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Poole 2015

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The alcohol test is done on a random basis and all riders are not tested. As far as I am aware 2 riders are picked.

So? Just because someone might have been with him the night before that doesn't mean they were over the limit.


Maybe they remembered to hydrate! :-)

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The alcohol test is done on a random basis and all riders are not tested. As far as I am aware 2 riders are picked.

Let me make this clear I am NOT defending Darcy at all, anyone that goes out drinking a night before a GP and when you could still be world champion is asking for trouble. The FIM need to look at their tests and they should be done on all riders prior to any GP.

In theory I agree with you there. If the kit is in then use it on everyone unless anyone knows of a good reason why this should not be the case.

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In theory I agree with you there. If the kit is in then use it on everyone unless anyone knows of a good reason why this should not be the case.

Sad old world isn't it, professional motor bike racers shouldn't want to drink alcohol the day before they put their and others lives at risk. They all know the risks involved with any motor sport. enough said.

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Why do Poole fans keep defending Darcy Ward? He has let Poole down 3 times in the last 5 seasons. 2010, he simply did not turn up for the final games 2 & 6 over both legs. 2012, he gets himself injured outside a pub & never pursues the matter, indicating that he probably wasn't as innocent as was made out. 2014 gets caught out drinking before the GP & then gives out different versions of the story over a period of time. That does not include the episode back home in Oz, when the police caught him in possession of drink & drugs when riding a bike. Are you so determined to win the league that you are willing to accept any sort of behaviour from your riders? I hope not!

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Why do Poole fans keep defending Darcy Ward? He has let Poole down 3 times in the last 5 seasons. 2010, he simply did not turn up for the final games 2 & 6 over both legs. 2012, he gets himself injured outside a pub & never pursues the matter, indicating that he probably wasn't as innocent as was made out. 2014 gets caught out drinking before the GP & then gives out different versions of the story over a period of time. That does not include the episode back home in Oz, when the police caught him in possession of drink & drugs when riding a bike. Are you so determined to win the league that you are willing to accept any sort of behaviour from your riders? I hope not!

I have never defended him on any of the occasions.

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Sorry, but Darcy informed us that he had one drink tea time and then went back to the hotel upset before going to bed. Are you now telling us another GP rider went to bed with Darcy? As that could be a pretty big scoop.



Darcy Ward and another rider...and a bed....and a beer bottle..... Nah, could never happen!

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In theory I agree with you there. If the kit is in then use it on everyone unless anyone knows of a good reason why this should not be the case.


Probably because there might not be a GP as there wouldn't be enough reserve riders to step in to fill the places of those that might get caught out??! :wink::D

Darcy Ward and another rider...and a bed....and a beer bottle..... Nah, could never happen!

If you are going to bring that up again, lets get it right! There were 3 riders involved and all found not guilty or were not charged!

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I know this forum is full of many opinions from a wide range of ages but it really does border on ridiculous at times that people can be so obsessed with Darcy.


He's not someone who does anything that is really important in the great scheme of things like a doctor & winning a 8 team league is not enough to defend everything he has done or been accused of.

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Sorry, but Darcy informed us that he had one drink tea time and then went back to the hotel upset before going to bed. Are you now telling us another GP rider went to bed with Darcy? As that could be a pretty big scoop.


Unless Darcy was lying. But he wouldn't do that would he?

And if you believe all that your dafter than i think.. Im not sticking up for Darcy, if, he did what he did, and it is still very much up for debate when it comes to the creditabilliy of the Equipment used and the person running the test. IMO Darcy has been punished enough, nobody on here except the Poole fans who saw Darcy at our presentation night will know that his face showed enough is enough.

But what i don't agree with, is the amount of people on here who are ready like coiled springs to jump all over him from a very great height should he get a ban. Because reguardless what anyone says, that is what the majority on here are quietly hoping.

Should he get a ban then he gets a ban, simple, but if Darcy is allowed to ride next season whether its just domestic rides for us and go through the GP challenge then i will support Darcy 100 %

But i honestly believe, and hope that this time Darcy has fully learn't his lesson. Because in 10 -15 years time, if Darcy doesn't win at least two Worlds Championships, his "so called friends" will be pissing themselves with laughter saying, remember that Darcy Ward what a C--t he was, ha ha ha. Time Darcy saw the light of day.. Because in 10-15 years time Darcy could be sitting very pretty, while his so called friends squirm in their box room. His choice.

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Quire right.


All I'm fussed about personally is that any punishment makes sure that he 'learns his lesson' so to speak. If a ban enables that to happen then great, if it has already and he rides from March then even better. But the worst thing would be for him to be cleared on a technicality and still be a pillock off track, because then nobody would be any further forward and he would still be on the slippery slope of wasting his enormous talent.

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Starman2006, on 15 Jan 2015 - 2:45 PM, said:

And if you believe all that your dafter than i think.. Im not sticking up for Darcy, if, he did what he did, and it is still very much up for debate when it comes to the creditabilliy of the Equipment used and the person running the test. IMO Darcy has been punished enough, nobody on here except the Poole fans who saw Darcy at our presentation night will know that his face showed enough is enough.

But what i don't agree with, is the amount of people on here who are ready like coiled springs to jump all over him from a very great height should he get a ban. Because reguardless what anyone says, that is what the majority on here are quietly hoping.

Should he get a ban then he gets a ban, simple, but if Darcy is allowed to ride next season whether its just domestic rides for us and go through the GP challenge then i will support Darcy 100 %

But i honestly believe, and hope that this time Darcy has fully learn't his lesson. Because in 10 -15 years time, if Darcy doesn't win at least two Worlds Championships, his "so called friends" will be pissing themselves with laughter saying, remember that Darcy Ward what a C--t he was, ha ha ha. Time Darcy saw the light of day.. Because in 10-15 years time Darcy could be sitting very pretty, while his so called friends squirm in their box room. His choice.

I don't know if this has been asked before but has Darcy get a manager or mentor ? Someone perhaps to point out " that might not be a good idea " type of person . That's what I think he needs .. The world of sport is littered with sad cases of self destruction . I am not a Poole fan but Ward for me is one of the riders of which there are few I would willingly part with my hard earned every week to see . Last chance saloon my be a bit dramatic but for his own sake lets hope he can get his head down & achieve what he should with the great talent he has ...OR just become a bloke who fans remember who had it all & gave nowt ... Its up to him at the end of the day !!

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I don't know if this has been asked before but has Darcy get a manager or mentor ? Someone perhaps to point out " that might not be a good idea " type of person . That's what I think he needs .. The world of sport is littered with sad cases of self destruction . I am not a Poole fan but Ward for me is one of the riders of which there are few I would willingly part with my hard earned every week to see . Last chance saloon my be a bit dramatic but for his own sake lets hope he can get his head down & achieve what he should with the great talent he has ...OR just become a bloke who fans remember who had it all & gave nowt ... Its up to him at the end of the day !!


That would be Middlo wouldn't it?

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I don't know if this has been asked before but has Darcy get a manager or mentor ? Someone perhaps to point out " that might not be a good idea " type of person . That's what I think he needs .. The world of sport is littered with sad cases of self destruction . I am not a Poole fan but Ward for me is one of the riders of which there are few I would willingly part with my hard earned every week to see . Last chance saloon my be a bit dramatic but for his own sake lets hope he can get his head down & achieve what he should with the great talent he has ...OR just become a bloke who fans remember who had it all & gave nowt ... Its up to him at the end of the day !!

Agree with all that.


But sadly, as pointed out, his mentor seems to be Tim Nice but Dim Middlo. Thats proving to be a disaster. Who was he out with the night he got hit across the head ended up in hospital and weirdly choosing not to report it to the police? Yep, Middlo. Who is it that always comes out with an excuse or justification in the press for his actions? Yep, Middlo.

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Said it before that Darcy needs to change the people around him. Enough has been said bout Middlo we all know he just talks rubbish. It's a shame to say it for you decent Poole fans out there but for Darcy the speedway rider perhaps getting away from Poole will do him the world of good. He has things to easy at Poole and while he continually has an atm round his shoulder when he mucks up you have to think he may never learn

And all this time Poole wait and wait to see who to sign. They should do the professional thing and sign the rider who should be the fans hero and who won them the league , not Darcy but Magic. If Darcy does get banned I kind if hope Janowski tells Ford he is to late to sign him

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That would be Middlo wouldn't it?

Sorry, but Neil can't be in his pocket or wrap him up in cotton wool 24/7, Darcy has to show responsabillity for his own actions. He's old enough and Ugly enough now.

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And if you believe all that your dafter than i think.. Im not sticking up for Darcy, if, he did what he did, and it is still very much up for debate when it comes to the creditabilliy of the Equipment used and the person running the test. IMO Darcy has been punished enough, nobody on here except the Poole fans who saw Darcy at our presentation night will know that his face showed enough is enough.

But what i don't agree with, is the amount of people on here who are ready like coiled springs to jump all over him from a very great height should he get a ban. Because reguardless what anyone says, that is what the majority on here are quietly hoping.

Should he get a ban then he gets a ban, simple, but if Darcy is allowed to ride next season whether its just domestic rides for us and go through the GP challenge then i will support Darcy 100 %

But i honestly believe, and hope that this time Darcy has fully learn't his lesson. Because in 10 -15 years time, if Darcy doesn't win at least two Worlds Championships, his "so called friends" will be pissing themselves with laughter saying, remember that Darcy Ward what a C--t he was, ha ha ha. Time Darcy saw the light of day.. Because in 10-15 years time Darcy could be sitting very pretty, while his so called friends squirm in their box room. His choice.

I think you are spot on there

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Sorry, but Neil can't be in his pocket or wrap him up in cotton wool 24/7, Darcy has to show responsabillity for his own actions. He's old enough and Ugly enough now.

but its ok for Middlo to think and say that the things Darcy has done are fine. Darcy needs to get away from people who see no wrong in him
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