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Kings Lynn 2015

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I would definitely rather we went with job sharing for the big boys and keep the amount of fixtures we have.


Stuff the big boys. Job share will just increase costs. They will both want vans, bikes in the UK, mechanics, drivers etc and that means more costs for the clubs. People are saying now that the admission prices are too steep, can't see increase in admission bringing in any extra fans.


People who do not attend speedway now don't have a clue about the difference between say Jason Doyle and Jason Garrity yet one is a GP rider who will want paying a GP riders rate and the other is an up and coming Brit. The only way doubling up will increase crowds is by tempting back the "do not goes anymore" and here's one of them that will not be tempted back by job sharing buck chasing GP riders (I doubt I'm the only one).


There are far more cheaper things could be done that might tempt us back. Getting rid of stupid rules would be a start and wouldn't cost a penny piece!

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The are many reasons why the crowds are poor, Costs; VFM; Crap track; Poor racing, Rule bending, Bad organisation, Pissed of with guests; Long drawn out meetings, No atmosphere, need I go on...........


Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but I find it rather contradictory. You say the way forward is to have less meetings and stronger teams. How will that help in persuading new supporters to come and watch. The only people that would benefit is the riders. I think they are taking enough as it is.

Surely the way forward is to address some of the issues mentioned above and have regular race meetings. Only then will you be able to entice the old fans back and new ones to come along........


Poland and Sweden have more supporters with less matches. Maybe they have the balance perfect.





Poland is an extreme. We can't and never will compare with them. If you look for a comparison, Sweden is the better option. Less fixtures & all the top riders and arguably better crowds. How do they do it?




We DID compare to them so i don't see why we cant but we need more of the top boys not less to make that happen

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Stuff the big boys. Job share will just increase costs. They will both want vans, bikes in the UK, mechanics, drivers etc and that means more costs for the clubs. People are saying now that the admission prices are too steep, can't see increase in admission bringing in any extra fans.


People who do not attend speedway now don't have a clue about the difference between say Jason Doyle and Jason Garrity yet one is a GP rider who will want paying a GP riders rate and the other is an up and coming Brit. The only way doubling up will increase crowds is by tempting back the "do not goes anymore" and here's one of them that will not be tempted back by job sharing buck chasing GP riders (I doubt I'm the only one).


There are far more cheaper things could be done that might tempt us back. Getting rid of stupid rules would be a start and wouldn't cost a penny piece!

SKY are saying they want top men back job sharing so perhaps they will cough up extra costs!

I like watching all calibre of rider, our local boys were good to watch, if u didn't want to come and watch them I don't think you'll ever be a regular again ......

Edited by Trees
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With Birmingham and Eastbourne missing next season each club should be receiving extra Sky money next season. Will it be passed on to the big hitter riders, so will it mean a reduction in admission fees to at track more punters through the gate.


Take a wild guess !

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The are many reasons why the crowds are poor, Costs; VFM; Crap track; Poor racing, Rule bending, Bad organisation, Pissed of with guests; Long drawn out meetings, No atmosphere, need I go on...........


Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but I find it rather contradictory. You say the way forward is to have less meetings and stronger teams. How will that help in persuading new supporters to come and watch. The only people that would benefit is the riders. I think they are taking enough as it is.

Surely the way forward is to address some of the issues mentioned above and have regular race meetings. Only then will you be able to entice the old fans back and new ones to come along........

Pretty easy .. Less matches and stronger teams will more likely to give people a better match day experience, then they tell there friends it's good it snowballs from then better riders bigger crowds more sponsors better tv deal etc . You have regular race nights in the Pl and the crowds are still poor .


I never known any sport get better and get crowds back by putting out a poorer standard as you suggest .

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Pretty easy .. Less matches and stronger teams will more likely to give people a better match day experience, then they tell there friends it's good it snowballs from then better riders bigger crowds more sponsors better tv deal etc . You have regular race nights in the Pl and the crowds are still poor .


I never known any sport get better and get crowds back by putting out a poorer standard as you suggest .


You have this perception that we live in an ideal world and everyone thinks like you do. Why do you automatically think better riders would give a better match day experience. Unfortunately that's not the case. There are far more important things to get right that would make that 'Match day experience' better than expensive riders. as previously posted : 'Costs; VFM; Crap track; Poor racing, Rule bending, Bad organisation, Pissed of with guests; Long drawn out meetings, No atmosphere are just a few areas to improve.


In your mind, top riders are everything, to me they're just the icing on the cake. Before we can expect an upward turn in support, we have to get the mixture of that cake right. Until then its pointless paying over the odds for top riders when the fans can't be bothered to come.

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You have this perception that we live in an ideal world and everyone thinks like you do.

Have you read your posts on this subject ? pot ,kettle black . You tell me what sport has moved forward and got better crowds by having a worse standard ?

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Have you read your posts on this subject ? pot ,kettle black . You tell me what sport has moved forward and got better crowds by having a worse standard ?


As with many times before, our opinions we will always differ . You only pick up on the parts you want to without understanding the point I was trying to make.


Never once have I suggested a 'worse standard', that's your interpretation, would be better . My whole argument is to put on a decent promotion that is of an affordable price to the fans as well as to the Promoters.


Now IF, and that's a big if, the promoters can afford to include top paid riders then wonderful. But that product has to be right for the fans to attend. You only have to look at the number of clubs that have closed down to realise the product has to be right.


To highlight an example from last year, when Lynn Stars travelled to Coventry for their first meeting it was a sparse crowd, cold spring evening, where the meeting dragged out. there was no atmosphere and the place seemed dead. The second time we went there in Sept was very different. Far bigger crowd, lot of noise and good atmosphere. Although the riders were the same the product was far better and fans would have thoroughly enjoyed their night out. Yes I know you could also relate this to the results, but it not all down to this Everybody wants the product to be good whether you win or lose......


I hope this time you understand the point I'm trying to make......

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GRW, let me be the first to ask... Why was the atmosphere different for the 2nd meeting, compared to the first. Same teams, same track, same Promotion, same Mic man ( ?)...So in your view why was it so much better ?


There were many reasons, First there was a bigger crowd, that made more noise, The track was far better for the second meeting, in that there was no problems on the 1st corner and not a lot of riders were falling off. In the first there was six races stopped because of fallers each has the effect of slowing the proceedings down. Plus we had some conflicting argument between the Managers about the legality of a Bees rider all putting an additional competitive edge to proceedings. Although Lynn lost the second meeting the actual night had far more excitement and atmosphere than the drab 1st one.


The biggest factor was we were not standing about in the cold all night and was on our way home shortly after 9.30. Obviously disappointed we lost the match, but that didn't take away that the meeting was pretty good.

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There were many reasons, First there was a bigger crowd, that made more noise, The track was far better for the second meeting, in that there was no problems on the 1st corner and not a lot of riders were falling off. In the first there was six races stopped because of fallers each has the effect of slowing the proceedings down. Plus we had some conflicting argument between the Managers about the legality of a Bees rider all putting an additional competitive edge to proceedings. Although Lynn lost the second meeting the actual night had far more excitement and atmosphere than the drab 1st one.


The biggest factor was we were not standing about in the cold all night and was on our way home shortly after 9.30. Obviously disappointed we lost the match, but that didn't take away that the meeting was pretty good.

Are we on about the meeting on April 11th.I was there and I cant remember there being 6 fallers.I had to look back at my programme as I normally fill in if there had been any fallers.I have only got Rose falling a couple of times.

I think the main reason for a better crowd on the second meeting was the fact Coventry were riding better at the time and they had the chance of qualifying for the play-offs.People will normally come out and support a winning team.

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Are we on about the meeting on April 11th.I was there and I cant remember there being 6 fallers.I had to look back at my programme as I normally fill in if there had been any fallers.I have only got Rose falling a couple of times.

I think the main reason for a better crowd on the second meeting was the fact Coventry were riding better at the time and they had the chance of qualifying for the play-offs.People will normally come out and support a winning team.

Especially when they are up against the then League leaders!!

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