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Warsaw Gp Saturday 18th April

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There are so many questions that need answers. Some I doubt if the truth will ever be known. But what is worrying is the underhandedness of it all. The contempt shown to the paying public is beyond calculation. The Public deserve to be told the truth.


When the decision was taken to have a media blackout, orders that no one is allowed to speak of what happened in that meeting. Why is this so secretive??... Who is covering who? .......Who don't want the truth to be known.. all very worrying..


If the public was told of what really happened, they could make a structured decision as to their future of SGP meetings . But, being treated like mushrooms, will only hasten their departure...


I have our Cardiff tickets and Hotel booked alreadyfor this year,.......... but it will be my last........

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Strange seeing as what information has been reported in the press?Other than the meeting was abandoned by the FIM jury because of track conditions which Bellamy agrees with.They have put a muzzle on the riders,so we ain't getting much from them.....what inaccurate info is there?

Doesn't say he agrees with the decision, he says he "respects" it.

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No, not in the slightest

Really? Only those who ride powerful 500cc motor cycles with no brakes, in itself dangerous, can properly judge whether a track surface provided to them is unsafe to race on

Nobody sat in the stands or their armchairs can possibly know that answer, not you, not me

For those watching the tv coverage, close-up views of riders gardening at the start line would have shown just how loose the surface was

Yes, there was some passing, but I wonder how much of that was down to those riders who were passed not having the confidence with the track to contest the race in their normal way

Yes, it was a shambles, and I feel for all those who paid good money to attend, whether locals or foreign visitors, and to those watching on tv, expecting something good - but it needed to be safe for the riders, and they felt that it wasn't, and nobody would know that better than them

Edited by Midland Red
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Doesn't say he agrees with the decision, he says he "respects" it.

Poorly worded by me.What he is saying is that this info is correct,so what are the inaccuracies reported?All I have seen from the media was the meeting was a farce.Is he saying that is inaccurate?

Edited by iris123
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The track was more then rideable, it was raceable - as demonstrated by the 12 heats run.

The reffereing was questionable right from heat one. Heat one with Batch could have gone either way but after that it went downwards.

The starting gate - a shambles. Cant believe no backup. As already said there must be something more up to date then having tapes wafting about. Transponders like F1 and Moto GP already in use and work, so why not speedway. The green light system seemed to work very well anyway.


Plus point - Harris performance. I was very critical of him last year and I stick by that - he should not have been in the 2014 GP series the way he rode. But Saturday was different. I never saw him in his "good years" but Sat. he gated, raced, passed....the full monty. Just hope he can keep it up.


To those who say they not going to Cardiff because of Saturday..... have no worries, they dare not get Cardiff wrong this year, and if they can get it right at Cardiff then that sets the stage for all other indoor meetings.


And I reckon there could be a chance for anyone on the forum who fancies taking on temporary track preparation, if heads must roll it seems arguably the most popular one to go is Ole Olsen. Anyone fancy starting a new business in track preparation?


And very possibly there has not been many statements form the various organisations involved with Saturdays event because every word spoken/printed will be examined by lawyers. Its just like being involved in a road accident - you are advised to never admit guilt. The legal guys will already be working on this because I reckon there will be serious consequences following last Saturdays let down.

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I imagine he is referring to comments made in the Polish press and the PZM ...

Could you expand on the point Phil? They have said they had their hands tied behind their back and had to use Oles firm to do the track.You seem to have agreed this was the case.And ok the point they are thinking of suing BSI.....other than that what is there?


Must say I was very surprised at Jan Sievers rather mild criticism of the meeting on Speedweek.He normally doesn't pull his punches(that much for a speedway journalist)although even he has admitted he can't always write what he would like to

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Try reading this.. Gavan.

yeah ive read it so whats your point fool?


A rider clearly injured with a bad wrist cant turn the bike properly on a track that isnt totally smooth, bails out twice and runs into another!!


Yes his opinion counts for sod all about the track, bit like most of yours mate.

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yeah ive read it so whats your point fool?


A rider clearly injured with a bad wrist cant turn the bike properly on a track that isnt totally smooth, bails out twice and runs into another!!


Yes his opinion counts for sod all about the track, bit like most of yours mate.

Batch rode the track, did you ? Nah, I thought not.. You'l just bugger off and come back later as though nothings happened and moan about something else. Says a lot about you... Troll.

Edited by Starman2006
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There are so many questions that need answers. Some I doubt if the truth will ever be known. But what is worrying is the underhandedness of it all. The contempt shown to the paying public is beyond calculation. The Public deserve to be told the truth.


When the decision was taken to have a media blackout, orders that no one is allowed to speak of what happened in that meeting. Why is this so secretive??... Who is covering who? .......Who don't want the truth to be known.. all very worrying..


If the public was..

There are so many questions that need answers. Some I doubt if the truth will ever be known. But what is worrying is the underhandedness of it all. The contempt shown to the paying public is beyond calculation. The Public deserve to be told the truth.


When the decision was taken to have a media blackout, orders that no one is allowed to speak of what happened in that meeting. Why is this so secretive??... Who is covering who? .......Who don't want the truth to be known.. all very worrying..


If the public was told of what really happened, they could make a structured decision as to their future of SGP meetings . But, being treated like mushrooms, will only hasten their departure...



TBF with lawyers floating around the standard advice to all involved would be to keep their traps shut. It looks like someone is going to have to pay big bucks for all this and behind the scenes it is likely to get very messy.


The acid test for Joe Public though is (and I hate this expression) will lessons be learned? Will we now see a big step forward in the professionalism of the presentation? Only time will tell but it will be bad news for the sport if we don't


The problem is though, the way the wind is blowing at the moment suggests the FIM might find it hard to completely exonerate themselves. If Olsens comment is to be beleived the FIM jury passed the track as satisfactory and the FIM jury called the meeting off so whatever mudslinging goes on, some of it will presumably land on those guys.

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I suggest you read this then if you have not already............






Batchelor?? lmao!


Give me a break.


The guy who has a wrist injury and shouldn't be riding anyway?


The guy who came off because he rode into the back of someone?


This whinger is one of the biggest problems.


You're not fit. DON'T endanger others and ride.

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Point One was the track was ok...........it was


Point two i disagree Olsen should be exonerated he is a huge part of the problem

Point one - no it wasn't, the riders deemed it unsafe, and they're the best placed to judge


Point two - the entire GP problem since its inception, and the effect on UK speedway, is Ole Olsen, no-one else

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Crap, it had nothing to do with the starting gate. you have 30 odd Grand Prix drivers who sit on a grid and wait for the red lights to go out, if they can do that then why can't 4 riders sit on a start line ?

There's a thing called improvise, Years ago, Billy Janeiro held a piece of elastic stretched across our start gate as ours failed, that worked very well, no problems there, green light came on, riders under starters orders, after X seconds Billy let the elastic go. problem solved, so why can't they do the same thing ?? I don't suppose you was old enough to remember that, know doubt still cracking your teeth on Rusks,,, :rofl:


So why dear old Starman did the riders delay the meeting because of being asked to start with a green light?

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Point one - no it wasn't, the riders deemed it unsafe, and they're the best placed to judge


Point two - the entire GP problem since its inception, and the effect on UK speedway, is Ole Olsen, no-one else


Ah and there it is..


Point two reveals your true colors, irrelevant to this conversation, but now we know. Your opinions are pretty much rendered redundant.

Incidentally, can anyone else remember a meeting abandoned due to 'dangerous' track conditions, where no rider has mentioned said 'dangerous' conditions in any interviews during the meeting?


Highly unusual.

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So why dear old Starman did the riders delay the meeting because of being asked to start with a green light?

So why didn't they just improvise, see my post again...

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Obviously Paul Bellamy has just published exactly what he was dictated by IMG's lawyers.

It is meant to be a statement that deals with the need for him to say something, whilst actually not saying anything at all.


Clearly legal action is likely to follow, in more than one direction I imagine.

So that is all he can do at this stage.


The two points I would raise are:


1) Does this not highlight the folly of the 'set up' we have with shared, mixed and, indeed interwoven, responsibilities.

The mix of PZM, BSI, FIM and SpeedSport could now be a lawyers wet dream.


2) How are subsequent GPs to be run later in the year if the riders have the final say over the track; and yet only Ole is allowed to build it?
And even one that is relatively OK gets cancelled just because no one has big enough balls to handle prima donnas.



Edited by Grand Central
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