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2015 Euro's


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Always respect your views Rob but the number of rider absences this would cause amounts to no more than a spit in the ocean compared to the number of guests and rider replacements used overall.


International and television exposure could more than balance out the negatives. The absence of riders is definitely a problem Speedway must address but boycotting international meetings ain't the way to do it. 30 years ago it might have affected the international scene and brought some concessions but nowadays we are no more than an insignificant add on that has very little real standing.

This year we've seen many weeks where UK tracks have not run when GPs and SWC are being staged. Those that have run meetings have had joke teams. It's not just about rider absences making matches into mockeries but about the sheer lack of acceptable dates. Many EL tracks running this week are staging their first for 2-3 weeks, at a prime time of year. Just standing by and letting it get worse will make any intangible rewards from international and TV exposure rather too late by the time they filter through.


Whether by boycott of events or ceasing to use riders who take part in these events British Speedway must realise that the EL is simply unsustainable and sadly the PL is heading the same way unless action is taken soon.


To me, Birmingham and Eastbourne have it right this year, regrouping at a lower level, using local youngsters and forgetting about 'names' who simply don't earn their money. We have to separate ourselves from the international scene and rebuild on sensible, sustainable lines.


Anyway, it's a great meeting tonight that illustrates the point that it's having an even spread of talent rather than the very best names to make a great speedway meeting.

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