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Kings Lynn 2015

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£15 to watch Leicester vs Newcastle FA Cup game in January - both clubs are PL clubs. I accept it's normally the £30-40 range but still....


It might be in America but you can go and watch the New York Yankees (probably one of the most famous sports clubs in the World) for $6 thats about £4 - again, admittedly you're more likely to pay £30+ but you CAN get tickets for as little as £4.


Speedway is seriously over selling itself at £17-18. It was only 4 years ago that I was someone who went to about 60-70 meetings a seasons, last year I went to about 6 after realising just how much I was actually paying for my speedway.


Leicester and Newcastle do not have the best players in the world do they?!?! Also, That is a one-off price reduction too so its hardly the same thing.


Ridiculous argument and besides bleacher seats at Yankee stadium have severely restricted views as you can't see the other side of the outfield : )

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Leicester and Newcastle do not have the best players in the world do they?!?! Also, That is a one-off price reduction too so its hardly the same thing.


Ridiculous argument and besides bleacher seats at Yankee stadium have severely restricted views as you can't see the other side of the outfield : )

I bet more people out on the streets of Kings Lynn could name you someone who plays for Newcastle or Leicester than races for any EL speedway team. Most people don't have a clue who it is they're paying to see. Tell them it's EL speedway and they could be watching 14 NL riders, they wouldn't know.


A one off? Just checked one game, first game I come across for tomorrow, Aston Villa vs Stoke City - £19 tickets available!


There are tickets for $6 available that have a full view of the stadium - admittedly you're sat so far back you may as well be sat in Manhattan but you're in the stadium and can see everything.


Speedway IS expensive.


Compare it to the cinema, or the theatre in the UK then. £5.49 for the cinema here in Cardiff. Then I step out and within 5 minutes have no end of places to go for something to eat. Rather than having to pay £5 for a manky burger and chips.


We pay more than Poland and Sweden do for speedway too. Same riders. In fact, they have stronger teams!

Edited by SCB
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I bet more people out on the streets of Kings Lynn could name you someone who plays for Newcastle or Leicester than races for any EL speedway team. Most people don't have a clue who it is they're paying to see. Tell them it's EL speedway and they could be watching 14 NL riders, they wouldn't know.


A one off? Just checked one game, first game I come across for tomorrow, Aston Villa vs Stoke City - £19 tickets available!


There are tickets for $6 available that have a full view of the stadium - admittedly you're sat so far back you may as well be sat in Manhattan but you're in the stadium and can see everything.


Speedway IS expensive.


Compare it to the cinema, or the theatre in the UK then. £5.49 for the cinema here in Cardiff. Then I step out and within 5 minutes have no end of places to go for something to eat. Rather than having to pay £5 for a manky burger and chips.


We pay more than Poland and Sweden do for speedway too. Same riders. In fact, they have stronger teams!


I take your point, but speedway is very much a subsistence sport in the UK.


By that I mean you don't see many people making money out of it do you? How many millionaire owners are there? I don't see many riders rocking up in Porsche's?


Most clubs are struggling to survive, riders are struggling to make a living. The costs are rising for both clubs and riders, and unless there is vast increase in sponsorship (or charitable handouts) then the only way they can carry on is by passing these costs onto the supporters.


Would a £10 price point really trigger that many more supporters? Who knows. Depends on the product and how it's promoted.

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For personal reasons I have not been able to go to King's Lynn for the last 2 seasons. I now find that I would be able to go in the coming season. However, since I last went the price for OAP's has now gone from £10 to £14. A 40% increase in 3 years is just not a viable option for OAP's.

Sad but true as this OAP can testify :t:

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I have too say I agree with everyone on the subject of costs.....


When we consider what we have at Lynn when comparing with other Elite league teams, £17.00 is in keeping with what others are charging. The argument about Season Tickets is absurd. To pay out £240.00 to save a tenner is ridiculous and obviously its priced as not to sell... To miss just one meeting and your on a loser..........


I also agree the sport does not give VFM and at £17 a throw is well over priced. But that the way the sport has become. Like PMPO said, nobody make mega bucks from this sport and the cost has to reflect the hardship of continuing to support. I would have thought this would've been addressed by now and make the bikes cheaper to race. But I gave up on that years ago.......


Personally, I've always been a Speedway nut, and while I'm fit and able, I will pay whatever it costs to continue supporting.

Nothing beats that 2 hour blood-rush I get from watching the STARS :t::t:

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Personally, I've always been a Speedway nut, and while I'm fit and able, I will pay whatever it costs to continue supporting.

Nothing beats that 2 blood hour rush I get from watching the STARS :t::t:


Five years ago those words could have come straight out of my mouth (or keyboard) and therein lies the problem. It only takes one or two happenings, not necessarily speedway related, and you miss a meeting or two and the habit, cos habit it is, gets broken. Then you start to see the imperfections, lack of value etc. and find other things to do and other ways to spend your money.


I still love the sport, I love watching the Stars away from home as part of an away couple of days (i.e. treat), I watch it on TV but quite a few things would have to change before I could ever see myself attending Saddlebow Road regularly again and I know I'm not alone.


All promoters not just Buster need to get off their collective backsides and stop taking the die hard fans for granted cos there will come a time when they will become extinct.

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By name These people runninng the clubs are called Promotors.... So why dont they do what it says on the tin, and Promote !


I've long said that promoting the sport should be a joint effort, by the whole of speedway.


Individual teams simply promoting themselves rather than the collective promoting the sport will only yield small results in my opinion.

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I personally think kings Lynn do a fair bit of promoting not so much since JC left the scene. He had his knockers on here but the boy knew how to promote have you noticed that you do not hear of the kings Lynn speedway study centre anymore since he left ?? Shame as it brought local schools into speedway.

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15 races at approx. 60-70 seconds per race = £1.00 per race.


90 minutes of PL Football @ £40.00 seems a bargain!.

Despite the fact that an analysis released before Xmas was that less that 30 minutes of football was actually played in the 90 minutes.

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I take your point, but speedway is very much a subsistence sport in the UK.


By that I mean you don't see many people making money out of it do you? How many millionaire owners are there? I don't see many riders rocking up in Porsche's?


Most clubs are struggling to survive, riders are struggling to make a living. The costs are rising for both clubs and riders, and unless there is vast increase in sponsorship (or charitable handouts) then the only way they can carry on is by passing these costs onto the supporters.


Would a £10 price point really trigger that many more supporters? Who knows. Depends on the product and how it's promoted.

I accept that a proportion of riders find it hard to make a living but those riding in multiple leagues have every opportunity to make more money than the average person makes and spend it when they retire - Leigh Adams, Tony Rickardsson, Jason Crump spring to mind. My point is if they are good enough they can make a tidy wedge (and that is after they pay out for mechanics, travel etc).

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They can't all be top men and we can't have teams made of all the top guys either!


Re the admission price, of course I would like cheaper speedway particularly living 40 miles away but it's my hobby, I love watching a great speedway race and for me it's worth paying £17. I couldn't care less how much more or little other sports are to watch cos I don't wanna be watching them, they aren't my thing :-D


Let this be a special year, sure is starting off with a special meeting in Rory's testimonial ...... glass half full people :-)


Let's not take what these blokes are doing out there for granted, this is an extreme sport, anything could happen and it often does‼

Edited by Trees
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I personally think kings Lynn do a fair bit of promoting not so much since JC left the scene. He had his knockers on here but the boy knew how to promote have you noticed that you do not hear of the kings Lynn speedway study centre anymore since he left ?? Shame as it brought local schools into speedway.

JC was a huge loss to King's Lynn speedway. Apart from the 1st season back in the Elite League, since JC disappeared there has been an element of just 'going through the motions'. We had theme nights etc with JC but now, we rock up, watch the racing, go home.


Hopefully, with this year being our 50th Anniversary we see some good stuff off track not just on track.

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Season tickets are over priced for sure they are priced not to sell as Buster knows fans will turn up week in week out and Pay £17 so why would Buster price season tickets at a price to sell as he would be worse off .The last time I had a season ticket was in the Waggy days when the season ticket was too good to turn down .

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JC was a huge loss to King's Lynn speedway. Apart from the 1st season back in the Elite League, since JC disappeared there has been an element of just 'going through the motions'. We had theme nights etc with JC but now, we rock up, watch the racing, go home.


Hopefully, with this year being our 50th Anniversary we see some good stuff off track not just on track.

Why did he leave? :unsure:

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Why did he leave? :unsure:

King's Lynn speedway's biggest secret. Absolutely nobody seems to know or able to get an answer. Disappeared from the football club also.


The assumption is a fall out but he may just be working a better job

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