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Warsaw Gp Saturday 18th April

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Even without all the problems, a GP meeting is far too slow moving.


Why, when there is a simple false start, do the riders not go straight back to the tapes? Why are they allowed to go back to the pits and start fiddling around with their bikes , and then a new 2 minute timer starts? They should be given something like 45 seconds to get back to the tapes, and not allowed back to the pits.


Likewise with a 1st bend faller. When they are clear from the track and everything is deemed OK with the air fence etc, the other riders should be ready to go straight away.


I lost count exactly, but it took something like 90 minutes for about 7 or 8 heats. Not all of that was down to the starting gate nonsence.


Why, given the prolonged nature of Saturdays meeting, was there still a track grading break after the first and second round of heats. Surely the grading could have been done whilst the whole meeting was delayed due tot he other issues?


Why would anyone other than a hardcore speedway fan sit thorough that on TV? I always let the meeting run for an hour before watching it on catch up, so I can fast forward through all the pointless delays. Watching the whole thing live on Satuday would have been purgetory.


I agree 100%!! It really pees me off when they go back to the pits etc after a false start!

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Yes, but the FIM control the SGP rights so I'd doubt BSI would want to sue, whilst the PZM are reliant on the FIM for sanctioning and awarding them other world championship events. I'd also not be surprised if national federations undertake not to take legal action against the FIM as a condition of membership.


The three jury members can be made scapegoats, and no-one will shed any tears for them.

Alot like me will have already booked hotels and bought tickets and the organisers will make sure nothing like this happens again. Cardiff is a very special event with the all the street stuff that happens, the whole event is excellent and in my opinion cannot be matched in speedway, so i don't think it will put many off from going to Cardiff but it may put some off travelling to other venues around the world.

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Greg and Nicki weren't winning.


So why have those that were and benefitted from the cancellation not said anything? The almost total silence from all the riders is the most puzzling aspect of this whole affair.


If as you have inferred the 2 above with 4 or 5 others persuaded the majority to get the meeting called off, I find it very strange that not one small hint of this has not come out yet. Riders themselves don't have to say anything, there were enough mechanics/sponsors/hangers on about and surely some of them must have found out from one of those less keen on the call off.


I'm not saying you are wrong, I haven't a clue. I just find the silence very puzzling in view of the age of social media when we are used to finding out all the finer details of a riders breakfast/exercise regime etc.

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Alot like me will have already booked hotels and bought tickets and the organisers will make sure nothing like this happens again.

Surely that is what we were led to believe after Ullevi, Gelsenkirchen and Riga,

Remember how close to disaster we were with Cardiff 2013.


And in this latest case we are not even sure that 'the organisers' even have it within there gift to prevent this happening.


If they say none of it is their fault.

How can we be sure they have the power to prevent recurrence?

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Alot like me will have already booked hotels and bought tickets and the organisers will make sure nothing like this happens again.

How many times have they said that, and how many times had it happened now? It very nearly happened at Cardiff last year when the original track turned out to be unfit.

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Surely that is what we were led to believe after Ullevi, Gelsenkirchen and Riga,

Remember how close to disaster we were with Cardiff 2013.


And in this latest case we are not even sure that 'the organisers' even have it within there gift to prevent this happening.


If they say none of it is their fault.

How can we be sure they have the power to prevent recurrence?

Simple answer - we can't.

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Why are people saying there has been no apology?


BSI have apologised to fans in their statement on www.speedwaygp.com and are 'understanding of the FIM Jury's decision to declare the meeting'.


It seems clear that further investigations are taking place - but whether fans will ever get the full story, rather than whatever the different players decide to give the media - will remain to be seen.



Shame it took them 48 hours to post that though.

yes and that is the point I was making..... it wasnt about a lack of apology.. it was the way it was made in the end after such a delay ....and with no official word in between.




'understanding of the FIM Jury's decision to declare the meeting'.

I'm pleased you fished this particular line out of the statement Skidder1 because I believe it was the core of it and the most important part for BSI


I dont believe the emphasis is on the 'understanding' part of that line...... but more on 'the FIM Jury's decision to declare the meeting'

Edited by spook
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But whoever is responsible for the appointment of members of the FIM Jury could be sued for the incompetence of the people they appointed, if it turns out the jury were at fault.


The FIM are vicariously responsible for the actions of their servants or agents which means they can be sued for any negligence of the jury members.


On thinking about it though, I think it would be very difficult to blame the FIM in legal terms for the state of the track. The FIM Jury made a subjective decision that in their opinion the track was not safe. Other people might have other opinions but in legal terms that doesn't automatically make the FIM wrong. You would have to show that there was something either negligently or fundamentally wrong with the decision, which in legal terms is not that easy. Hanging the blame on OleOlsen would be easier in legal terms but the whole thing would get very messy and the only winners would be the lawyers.


A more practical and less costly alternative would be to quietly make sure Jim Lawrence and Tony Steele are out out to grass, and unless Ole Olsen is deemed to be squeaky clean get someone else to do the tracks. Olsen must be about retirement age anyway.

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You're right. Nothing worse than seeing entertaining speedway racing with passing.


I want processional racing!!

If you believe that event on Saturday was a credit for our sport we will have to differ.My biggest Criticism of you is slating the riders, i knew on the Friday there were mega problems with that track and were they improved on the Saturday.? Surely this happening on Saturday will hopefully stop it ever happening again,your opinion is that the meeting should of continued i can understand that..If that would of happened after a few months the problems would of been swept under the carpet and forgotten about at least now the problems can be addressed.
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It was all a conspiracy against Bomber and the few who had the balls to race. Some of these GP riders need to grow a pair imo :mad:

If Bomber and the other few had wanted to race they would have raced.


As far as I can see, the only two rider who are innocent are Andreas Jonsson and Troy Bachelor - both of whom had withdrawn through injury. (Otherwise they'd have probably been guilty too!)

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Alot like me will have already booked hotels and bought tickets and the organisers will make sure nothing like this happens again. Cardiff is a very special event with the all the street stuff that happens, the whole event is excellent and in my opinion cannot be matched in speedway, so i don't think it will put many off from going to Cardiff but it may put some off travelling to other venues around the world.

I usually agree with you on nearly everything Forever, it is a great occasion no doubt about it but the racing can be matched certainly at Torun.Cardiff for me is like Wembley a great occasion, and Wembley as well sometimes had average racing 1975 ( dusty track) 81 also overated for the racing.Wembley was an experience it give you a tingle of excitement the atmosphere was electric and all the fans from different teams all getting along.Cardiff is an event to be proud of it has dragged speedway forward i just hope after Saturday it can repair some of the damage. Edited by sidney
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Alot like me will have already booked hotels and bought tickets and the organisers will make sure nothing like this happens again. Cardiff is a very special event with the all the street stuff that happens, the whole event is excellent and in my opinion cannot be matched in speedway, so i don't think it will put many off from going to Cardiff but it may put some off travelling to other venues around the world.

"And the organisers will make sure that nothing like this happens again" How can they? They haven't mastered these pop-up tracks yet. It looked a while ago that they may have done but then there were serious problems at Parken and Cardiff a couple of years ago and they just got away with it.


This latest debacle adds to a sorry list. Unfortunately for me I have experienced them all first hand and enough is enough. I said this last year after being stranded in Riga, but was gullible enough to believe that they wouldn't dare cock this up in front of 50,000 fans and so gave them another chance. However that's it now, I will not be going to any more SGP's, including Cardiff.

Edited by oleoleole
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It was all a conspiracy against Bomber and the few who had the balls to race. Some of these GP riders need to grow a pair imo :mad:

Oh ! No...it wasn't.

It was all because Jim Lawrence, in his referee box, was accompanied not by one, but TWO LADIES...says one punter who thinks he is in the know. This should never happen - he says. One of the ladies - admittedly was his wife, but the other ? The other was Tony Steele's wife Wife, even the best, can distract men at work and unfortunately this was the case because Jim was clearly out of control and did not know what he was doing .

So now you know why all this had happened.

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Everyone's passing the buck, aren't they? The PZM have said the track and starting gate were the responsibility of SpeedSport who were forced upon them by BSI, SpeedSport say the track was signed-off by the FIM Jury, and BSI also seem to be pointing the blame at the FIM Jury. Of course, the FIM Jury is probably the one element that can't or won't be sued because all parties need FIM blessing in future. All very convenient... :rolleyes:


Edited by pugwash
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If Bomber and the other few had wanted to race they would have raced.


As far as I can see, the only two rider who are innocent are Andreas Jonsson and Troy Bachelor - both of whom had withdrawn through injury. (Otherwise they'd have probably been guilty too!)


but were they involved in the riders' meeting? and on the same topic... were the meeting reserves?


Oh ! No...it wasn't.

It was all because Jim Lawrence, in his referee box, was accompanied not by one, but TWO LADIES...says one punter who thinks he is in the know. This should never happen - he says. One of the ladies - admittedly was his wife, but the other ? The other was Tony Steele's wife Wife, even the best, can distract men at work and unfortunately this was the case because Jim was clearly out of control and did not know what he was doing .

So now you know why all this had happened.

i'm hoping this is ironic

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