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Swindon 2015

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Let's be honest here, Greaves is never going to make more than a PL second string. For all his huffing and puffing this season, he was rarely in full control of his machine.


The Swindon fans appreciated him because he was a real 100% trier. Pretty sure there won't be any tears shed that he won't be returning next season.

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Greaves said:

In response, Greaves questioned the leadership of Rossiter and Batchelor on Facebook, and said the reason the Robins dropped out of the play-offs was down to the lack of team spirit in the Swindon camp.

Greaves wrote: Im not one for doing this but I really cant help it, Roscos review on the season is all rubbish, you all think hes an amazing manager?

Theres so many things fans unbeknown to the fans what is proof of him being amateur, and troy a good captain?

Hes by far the worst captain out there, he didnt help me once, neither did he even speak to me, one night I was stood outside the changing rooms and a little girl asked me to ask Troy how long he was going to be so he could have his picture took, I asked Troy, and he just totally ignored me.

The only thing good about Swindon is the fans.

They stuck by me throughout, and the comment he made about my dad, the race I was beating Nick Morris, Nick raced me into the corner passed me, all my dad did was go to Rosco and say nicely why Rosco why did he do that what if Nath fell off then it wouldnt be a five one, why couldnt he protect him?

Rosco stood there and said nothing, really sorry but its annoying how everyone on here has a false impression of what really goes on, Coventry beat us, because there better riders helped the other riders and they were a team Swindon was every man for them selves.

I remember that race with Morris and at the time i was really annoyed it was really unfortunate.I like Nathan he showed me on S.Gs bike that he can do a job a young lad who for a month or so really improved.Did he get help encouragement who knows?i wish him all the best in the future.

You're right, Monarch. At the age they are and with the length of time they've ridden in the EL, there is no way Lawson and Auty should be involved in any sort of fast track scheme. Yes, we want to help Brits, but do we need to be 'fast tracking' 25-28 year olds who have had their chances already?


If you have an eight of Birks, Lambert, Blackbird (who's already pushing the age boundary but was at least already in the draft), Worrall x2, Garrity, Newman and Kerr as the eight lead reserves, then that leaves the likes of Ellis, Nielsen etc to be the second which makes a much stronger package.


It's far from set in stone there will be a FTD rider moving into the top five.

All those riders you have named have had different paths different ages and experience my take is all English riders of that level should get a place.For ex) Auty only has 2 years more experience than Newman(who i like and on other threads have said how he has improved).Auty has only had two years of regular EL racing and he averaged 6.50 plus and 5.70 not to bad.Lawson another one how much EL racing has he had not that much really and he has improved year to year.My point is certain riders improve at different times, and riders like the two mentioned should not miss out to the likes of Nielsen and Ellis yet i would like all the Brits to get a ride.Going back a few years two examples of riders who really pushed on later on in there career Tony Davey and Ian Cartwright both i thought were only heat leaders at best riders can improve a little with age.
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I think the team spirit was generally good for those that wished to get involved, and Nathan may have found it better had he been willing to listen to more senior riders and accept help that was put his way.


Kind of ironic that the biggest criticism Rosco has given is that he doesn't listen or take on advice (also what 'rubbed other riders up'), and rather than listen and take that on board Nathan came out on the attack.


I like Nathan, he's someone who I'd like to think could go far in the sport with a slight change in attitude. He's still very young, and these things happen. Hopefully he'll learn from it and and push on in his career.

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I think the team spirit was generally good for those that wished to get involved, and Nathan may have found it better had he been willing to listen to more senior riders and accept help that was put his way.


Kind of ironic that the biggest criticism Rosco has given is that he doesn't listen or take on advice (also what 'rubbed other riders up'), and rather than listen and take that on board Nathan came out on the attack.


I like Nathan, he's someone who I'd like to think could go far in the sport with a slight change in attitude. He's still very young, and these things happen. Hopefully he'll learn from it and and push on in his career.

My thoughts exactly.

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Here is a thought re 2015 if the format stayed the same. With Killer and Batch's averages dropping and the FTD seeming certain to stay around in some format is it possible we could fit Killer, Batch and Doyley in. We would then need 2 second strings on low averages so obviously it would be riders who didn't do the elite in 2014. Based on this years limit of 32 would leave about 8.5 I reckon.

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Here is a thought re 2015 if the format stayed the same. With Killer and Batch's averages dropping and the FTD seeming certain to stay around in some format is it possible we could fit Killer, Batch and Doyley in. We would then need 2 second strings on low averages so obviously it would be riders who didn't do the elite in 2014. Based on this years limit of 32 would leave about 8.5 I reckon.

That would be the way to go for me but from what I was told Jason won't be in a hurry to ride for Swindon anytime soon.

It's a free world of speech & whilst it's easy to criticise a 16 year old for what he said you have to say he's brave by doing it.


If the System stays the same Nathan will be given a chance by someone & they in turn will judge him on how he then does.

Edited by Crazy robin
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To me i would not be wanting to keep Greaves.


The lad struggles to stay on the bike due to his unorthodox style going into the bends.

He isnt really improved and then spouts his mouth off.

Batchelor ive never really warmed to as seems to spit his dummy a lot and i wouldnt class him as a captain

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That would be the way to go for me but from what I was told Jason won't be in a hurry to ride for Swindon anytime soon.

It's a free world of speech & whilst it's easy to criticise a 16 year old for what he said you have to say he's brave by doing it.


If the System stays the same Nathan will be given a chance by someone & they in turn will judge him on how he then does.

Who know's. From what I heard he wasn't too keen last year but that might have changed now. I'm sure if the stories are true about the riders being paid on time this season then we will have a lot more interest from riders for next season.

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Here is a thought re 2015 if the format stayed the same. With Killer and Batch's averages dropping and the FTD seeming certain to stay around in some format is it possible we could fit Killer, Batch and Doyley in. We would then need 2 second strings on low averages so obviously it would be riders who didn't do the elite in 2014. Based on this years limit of 32 would leave about 8.5 I reckon.

Would like these three in the team providing two things happen:

1. The bspa put the average limit up to a sensible level, this would allow higher average riders to stay in the league, rather than weaken the teams most years.

2. With Troy and Jason in all the GPs and Killer likely to be in some, that any team that races on a fri changes to an alternate night on the day before a GP.

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That would be the way to go for me but from what I was told Jason won't be in a hurry to ride for Swindon anytime soon.

It's a free world of speech & whilst it's easy to criticise a 16 year old for what he said you have to say he's brave by doing it.

If the System stays the same Nathan will be given a chance by someone & they in turn will judge him on how he then does.

A sixteen year old or a fifty year old has a right to give his opinion and fair play to Nathan.Be interesting to hear what other riders have seen a certain side of Rossiter? don't believe all you read.
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He can have his opinion, but posting it on social media at the end of a ( not brilliant ) season will hardly endear him to potential employers for next season.

Yet his employer/team can come out and crucify him how is that right if i am bollocked at work it is kept in house,confidential between both parties.
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