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Kings Lynn 2015

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I feel the only thing that riders feed off in The Elite League is the pay cheque at the end of the night. It's a business to them. When you employ a Plumber to service your boiler he doesnt look for praise when he has completed the job he just wants paying and then collects up his tools and is out of the as qucik as poss, and moves on to the next job. For Plumbers read Elite Speedway Riders.


Very true, I would argue however that plumbers do at least clear up their mess afterwards, which technically isn't part of their job but is expected of them and quite honestly any workman that I employed who did not do that would not get any repeat business from me, nor would I recommend them to others.


My point still stands if the NL riders can do it, if some GP riders (Harris/Holder) can do it ALL riders should do it. We are told speedway needs to attract kids, kids love it when the riders wave cos they think they are waving at them even if it's just a general movement of the lower arm. Everyone has to do their bit to promote the sport at all times and waving/victory laps don't cost a penny just a bit of thought and respect for others.


It's all very well Trees saying the fans have to generate some atmosphere, and I agree with her in many respects, but what are the fans on most of the back straight, on the 3/4 bends and the beginning of the home straight supposed to do, applaud, shout, scream at an empty track. I know we are in Norfolk but there are limits :wink:


I'll get off my soapbox now :D

Edited by Star Lady
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I feel the only thing that riders feed off in The Elite League is the pay cheque at the end of the night. It's a business to them. When you employ a Plumber to service your boiler he doesnt look for praise when he has completed the job he just wants paying and then collects up his tools and is out of the as qucik as poss, and moves on to the next job. For Plumbers read Elite Speedway Riders.

Whilst the PL boys do it for the love and little money. :rofl:

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100% of course the riders should do a victory lap, every win, every meeting, every hard fought heat whether they come first or not. Where being a fan is an instinct so is celebrating with fans. It would be really interesting to hear our boys thoughts on this subject.

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That's a question best asked of the promotion. good luck

my guess if this meeting is run depends on the Wolves v Belle Vue fixture if Belle Vue gets the points they need it would never surprise me if the Swindon meeting isn't run at all bit like the 50th season celibration meeting been swept under the carpet .
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I stand to be corrected if anyone knows better, but I am fairly sure clubs get a hefty find for not completing their fixtures before the cut off date ?

Can anyone confirm ?

That's not quite true, the hefty fines come when fixtures ain't completed at all by the season end

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maybe chapman thinks hell lose more money by running the meeting and would rather take the fine?


if theres nothing to race for i cant imagine there will be a big crowd.

Just been announced for next wednesday.



I did post previously that wed was the only poss night, the problem though could be that Peter Kildemand and poss NKI are riding in Bacon Land.

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Its has .......... 9th Sept. Try consulting BSPA fixture list before criticising!


Its not my nature to criticise, but the club has a lot to learn about communication with the fans. Not knowing about a fixture is not a criticism, it just illustrates the poor connection that exist at the club at present. The Fans should be the first to know of fixture changes.


Whereas once our progression to the KOPO was in out own hands, now we have to wait on the outcome of others, hoping for a mistake that would enable us to crepe in through the back door. Seeing Busters face after last Tuesday's debacle, spoke a thousand words. He was obviously seething inside and disappointed, like us fans, at the teams failure to beat the weakest team in the league. Despite this terrible performance, we hear nothing. We have had no comment, We've had no excuses, we've had no apologies, We have not heard a word. Its as though the fans don't matter

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