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Kings Lynn 2015

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As with many times before, our opinions we will always differ . You only pick up on the parts you want to without understanding the point I was trying to make.


Never once have I suggested a 'worse standard', that's your interpretation, would be better . My whole argument is to put on a decent promotion that is of an affordable price to the fans as well as to the Promoters.


Now IF, and that's a big if, the promoters can afford to include top paid riders then wonderful. But that product has to be right for the fans to attend. You only have to look at the number of clubs that have closed down to realise the product has to be right.


To highlight an example from last year, when Lynn Stars travelled to Coventry for their first meeting it was a sparse crowd, cold spring evening, where the meeting dragged out. there was no atmosphere and the place seemed dead. The second time we went there in Sept was very different. Far bigger crowd, lot of noise and good atmosphere. Although the riders were the same the product was far better and fans would have thoroughly enjoyed their night out. Yes I know you could also relate this to the results, but it not all down to this Everybody wants the product to be good whether you win or lose......


I hope this time you understand the point I'm trying to make......

Your first point on the subject was about getting rid of top riders then you went on about getting new fans ... As I asked ask me what sport has got bigger crowds by getting rid of the best players /riders etc ?


We get told time again what a great product the Pl league but as we have seen the crowds without the draw of decent names are still poor .

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So if the crowds are, as you suggest still poor, then it matters not if the top riders are there or not.


Our local pro Club in Norfolk dropped down into Div One (3rd tier) and the gates were little to no different to when they were in the Premiership. This despite unloading all their so called star names.


Your witness Orion 😀

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And look at the poor crowd at Man City on Wed, 30,000 plus for a Champions League game. There will that size of crowds in the Championship today, or close to. No "Elite" players or wages on show there

Its definately not just speedway thats suffering, look at alot of football crowds even in the premier league even aston villa struggle and you see alot of rugby crowds with poor attendance.
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So if the crowds are, as you suggest still poor, then it matters not if the top riders are there or not.


Our local pro Club in Norfolk dropped down into Div One (3rd tier) and the gates were little to no different to when they were in the Premiership. This despite unloading all their so called star names.


Your witness Orion

Of course it matters as the crowds would get worse ....The question was what sport has got more fans by making the standard lower . Your example is just of one club, a better example would to divide the crowds in each game in each league .


So the example of Man City in the champions league is a poor one as if you divided the champions league crowds on average it would smash the average Championship crowds . Maybe this year at the World Darts this year rather than having Phil Taylor ,MVG etc they should get some pubs players ,after all the crowds would stay the same as no one cares about the standard or what names they are watching

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But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Darter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Carter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

Edited by Shale Searcher
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But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Darter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Carter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

Are you finishing on a double??? :D

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But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Darter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

But of course they Care...... Fred Dinglederry v Hamiesh Derfenec throwing 26 after 26 and ending up on double one every game, or Phil Taylor v Another Top Carter, banging in 180,s 3 dart finishes, who would prefer the first option.......???

I would prefer the 1st option,more drinking time :D

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He also said the same last year and the year before. Possibly even the year before. The top guys want less meetings, the lower/middle guys want more. Well as most of the lower/middle riders are doubling up these days, they don't need so many EL meetings. So just have less meetings, it suits everyone. It means less meetings for the fans to go to so when there is a meeting we'll be more keen to go and crowds might just go up.


In Sweden they have crowds 2 and 3 times the size of EL crowds because if a fan misses a meeting he might go 4 weeks without speedway. In the UK you just have to wait until the end of the week some times! Always leave people wanting more and make them wait for it, as the Grolsch advert used to tell us, "good things come to those who wait".

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He also said the same last year and the year before. Possibly even the year before. The top guys want less meetings, the lower/middle guys want more. Well as most of the lower/middle riders are doubling up these days, they don't need so many EL meetings. So just have less meetings, it suits everyone. It means less meetings for the fans to go to so when there is a meeting we'll be more keen to go and crowds might just go up.


In Sweden they have crowds 2 and 3 times the size of EL crowds because if a fan misses a meeting he might go 4 weeks without speedway. In the UK you just have to wait until the end of the week some times! Always leave people wanting more and make them wait for it, as the Grolsch advert used to tell us, "good things come to those who wait".



Totally agree

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I want to watch speedway at Lynn every week during the season, the off season is 5 months :-P

If the UK fans need more Speedway there is generally another meeting on during the week, just down the road in many cases. The die hard fans of the sport can get as much of it as they want.

If u think I'm going to Ipswich or Boro regularly u have another thing coming (as they used to say ha)!

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Trees, what about Mildy, or Rye House ?You dont have to go anywhere regularly, but there is a few to flit round to get your fix. Including Both Lynn Teams. Just think of the pleasure you would get going to Foxhole and watching the home team get stuffed. :rofl:


Are You a total Lynn fan or a total Speedway fan ? A good meeting is a good meeting, no matter what teams are involved.

Edited by semion
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