a lot of it growing up...was too much into my sport.


However...I'm not going to look back through rose tinted glasses and think it was any different...of course it went on...

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So you would be happy that your kids have no respect either


respect is completely different..


my daughter has complete respect for me and respects me as her dad..


however in later life (as she is 2 1/2) if she does something full on like a bunge jump and comes off and a swear word comes out i will not have a fit over it when you have just done something scary or full on and your brain is in over drive you do not have the compus mentis to control what is said..


now when she is with her mum and she is out on the street walking to the shops there are plenty of kids swearing around her and she will hear far worse than what Tai said..


no matter what any of you say these words are common place in the world and they are just words..


i would be more concerned if he said F**K you NI**ER you won... but he said after a heated race when i microphone shoved in his face after he had just been congratulating the winner said make some F**KING NOISE... no harm and it did the job..


get with the times.. words now are becoming less important and its now the way the words are used that is more important.

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I find it quite hilarious that Woffinden supposedly reflects poorly on his generation and the sport now in terms of the way he presents himself.


I ask again, whats the worst he has done? Saturday night, anything else?


I mean it isnt like he is anywhere near the level of the halcyon days of jolly craicstars like Lee, Havelock, Carter, Moran, Cook and Schwartz back in the day when the sport was played out in such Corinthian spirits, days when men were great....


Or he could involve himself in some race fixing to really accelerate himself to the pantheon of greatness

Edited by The Mockingjay
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I find it quite hilarious the Woffinden supposedly reflects poorly on his generation and the sport now in terms of the way he presents himself.


I ask again, whats the worst he has done? Saturday night, anything else?


I mean it isnt like he is anywhere near the level of the halcyon days of jolly craicstars like Lee, Havelock, Carter, Moran, Cook and Schwartz back in the day when the sport was played out in such Corinthian spirits, days when men were great....


Or he could involve himself in some race fixing to really accelerate himself to the pantheon of greatness


i watched the coventry and kings lynn match the other night and it looked like Havvy had been on a bender and was sniffing like he had been on a white powder mission.. is that a good look for a team manager or anyone in the sport..


is darcy being drunk at a meeting any worse..

is lindback being arrested for alleged rape any worse


the list could go on.. but our world champ get a crowd hyped by saying one swear word which i reckon is one of the most common words in this day and age and the pc brigade come crashing down

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i watched the coventry and kings lynn match the other night and it looked like Havvy had been on a bender and was sniffing like he had been on a white powder mission.. is that a good look for a team manager or anyone in the sport..


is darcy being drunk at a meeting any worse..

is lindback being arrested for alleged rape any worse


the list could go on.. but our world champ get a crowd hyped by saying one swear word which i reckon is one of the most common words in this day and age and the pc brigade come crashing down

That just appears to be an attempt to be provocative or stop others saying something you don't like. Whatever anyone else might have done, makes no difference to whether he is justified or wrong in using profanities in front of what we proudly claim to be a family audience (both at the track and on TV), it made little difference to me personally but I could imagine that some watching with their children would be upset. By the way, Havelock and Ward faced suspension for their misdemeanours.

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i watched the coventry and kings lynn match the other night and it looked like Havvy had been on a bender and was sniffing like he had been on a white powder mission.. is that a good look for a team manager or anyone in the sport..


is darcy being drunk at a meeting any worse..

is lindback being arrested for alleged rape any worse


the list could go on.. but our world champ get a crowd hyped by saying one swear word which i reckon is one of the most common words in this day and age and the pc brigade come crashing down

Because I've not followed speedway consistently in recent years, I've never made comment on GH, as I don't know of his recent background or circumstances...but having watched him of late, my first impression is one of massive dope use...he reminds me in the way he slurs his speech and the look in his eyes and face of some of my colleagues who smoke it daily.


That's the impression I get...apologies if I'm way off the mark.


As for people being 'upset or offended'... get a life and sense of humour... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHMoDt3nSHs


If your little darlings are 'offended or upset'... good...thank god they are safe and aren't being bombed in Syria. It's the least of their worries.

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Because I've not followed speedway consistently in recent years, I've never made comment on GH, as I don't know of his recent background or circumstances...but having watched him of late, my first impression is one of massive dope use...he reminds me in the way he slurs his speech and the look in his eyes and face of some of my colleagues who smoke it daily.


That's the impression I get...apologies if I'm way off the mark.


As for people being 'upset or offended'... get a life and sense of humour... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHMoDt3nSHs


If your little darlings are 'offended or upset'... good...thank god they are safe and aren't being bombed in Syria. It's the least of their worries.

Being offended isn't getting a life? It actually shows that some people still have standards. Havvy was badly hurt in a track crash, it has affected him in many ways, you might also notice that he has very little use of one arm.

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Both mentioned incidents Ward and Hancock - merited the general reaction of supporters and a suspension, their actions were abhorrent and they were rightly slaughtered for it, neither incident was close to "a swear".


Woffinden swore and thus far in his career it is the only black mark against him, as in being an actual thing, like a thing that actually impacts a large percentage of people, albeit the impact is marginal and minimal - because choosing which league he races in and meetings he picks isnt actually a thing as such, it isnt a thing that people can genuinely claim they were offended by and if they are/do they are precious at best and robert72 at worst.


There isn't actually a basis for this supposed "bad boy of the sport" figure people attempt to portray him as. I don't even think Tai has attempted to put himself in that spot despite one or two on here levelling that at him eg: his hair, tattoos and ear's don't make him a "bad boy of sport".


RE the other incidents.


It isnt that wrong to reference other incidents in order to contextualise the actions of Woffinden, if anything it puts some perspective on how marginal the incident was when contrast to other "talking points" from other competitors of this family sport


So by all means, continue speaking about it, but really what is it achieving.**


** this isnt a tantrumeqsue look at me ala Starman post telling people top stop talking about things, simply a, maybe realise you arent going to change the world sort of post.

Edited by The Mockingjay
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Does Garry not have some nerve damage causing paralysis to his face? Given his other injuries he must be on some kind of pain relieving drugs.


He had an accident years and years ago which left him with no feeling on one side of his face, as far as I can remember he's always looked and sounded a bit 'dopey'. because of it.



Both mentioned incidents Ward and Hancock - merited the general reaction of supporters and a suspension, their actions were abhorrent and they were rightly slaughtered for it, neither incident was close to "a swear".


Woffinden swore and thus far in his career it is the only black mark against him, as in being an actual thing, like a thing that actually impacts a large percentage of people, albeit the impact is marginal and minimal - because choosing which league he races in and meetings he picks isnt actually a thing as such, it isnt a thing that people can genuinely claim they were offended by and if they are/do they are precious at best and robert72 at worst.


There isn't actually a basis for this supposed "bad boy of the sport" figure people attempt to portray him as. I don't even think Tai has attempted to put himself in that spot despite one or two on here levelling that at him eg: his hair, tattoos and ear's don't make him a "bad boy of sport".


RE the other incidents.


It isnt that wrong to reference other incidents in order to contextualise the actions of Woffinden, if anything it puts some perspective on how marginal the incident was when contrast to other "talking points" from other competitors of this family sport


So by all means, continue speaking about it, but really what is it achieving.**


** this isnt a tantrumeqsue look at me ala Starman post telling people top stop talking about things, simply a, maybe realise you arent going to change the world sort of post.


Great 'kin post! :D

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i watched the coventry and kings lynn match the other night and it looked like Havvy had been on a bender and was sniffing like he had been on a white powder mission.. is that a good look for a team manager or anyone in the sport..


is darcy being drunk at a meeting any worse..

is lindback being arrested for alleged rape any worse


the list could go on.. but our world champ get a crowd hyped by saying one swear word which i reckon is one of the most common words in this day and age and the pc brigade come crashing down

Awful accusation, and potentially damaging assumption. You are providing your mate Rob with all the ammo he needs and coming across as extremely biased.

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