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Kings Lynn 2015

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it amuses me some have said the club lacks ambition so I no let's drop down a league ? To a league where a good 50% of fixtures ain't worth going to if we was to drop down hope we track a weak team as I can't be doing with 55+ home wins . I'd defiantly pick and chose my meetings .

You make me laugh ! You say your a Kingslynn fan through and through but your saying above you will pick and choice your meetings if we drop down a league. I have not enjoyed it this year but I still go every week. And since I am a Kingslynn fan I will go every week next year in which ever league we run in. I would call you an elite league fan and not a Kingslynn fan as you keep saying you won't watch all the premier racing and will just pick the odd few. So if Lynn drop down a league enjoy ur speedway at Leicester or Coventry. Wihile us true Kingslynn fans follow the team we support what ever league we race in.

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At the start of the season, this team looked as capable as last season, except in the fast track positions which somehow kings lynn came out weaker, whereas most other teams came out stronger.


Then injuries to Rory and Lewis and poor form of Bjerre and Porsing and that was pretty much game over. MIlik looked a decent replacement until he went awol. Lambert improved nicely until injuries caused him to miss quite a few meetings. Niels has raced as well as ever all season but gating seems to have deserted him a bit so he hasn't quite been the scoring machine we expect.


Roll on 2016 - hopefully in the Elite and as others have said, a fresh looking team based around Neils and Robert would be a good starting point.

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Panthers have lost more matches at home than Lynn but so far they weren't as damaging as Lynns loss to Leicester.


Have you thought that maybe Iversen might be at Poole next season as hes a Frost owned rider and with Darcy Wards situation they might look to Iversen and as Rick Frost has an interest in Poole it could happen.


In a way Bjerre came to Lynn with Peterborough links and with Lambert doubling up from Lynn at Peterborough at least that evened itself out with the problems both teams encountered with the respective riders.


It would be more correct to say , Lynn's lost to Leicester totally destroyed their season, rather than just damaged it. It wasn't the fact of the final score, Leicester deserved to win and totally blew the form book out of the window. They went into the match determine to put on a show. With the exception of Niels, only the two guests showed any enthusiasm. Sure the track was bad, but it was bad for both teams..


With so much resting on that match, the riders should have been raring to go and impose themselves from the start. But when it came to the crunch, even Rob Lyon choose Thorsell to partner Niels in ht15. He preferred to put the destiny of our season in the hands of a guest. rather than one of our own team members.


To me that speaks volumes.


At the end of the day, we didn't deserve to be in the Play-Offs......

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You make me laugh ! You say your a Kingslynn fan through and through but your saying above you will pick and choice your meetings if we drop down a league. I have not enjoyed it this year but I still go every week. And since I am a Kingslynn fan I will go every week next year in which ever league we run in. I would call you an elite league fan and not a Kingslynn fan as you keep saying you won't watch all the premier racing and will just pick the odd few. So if Lynn drop down a league enjoy ur speedway at Leicester or Coventry. Wihile us true Kingslynn fans follow the team we support what ever league we race in.

I'm without doubt an EL fan and some have moaned the club lacks ambition but as soon as results don't go our way let's drop down its a case of a big fish in a small pond it's more like some fans lack ambition - I would like to see the club ride at the highest level and after 50 season or now 51 seasons finally win the EL I have ambition to see this happen dropping down yes we well may win the PL again may well score 50+ points at home each week if that's what fans want them so be it but been there seen it done it - the PL is a very different league to what it was when we last raced there guests and R/R is the norm just as in the EL - I will pick and choose if Buster takes the option of going PL will pick the best meetings at Lynn and Pboro and yes Saturday night EL speedway at Leicester is another option . My guess though while there is TV money on offer we will stay put were we are .

Never mind whatever I say or you say it won't be our decision which league the club races in - there are other issues at the club one of which is the poor public relations between club and fans the lack of info for the club had been dire this season fans taken for granted meetings not starting till near on 8pm are all things that bother me - things have gone down hill since Chapman Jr has left the club but why not if interested get Rory involved either as team manager freeing Rob up to do the PR stuff or let Rory do the PR side of it he has some great ideas as we saw in his testimonial meeting the best run meeting I've been to this season . Rory has a talent off the track and the club will be silly not to tap in to this should he not race again - if we don't get him on board I,m sure another club will .

Edited by Haza
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For me, this has been the worst season I can remember since I'd started going from early 90's to now.


Even the Waggy days were better than this season.


The team of 2015 just lacked character, team spirit and determination. Added to that the atmosphere around the stadium was flat and almost every meeting was pizz poor racing on what once was one of the best tracks in the World. Now it's not even the best in East Anglia.


Then add the abysmal marketing communication.


Just maybe I've become less tolerant as I've got older but this season I feel let down from top to bottom, especially with it being 50 year's of the King's Lynn Stars.


I don't think I could be more pizzed off if I tried

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For me, this has been the worst season I can remember since I'd started going from early 90's to now.

Even the Waggy days were better than this season.

The team of 2015 just lacked character, team spirit and determination. Added to that the atmosphere around the stadium was flat and almost every meeting was pizz poor racing on what once was one of the best tracks in the World. Now it's not even the best in East Anglia.

Then add the abysmal marketing communication.

Just maybe I've become less tolerant as I've got older but this season I feel let down from top to bottom, especially with it being 50 year's of the King's Lynn Stars.

I don't think I could be more pizzed off if I tried

the loss of Rory played a big part in lack of team spirit he was a massive loss as our captain none of the team that was left are leaders perhaps the one rider that could have been brought in as captain was Mads but for whatever reason that didn't happen .
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I'm without doubt an EL fan and some have moaned the club lacks ambition but as soon as results don't go our way let's drop down its a case of a big fish in a small pond it's more like some fans lack ambition - I would like to see the club ride at the highest level and after 50 season or now 51 seasons finally win the EL I have ambition to see this happen dropping down yes we well may win the PL again may well score 50+ points at home each week if that's what fans want them so be it but been there seen it done it - the PL is a very different league to what it was when we last raced there guests and R/R is the norm just as in the EL - I will pick and choose if Buster takes the option of going PL will pick the best meetings at Lynn and Pboro and yes Saturday night EL speedway at Leicester is another option . My guess though while there is TV money on offer we will stay put were we are .

Never mind whatever I say or you say it won't be our decision which league the club races in - there are other issues at the club one of which is the poor public relations between club and fans the lack of info for the club had been dire this season fans taken for granted meetings not starting till near on 8pm are all things that bother me - things have gone down hill since Chapman Jr has left the club but why not if interested get Rory involved either as team manager freeing Rob up to do the PR stuff or let Rory do the PR side of it he has some great ideas as we saw in his testimonial meeting the best run meeting I've been to this season . Rory has a talent off the track and the club will be silly not to tap in to this should he not race again - if we don't get him on board I'm sure another club will .


My sentiments exactly......


I don't blame the fans for their comments, they're all entitled to their opinion. But if we had a team that connected with the fans, showed passion for the cause, Im sure the fans would support them..... This talk about which league we race, is basically down to Buster and the finances. But if we want to be considered as one of the best clubs in Speedway, than we have no choice but to compete in the top league.....

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Interesting comments from NKI in an interview in today's Bournemouth Echo (sorry no link yet as its not yet in the online version):


Under the heading - 'Niels: We must learn...'


"Rival rider NKI reckons the Elite League title pretenders could learn a thing or two from Poole Pirates - including his own club Kings Lynn.

....And with Iversen's Stars having finished outside the play off places, the Dane revealed a secret admiration for the ruthless edge displayed by the club that ended Lynn's hopes in last year's semi-final.

'Poole always seem to do the right things team wise. It annoys a lot of people to say the least but you have to realise they have people there who seem to always find the right riders.' "



There's a lot more to the article, which if I get time later I'll add - or give the link if its up by then.

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[quote name="Skidder1" post="2678721" timestamp="1441793341

'Poole always seem to do the right things team wise. It annoys a lot of people to say the least but you have to realise they have people there who seem to always find the right riders.' "



I think it's more on the right average. Ford uses his team total wisely and always finds a gem on a false average.


In addition as others have mentioned he is utterly ruthless on under performers.

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the loss of Rory played a big part in lack of team spirit he was a massive loss as our captain none of the team that was left are leaders perhaps the one rider that could have been brought in as captain was Mads but for whatever reason that didn't happen .

Rory was an 8.5 man with bonus points - replacing that was impossible and it list you 2-3 points a meeting straight away (that's a 4-6 point swing). Then losing Kerr probably had a similar effect so Lynn's team is now scoring 6-8 less a meeting and the opposition 6-8 more, a swing of 12-16 points a meeting. That's massive and no wonder Lynn have slumped. It's nothing to do with the form of the other 5. And it's ok some saying replacing Bjerre was the answer - if there had been a decent 6-7 pointer out there he'd have replaced Rory and you'd have been just fine until Lewis' injury.


A terrible season for Lynn in the end but all down to injury and nothing that could have been fixed imo.

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For me, this has been the worst season I can remember since I'd started going from early 90's to now.


Even the Waggy days were better than this season.


The team of 2015 just lacked character, team spirit and determination. Added to that the atmosphere around the stadium was flat and almost every meeting was pizz poor racing on what once was one of the best tracks in the World. Now it's not even the best in East Anglia.


Then add the abysmal marketing communication.


Just maybe I've become less tolerant as I've got older but this season I feel let down from top to bottom, especially with it being 50 year's of the King's Lynn Stars.


I don't think I could be more pizzed off if I tried


Oh p-llease !!!


Even worse than the year you won the PL title ? Surely not.......

cuz ford has bigger pockets to offer the riders on low averages then best deal

And riders seem to want ride for him aswell .....

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There is always a feel good halo around Poole for obvious reasons, discussed time and time again. They obviously pay well and have good sponsors.

Having their big Aussie influence helps loads too imo.


I think Buster and Rob need more support, Buster seems to run a very tight ship, the club needs new sponsors, new enthusiasm, whilst always looking after and showing appreciation to all the present sponsors and helpers.

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There is always a feel good halo around Poole for obvious reasons, discussed time and time again. They obviously pay well and have good sponsors.

Having their big Aussie influence helps loads too imo.


I think Buster and Rob need more support, Buster seems to run a very tight ship, the club needs new sponsors, new enthusiasm, whilst always looking after and showing appreciation to all the present sponsors and helpers.


One thing that isn't required is rash decisions. The play off's will be over probably quicker than usual as there is Torun and the Oz GP. Then come next May we are al back in business again.........

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I can confirm it was a decision which was made by myself with no influencing factors, I simply choose to pursue a career in professional business services which has thankfully worked out well for me. Due to my career it is a shame I do not get a chance to be involved with the club or watch the racing regularly, however I do still have fond memories and hope that the current issues/problems are sorted to the satisfaction of the people who matter the most... the fans.


ps i would invite star crazy to log in under his real name rather than an alias if he wishes for his posts to have any fraction of credit in the future


Hello JC. Please to hear from you, and that your new pastures is as green as you had hoped.


Have actually seen you at AFA a few times this year, and said Hi. But it has been mentioned many times, you are sadly missed.


Probably in the future, when you have more time to spare, we could meet up for a Beer and a Chat..... :drink:

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Its not about bigger pockets - its about guaranteed, regular payment of wages etc and a bit of mutual respect.


When you hear of certain riders in one of the other play-off teams not having been paid for 8 weeks, its not surprising that riders want to ride for a club that actually provides what it is contracted to provide - whether it be directly by the club or indirectly via club sponsors.

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Its not about bigger pockets - its about guaranteed, regular payment of wages etc and a bit of mutual respect.


When you hear of certain riders in one of the other play-off teams not having been paid for 8 weeks, its not surprising that riders want to ride for a club that actually provides what it is contracted to provide - whether it be directly by the club or indirectly via club sponsors.


I am in no doubt Buster runs a tight ship, but it would be run as correct and proper manner, one would expect.

I too have heard the same rumours about late payments, and have questioned how these clubs actually survive.


I hate it when Poole pulls these questionable tricks, as they have in the past. Deep down they don't need to pull these stunts, and would credit more appraisal for their success if they didn't.......

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