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Poole 2015

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If Kennett's 2014 EL average is expunged then it is only fair that he reverts to his previous year's EL average of 6.39 (his 2014 starting average) anything else would again be a total bending if the rules. We all know that the EL was easier for second strings last year so it would be another complete mockery if he was to start on a converted PL average - whoever he rides for!

Notice you did save the day by saying whoever he riders for...

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Scribbler, you shouldn't be liking my post.

Starman will be upset if Poole fans side with me. PMFSL



I am hoping some PL promoters don't try and find a loophole and use the Draft as an excuse to try and cheat the rules??

I thought the PL were holier than thou and morally the better league - surely they wouldn't stoop so low?



I used to get abuse from certain Poole fans whenever I posted...


I was a Poole fan in the late 1960s and 1970 but when my next door neighbour, a Poole rider, got killed in his first meeting back in Oz in November 1970 I gave up on the sport. He wasn't just a speedway rider he was a dear friend.


I'd probably still support Poole as 'my' EL team, without attending, if it wasn't for the antics of the present promotion/management. Nowadays I just check on the latest tricks being pulled and the way that some supporters blindly follow their leader in any Poole thread... That said - there are some Poole supporters who are gaining my respect... More and more of them are willing to state what they really feel - and, funnily enough, are never attacked by their fellow supporters who worship MF.

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I used to get abuse from certain Poole fans whenever I posted...


I was a Poole fan in the late 1960s and 1970 but when my next door neighbour, a Poole rider, got killed in his first meeting back in Oz in November 1970 I gave up on the sport. He wasn't just a speedway rider he was a dear friend.


I'd probably still support Poole as 'my' EL team, without attending, if it wasn't for the antics of the present promotion/management. Nowadays I just check on the latest tricks being pulled and the way that some supporters blindly follow their leader in any Poole thread... That said - there are some Poole supporters who are gaining my respect... More and more of them are willing to state what they really feel - and, funnily enough, are never attacked by their fellow supporters who worship MF.

Gordon Guasco ( RIP) most Poole supporters i have met through supporting Swindon have been decent chaps i would never tar them all with the same brush.Whatever is said Poole are the team that others have to reach, the benchmark for years Poole were nothing also rans teams that often got murdered away.
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No ones keeping anybody waiting. Im very sure Matt and Neil have it all taped.. Again, how many league titles?


Where did i meantion anything about passports in my posts? You've read my posts? not..

Exactly you didnt - that was my point!!


You really are a unique indivudual ( and that isnt a compliment in this case!)


Take your own advice and read the post I quoted to reply to.

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Just for the record - re the Holder v Ward question - on the Poole forum , 63% of voters selected Darcy Ward as their preferred Number 1.


And judging by the loud applause he got at the Awards night, Darcy is still very much a favourite amongst Poole fans.

Edited by Skidder1
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scribbler, on 29 Nov 2014 - 4:25 PM, said:


I used to get abuse from certain Poole fans whenever I posted...


I was a Poole fan in the late 1960s and 1970 but when my next door neighbour, a Poole rider, got killed in his first meeting back in Oz in November 1970 I gave up on the sport. He wasn't just a speedway rider he was a dear friend.


I'd probably still support Poole as 'my' EL team, without attending, if it wasn't for the antics of the present promotion/management. Nowadays I just check on the latest tricks being pulled and the way that some supporters blindly follow their leader in any Poole thread... That said - there are some Poole supporters who are gaining my respect... More and more of them are willing to state what they really feel - and, funnily enough, are never attacked by their fellow supporters who worship MF.


Thanks for the post.

At least you seem a supporter that sees things clearly.

Starman2006, on 29 Nov 2014 - 3:46 PM, said:

Notice you did save the day by saying whoever he riders for...


Feel free to answer #495.

That's assuming you know what you are talking about.

A none answer confirms.

Edited by stevebrum
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My advice to all is just ignore Starman's posts as he's just as much of a wally on our own Poole Pirates Forum. I find it quite embarrasing as a lifelong Poole fan that one of our own just keeps on posting the same old lines time and time again with his complete and utter inane defence of Matt Ford, Middlo and anything Poole related.


Starman a little advice from a fellow Pirate - get a blooming grip on reality and stop with the constant same old, same old. And here's a newsflash for you...not everything posted on here is an attack on Poole Pirates so PLEASE for the love of God STOP saying that it is. If you can do that and join in with the banter (which a lot of it is) and start posting something worth reading then I strongly suggest you will enjoy this forum so much more :t:


And to bring things back onto thread...I personally do hope Darcy rides for Poole in 2015 for purely speedway reasons as he's just unbelieveable to watch week in and week out, however I do not agree with what he's done so if he does indeed get a (fully deserved) ban then so be it and we move on. Any sensible speedway fan will have similar opinion.


Are you goint to tell ME that's a Poole thing Starman??? :D

33 likes and still counting.............Surely that must be some sort of record!!! :lol:


Edited.....Up to 36 now!!

Edited by scottyfan
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Brady Kurtz can double up he has dual nationality (british and australian)


By using his British passport I would think. All those wishing to apologise to Starman can you please form an orderly queue

Don't be daft that will never happen.. Im as much hated on here as the poole haters society hate Matt. :D





So how come no news of signings then?

I take it Darcy has signed his contract and MF is just waiting to announce it?? (that news wont please most Poole fans)

When was the FIM jury date again??

Why would you want to know. I didn't think you supported Poole.. Of course, there are many many closet Poole fans on here, you can't get enough of our success can you.. Deep Breath, they'l be more next season... :rofl:

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Matt Ford finally went to see his Doctor today as he hasn't been feeling quite right for some time...........

After a thorough examination, the Doctor said....." I am glad to say Mr Ford, I have found the problem that has been causing you so much trouble. I have booked you into Poole hospital next week to have a small operation to remove Starman2006's head from your behind. That should cure the problem straight away." :rofl:

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Matt Ford finally went to see his Doctor today as he hasn't been feeling quite right for some time...........

After a thorough examination, the Doctor said....." I am glad to say Mr Ford, I have found the problem that has been causing you so much trouble. I have booked you into Poole hospital next week to have a small operation to remove Starman2006's head from your behind. That should cure the problem straight away." :rofl:

I'm seeing a different side to you - a sense of humour and no black cloud of doom! :wink:

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I'm seeing a different side to you - a sense of humour and no black cloud of doom! :wink:

He spouts the same rubbish on our forum does old Scottyfan...The black cloud of doom Poole to lose, poole to get hammered :rofl:

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I used to get abuse from certain Poole fans whenever I posted...


I was a Poole fan in the late 1960s and 1970 but when my next door neighbour, a Poole rider, got killed in his first meeting back in Oz in November 1970 I gave up on the sport. He wasn't just a speedway rider he was a dear friend.


I'd probably still support Poole as 'my' EL team, without attending, if it wasn't for the antics of the present promotion/management. Nowadays I just check on the latest tricks being pulled and the way that some supporters blindly follow their leader in any Poole thread... That said - there are some Poole supporters who are gaining my respect... More and more of them are willing to state what they really feel - and, funnily enough, are never attacked by their fellow supporters who worship MF.

I remember Gordon very well too. Back in 1965 when returning home from a meeting at Wimbledon when we saw Gordon's van stranded on the A45 in Coventry.

We stopped to see if we could help and found Gordon under the bonnet trying to sort out the problem.We asked if he needed help and he said yes as he didn't have a clue what was wrong. We sorted out his problem and got him going again, both Gordon and Elaine were full of thanks as they left. After that he always came over and for a chat when he saw us at meetings and was always a very friendly guy, and easy to get along with. Still think about him even now.

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But oddly spot on when he talks about you! :wink:





Starman2006, on 29 Nov 2014 - 9:04 PM, said:


Why would you want to know. I didn't think you supported Poole.. Of course, there are many many closet Poole fans on here, you can't get enough of our success can you.. Deep Breath, they'l be more next season... :rofl:


Why would anyone want to know?

Oh I guess it must be because its a Poole thread to discuss what may or may not happen.

Guess that part has past you by. Bit like post #495.

I am taking you know nothing and just make stuff up.

If you are happy for your club to wait on the decision of your guilty rider then far from it from me to point out what many others have. HOLDER IS PREFFERED OPTION BY POOLE FANS.


Get him signed and delivered to the fans.


We all know Poole will be delivering another team capable of winning, why would I be bothered about that?


chris4gillian, on 29 Nov 2014 - 10:46 PM, said:



...and still no sign of a response from Starman who continues with his tirade... :icon_smile_clown:



You cant have 33 likes.

Starman2006 says all Poole fans agree with him!


Pure comedy gold.

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Why would anyone want to know?

Oh I guess it must be because its a Poole thread to discuss what may or may not happen.

Guess that part has past you by. Bit like post #495.

I am taking you know nothing and just make stuff up.

If you are happy for your club to wait on the decision of your guilty rider then far from it from me to point out what many others have. HOLDER IS PREFFERED OPTION BY POOLE FANS.


Get him signed and delivered to the fans.


We all know Poole will be delivering another team capable of winning, why would I be bothered about that?




You cant have 33 likes.

Starman2006 says all Poole fans agree with him!


Pure comedy gold

Just curious to know why you want to know who Poole are signing when all you can do is slate them.............and misquote the management and fans frequently............


Announcements due in the next couple of weeks if you bother to read the local paper................



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