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Is Daniel King To Good To Be In This League?

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Danny rode his heart out for Newcastle in 2014. He is good but no better than quite a few other PL riders, leave him alone. He is a draw card and may bring a few more through the turnstiles at away matches

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Don't get the obsession some people have with wanting riders to race abroad. Perhaps the likes of Kennett & King are happy with their life. Kennett gets regular EL rides and holds down a job in the winter.

Riding abroad would incur a lot more expense with the extra equipment etc..

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Should he have set his heights a tad higher and got more rides in Europe, rather than doubling down?




We finally get a No1 that's capable of living up to that tag and people begin to ask if he's too good to be in the Premier league!


The same could be asked about Cook whose not particularly good in the Elite league but very good in this one, a few riders out there have reached a certain standard and are not likely to improve to the World stage.


It's definitely not time to be questioning who should be in the league and who shouldn't.

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Looks to me like he used his loaf and played the system, got an attractive average for this season...... For another club :)



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Can't see why some people are so obsessed with people riding abroad.....any rider does what is best for themselves and to maximise their earning potential...a rider like Danny King is never going to be a world champion, he's never going to be a Grand Prix rider and he'll know that himself so why not ride in both leagues over here and earn good money without the expense of hopping around Europe and setting himself up over there when the deal he'd get wouldn't be the best either....it makes sense to me and it's good for the Premier League to have class English riders in it and good for fans to have that type of rider visiting their track as well.

For a potential Grand Prix rider or potential world champ then it's a different story..they should be looking abroad ...but not everybody

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With clubs in both Poland and Sweden experiencing financial problems in the "top dollar" leagues, I can understand why riders are not willing to risk riding in environments where guaranteed payment appears to be precarious.

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No, British riders like Barker, Cook, King, Lawson are good for the PL and speedway would maybe not be financially viable for them otherwise.

Just look at Lewis Bridger, if his average fit for the PL he would still be riding speedway in my opinion if he could ride in both leagues.

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