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Somerset 2015

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its all getting silly now untill we get offical news/statements we are all just voicing our opinions and repeating which ever version we believe

if it turns out holder should be on a 7 or other new aussies come in on a 7 then next year maybe the limit should be 42.50 for other clubs and 38.50 for somerset therefor when they do go over by 2 points they will still be 2 under everyone else to make up for the 2 seasons they got away with it

but as ive said untill offical statement we dont know for sure what the score is

but all riders and clubs must use the same rule book at all times

At last it can be told!!!


Somerset wanted to get more posts on the forum than any other track

take some beating berwick posts they always seam to win hands down on that count

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oh , i wonder why people drink and drive. maybe they think they can get away with it. look, its the close seaoun and this topic is HOT.

Talking from experience are we ?? :o

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At last it can be told!!!


Somerset wanted to get more posts on the forum than any other track

well they certainly done that.

i dont mid a bit of crack now and again, but i can see this going on for a long time. just like watergate .

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After the delight of seeing such a promising looking Rebels side announced last Thursday, thought I'd drop in to the forum to share the hopes and dreams of fellow Somerset fans and well wishers for the coming season...... Then I see jenga's name on the last post....many of the posts have at least two of the seven deadly sins....


Well done the Somerset management on assembling another exciting line up!

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Let us firstly consider who the BSPA are?


They are a group of people who have interest in promoting speedway at stadia in Britain.


When people on this forum refer to the BSPA what do the refer to.


They refer to an executive appointed by a group of people, referred to above, who have appointed their peers to represent said group.


The executive have to comply with the law of the land as decreed by government agencies based on bills passed by Parliament. We must await the approval proposed line ups.


Do not blame the 'BSPA', blame those who put the executive into their posts, the real blame rests with ALL Promotions and their lack of attention to detail.

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Do not blame the 'BSPA', blame those who put the executive into their posts, the real blame rests with ALL Promotions and their lack of attention to detail.

Erm, the BSPA are "those" that you refer too. The "BSPA" you seem to be referring to is the BSPA management committee. The Somerset promotion are (at least a part of) the BSPA.

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No idea!!


It's genuinely hilarious that the BSPA runs the sport but the BSPA either doesn't know or can't agree on what's happening ...


5.00 might be in the rulebook, but it seems there's a chance this might not possibly, perhaps, be correct although no one is absolutely sure or they may be but they can't be certain and it's all open to interpretation speculation gossip accusations blame innocence and general confusion.


I think you are dead right here and that's the point I have been trying to make all along.


Its not that Somerset are right so much as the situation is confused.


One simple public announcement would have killed this stone dead and the fact that there was no such announcement is entirely down to the BSPA.


The rule book for 2015 will not even at the printers yet. It needs decisions made at the AGM to be ratified, and printing of the rule book can commence. The rules being quoted are from the 2014 rule book.



No reason why it could not have been changed online, though, or in particular a proper announcement made.


The UK Border Agency was disbanded on the last day of March, it is now the Visa and Immigration Service to more closely reflect what it does. The BSPA, as the recognised body for speedway riders in the UK were asked to complete new paperwork to take account of the change of circumstances.


The permanent staff at the BSPA Office failed to reply to the government and hence the chaos at the beginning of the 2014 season which resulted in Alex Daviies and a few others being rdefused Visas to come to the UK because at that point the Visa agency did not have a recognised 'expert' body to consuult regarding the applicants suitability to come to the UK to be employed potentially keeping a British person out of a job.


The V and i were then ignored for several months and no visa applications could progress because the BSPA Office were going home early, playing POETS DAY every day and ignoring the need. Eventually, with applicatio time for riders returning home fast approaching a meeting between the two bodies was held, at that meeting the V and I EXPRESSED surprise that the BSPA had independently decided to modify the terms of the agreement between the two bodies and non EU riders were rated at an assessed 5 not the 7 of the years old agreement. The V and I pointed out it wzaas not within the powers of the BSPA to independantly change the agreement conditions and hence the statement at the AGM that non EU Riders were now assessed on 7 points. The BSPA are trying to negotiate a return to their figure of 5 in view of the current furore over non EU immigration dont hold your breath.No announcement of the change seems to have been announced because it would have involved the BSPA admitting it had flouted Government regulations for years, since whenever the limit was reduced to 5.


The BSPA have merely agreed to stick to government regulations, dont they call those Laws.


I do know that all hell broke loose last year when the UKBA (or whatever they are called) confronted the BSPA regarding foreign - in particular Australian - riders competing in British Speedway and that they regarded the visas that some were using as illegal. I also know nothing was done by the BSPA which merely made the situation worse.


What you say, though, does rather conflict with the SCB's response that no decision has been made by the immigration authorities at all.


I am not sure why a public statement could not be made regarding the change from 5 to 7 when it appears that the Visa and Immigration Service were well aware of what had been going on anyway. Had that been the case, there would have been no issue here at all.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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I've been following this one ever since it broke and I really do think its time to put it to bed now. There has been some unbiased sensible comments made by posters like Halifax tiger and tbh some almost unbalanced ravings by others lol ,all totally without any sort of proof. For me I cannot believe that the Somerset promotion would want to get in any sort of aggravation this year after last seasons upsets, it just does not make any sense.

When is the time that the teams have to be officially declared and ratified, then we will see one way or other .

I've been following this one ever since it broke and I really do think its time to put it to bed now. There has been some unbiased sensible comments made by posters like Halifax tiger and tbh some almost unbalanced ravings by others lol ,all totally without any sort of proof. For me I cannot believe that the Somerset promotion would want to get in any sort of aggravation this year after last seasons upsets, it just does not make any sense.

When is the time that the teams have to be officially declared and ratified, then we will see one way or other .

Shaky hands posted twice ha ha

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makes your post look good, doing it twice/ why dont you delete 1/2 of it and save numptys like me reading it twice. is it like the safestyle window advert where you buy one, you get one free. i said you buy one you get one free.


this has been a hot topic to be part of and if all the fans see a wrong doing , they will shout.

i dont think any changes will be made to the revels side because the bspa are scared it will have a neg result on their sport and see them a weak people.either way 90 % of posters on here know its wrong and a couple of other teams are sweating . as a supporter of this sport it would be wrong if i didnt show my displeasue at the way the somerset team has built up .call them what you will, but i call it cheating. you dont see football teams trying to get 12 players on the pitch at one time.(although this HAS happened )i hope somerset get away with it and open a can of worms for 2015 season. ,,

just in case you didnt pick it up first time of reading it. i will type it again.. only kidding..

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Well, that explains a lot! thank you for the edit to my post number 435. that is not what i wrote. makes you look llike a proper somerset supporter , even if you are not. lies and fabrication. join the revels management team. you will fit in without a hitch..


Well, that explains a lot! ;)


thank you for altering my post number 435. that is not the full post. just like any revels management , full of lies and fabrication. why dont you jump on board with the revels management team you will fit straigft in..

Edited by jenga
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So, if the Aussies are to be on 7, who will Somerset drop and who might they bring in?That's a serious question..........

if it goes down the tube again

,keep the other six and go for a 5 pointer,don't know who would be best ,depends who's left

Edited by coomie
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thank you for altering my post number 435. that is not the full post. just like any revels management , full of lies and fabrication. why dont you jump on board with the revels management team you will fit straigft in..


Lies and fabrication? Which bit of 'I dont mid a bit of crack now and again' (sic) is a lie. You wrote it!

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if it goes down the tube again

,keep the other six and go for a 5 pointer,don't know who would be best ,depends who's left

nice too see a somerset fan at least aknowledge there could be a problem

this dosnt just affect somerset it affects all teams 1 way or another

would really like some offical statement on this 1 way or the other

Edited by scarra
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