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Scunthorpe 2015

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Another IDEA ! .. I am a Bradford City fan and we play Millwall on Wednesday for the right to face Chelsea in the FA Cup 4th Round. At the last home game v Rochdale they were handing out fliers outside Valley Parade - with BE THE DIFFERENCE on one side and on the reverse the following:











What has that to do with Scunthorpe Speedway? everything because we can use the idea ourselves to market the Scorpions. Just think of 7-8 Good Reasons why YOU have to be at the speedway and why it is NOT TO BE MISSED. - It could be that Miss It Miss Out #MISSITMISSOUT. I could easily come up with 7-8 things not to miss about Scunthorpe Speedway; indeed it could feature all 7 Riders and why you would not want to miss seeing them race at the EWR on a Friday Night. I am sure these would not be costly to produce and would pay for themselves. Go into Tesco's off the roundabout and hand them out to EVERYONE with a FIXTURE LIST or the fixture list could be part of it.


Another Idea


I arrive at the track via the M180 off the M18. As I arrive at the Tesco's roundabout we need a large billboard dedicated to Scunthorpe Speedway and a massive poster emblazoned with a fantastic Alex Summerfield shot of a Scunthorpe rider pointing you to the EWR. We could also use this pre-season to drop "BIG HINTS' about what is COMING UP when the Speedway Season starts. So there needs to be three or four hints in the lead up to the season, sewing a seed in someone's mind "what is this? what is going on?. Raising questions.


Anyone who puts on a show needs to tell folks why they have to go. Basic promoting that costs very little; your asking for nothing from the public; your merely saying this who we; this what we do; this where we are. and this is when we do it COME AND SEE IT!


We are in Bradford and would have attended the meeting ourselves; but unfortunately work and commitments do not allow tomorrow. But I am very interested to here what emerges from the meeting and how it can help take the club forward.

By the way back to the theme tunes


Josh - Automatic by Leandro Cesar - Niki Minaj (Male Version) is absolutely the right one for me - try getting that out of your head!


All the best.

Edited by the outsider
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After reading this topic with much interest on thoughts of how to try and get a few more through the turnstiles I have an idea milling around that the management may like to consider. After his recent enormous television success a person who we have all come to love for a variety of reasons and according to what was said on the

programs lives very local to Scunthorpe - Guy Martin. Guy has a massive interest as we all know in motorcycle racing. A person who I'm sure ninety percent of the UK would love to meet - would it not be possible to invite him down one race night? I'm sure if it was well advertised that he was making an appearance it would pull a

lot of new faces through the turnstiles. Be it maybe for only one night a big turnout there could also possibly be some newbies that have never seen speedway before that may just think "I've enjoyed the meeting, I've enjoyed watching the speedway and want to give it another go"

Guy himself if asked may even do a couple of demonstration laps if some one were to lend him a bike. Maybe even if asked nicely may bring along and demonstrate on the infield his Spitfire trailer mounted engine which was featured on one of his program's.not sure if asking him down would cost any money but popping the question would be free, Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Edited by neb
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Guy Martin I think has ridden the EWR before...or at least he was scheduled to ride in Xmas flat track meeting in 2008. Memory fails me as to whether he actually rode though, sure someone will confirm. He's certainly gone up in the celebrity stakes since then. I agree, would be a fantastic coup to get him down, would certainly attract a good crowd.

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Guy Martin I think has ridden the EWR before...or at least he was scheduled to ride in Xmas flat track meeting in 2008. Memory fails me as to whether he actually rode though, sure someone will confirm. He's certainly gone up in the celebrity stakes since then. I agree, would be a fantastic coup to get him down, would certainly attract a good crowd.

Agree entirely that this would be a real coup and create a lot of interest. Better still if it was turned into one of his TV Challenges; for sure I reckon Guy Martin would very quickly look competitive on a speedway bike. He could also explain the challenge of mastering the art of sliding sideways to a big audience. He would bring in interest from the road bike fraternity.

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Not sure what happened on this thread yesterday; but thank Mod for sorting it. See my post on rider "backing tracks" has taken the chop. If it was anything to do with posting those URL's to YouTube clips; then I most humbly apologise. But if anyone is interested the tracks were



David - Rocket by Def Leopard - I referred last season to David's bike being "The Rocket"

Ryan - Land Down Under by Men At Work - has become Ryan's signature tune at the EWR.

Wilko - Going Back Home by Roger Daltry & Wilko Johnson - seems appropriate; as Wilko goes home again to the EWR for 2015

Nike - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum - Fun Boy Three - Luna is very marketable and this is magic

Ellis - New Sensation by INXS - keeping with Aussie Bands ...Ellis the new sensation

Alex - Thunderstruck by AC/DC - again sticking with the Aussie Bands - Alex "The Thunder" Davies.


Josh - I had gone for Atomic by Blondie (but this may be a tad slow). Then I heard Automatic by Niki Minaj - very "catchy"(by the way there is also a "male version" of the track as well as the Minaj version). But it is one that gets into your head.


But I also heard Automatic by Tokio Hotel which is a great track. Any which way it has to be something with Auto in the title I think.


I won't post the URL's for the tracks on YouTube just in case it did cause a problem on the thread.


But YouTube them yourself; have a listen and see what you think. You may have your own ideas or indeed the riders themselves may have.


We used to do this at Bradford; where the "backing tracks" were soon associated with the riders when they won a heat or were introduced to the crowd.


I recall Gary Havelock choosing his track - The Dominator; Joe Screen - Cotton Eye Joe; Sean Wilson - Little Willy by Sweet; but the best was Jimmy Nielsen - Jimmy,Jimmy by the Undertones.


Realise this is a small thing; but it is an idea worth putting forward to help market the Scorpions riders to the public. Hoping the support turn out in good numbers tomorrow evening and it proves helpful to the club going forward.

Some good points in there Paul.

Some good music there I will check them out and play them this year I still like some of my own witch I played last season like speedway heroes, wheels of steel. we already play Land Down Under by Men At Work for Ryan.

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sorry if it sounded like we had a party, it was just maybe the wrong idea to have it in pub, evertome was sat at different tables and ended up discussing things in their own. it was decided that a meeting at the track all sat around a table would be better.Rob couldnt make it anyway as Gail was ill

One thing for sure is that we have a team of riders who want to ride for US, not one rider is there to make the numbers up or just to get a pay cheque, so dont worry about other teams and fans saying we have a rubbish team that wont win anything.Most had offers to go elsewhere but CHOSE to come here, one chose us over Ipswich!!.

Basically it was a meeting on why we need a meeting and look at what could be done to improve the numbers of fans and or make it more entertaining.This was just the start of a few meetings so others could get to come or have their say.many of the suggestions on here Julie had tried but got nowhere, ie Flyers, free tickets, signs etc .She would hand out tickets, mark them to see if they were used but out of 400 maybe 2 got back.Schools would not let her in due to H and S regulations and when one would let her it chucked it down.Supermarkets wont let you in the foyer unless your a charity ( i found out today from a work colleague that you can get in as long as all proceeds you gather from collections or raffles go to a charity), Signs get put up but it seems the council take them down the next day, You cant advertise on a roundabout unless you sponsor it for a year for silly money, Local tv and radio dont want to know unless we get to a final again or want silly money to plug the next meeting.Apparently our ony friend is the Evening Telegraph but its now weekly so the news is old or cant do last minute changes.

So it seems we have to focus on what we have as a product and everyone agrreed the "soul "has gone.the fans dont feel part of the club.There is nothing wrong with the prioduct, good track, good racing,Rob is great on the mic, so if you used to go and stopped, what was it? can we bring it back?


Any suggestions can be put on here as the promotion and backroom guys/ girls Will read them, so dont think your ideas are falling on deaf ears.

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One thing for sure is that we have a team of riders who want to ride for US, not one rider is there to make the numbers up or just to get a pay cheque, so dont worry about other teams and fans saying we have a rubbish team that wont win anything.Most had offers to go elsewhere but CHOSE to come here, one chose us over Ipswich!!..

would be interesting to know who turned down Ipswich.
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I suppose if it was a secret, the backroom boys at the meeting wouldnt have told us so....NIKE, apparantly we nicked him from under their noses, but he really wanted to come to us. as i said, every rider there wants to ride for us, it was really as simple as ringing a rider up and " saying " ryan, josh, carl, nike, ellis, david and alex do you want to ride for Scunny this year"? "for this much"?, literaly about one minute on the phone and the deal was done.no dramas

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I suppose if it was a secret, the backroom boys at the meeting wouldnt have told us so....NIKE, apparantly we nicked him from under their noses, but he really wanted to come to us. as i said, every rider there wants to ride for us, it was really as simple as ringing a rider up and " saying " ryan, josh, carl, nike, ellis, david and alex do you want to ride for Scunny this year"? "for this much"?, literaly about one minute on the phone and the deal was done.no dramas

cheers for that. Always intriguing to hear snippets of maybes and couldve beens.

The numbers would certainly fit with potential different permutations for the Witches that reached me via the normal chinese whispers!

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Some good music there I will check them out and play them this year I still like some of my own witch I played last season like speedway heroes, wheels of steel. we already play Land Down Under by Men At Work for Ryan.

Hey Bazza thanks for reading and considering my "sound track for the Scorps" see what you think; ask the management and indeed for that matter the riders themselves who may have their own thoughts.


Others on here may want to throw an idea in; but when I listen the tracks; they seem to fit the more I hear them. We worked hard on the presentation at Odsal and arguably it was the best at the time; and I have not seen a lot better since.


Did you get to Peterborough last season? I think its is Edwin Overland in the box. Before and during the Fours meeting he played some cracking tunes and it all seemed to be "co-ordinated". With speedway we have about 20 minutes intense action on the track; and then the meeting presentation kicks in between the Heats. So the build up to the next Heat and Meeting momentum needs to be maintained.


Sometimes you could theme the meeting sound track; it could be 60's night, 70's night, or 80's etc...or just something for all tastes night. Thing about music today is that it is pretty much "for all tastes". If you look at the download chart my kids are listening to stuff I listened to in the 70's and 80's anything goes really. So no need to worry about playing Marc Bolan T Rex "Get It On" because the kids have just as likely heard it and like it. I was too young for much of the 60's music but recently I have been re-listening to a lot of the sounds of the 60s' and liking what I hear.


Your banter with Rob always makes me smile; especially when he says "play that tune Barry" - That's The Way ..KC & The Sunshine Band. It has become very recognisable with Scunny. Land Down Under for Ryan and Tommy Gun were great selections for Ryan and Tommy. All this may seem trivial but it just helps send people away with a better picture of the Riders. Connecting the Riders with the spectators is just one of the things that can help with the promotion.


Rob is brilliant on the mike; his banter with yourself; the riders and promoters adds to the meeting for me; and we could build on that. Think about how Nigel Pearson/Kelvin Tatum present on Sky. They usually stand at desk with a canopy over head to keep the weather off. In an ideal world I would give Rob a "side kick" to interact with. There are usually a few former riders or officials in the crowd - knowledgeable people. Create a focus on the centre green (under a light at night) and Rob asking "the guest expert" what happened there ? or explaining a technical point or two to the crowd.


Also how about a scoreboard on the centre green. I do not need one or the next regular; but if you are newbie without a prog it would help to see the Heat result and cumulative score.


I like the starting gate arrangement at Sheffield with the lighting overhead. It really focuses the crowd on "the start". Obviously that is all down to cost; but would a rig of coloured lights be that costly?. It builds the excitement; speedways quite explosive that way.


I thank you for taking time to read my suggestions for the "sound track for the Scorps 2015. I am sure that everyone is looking forward as I am to the new season and seeing if with some little tweaks here and there we can make sure we make sure we can keep on looking forward to many more seasons. At the end of the day we know we have a great race track at the EWR and that is the starting point for everything else.


All the best.

Edited by the outsider
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Hey Bazza thanks for reading and considering my "sound track for the Scorps" see what you think; ask the management and indeed for that matter the riders themselves who may have their own thoughts.


Others on here may want to throw an idea in; but when I listen the tracks; they seem to fit the more I hear them. We worked hard on the presentation at Odsal and arguably it was the best at the time; and I have not seen a lot better since.


Did you get to Peterborough last season? I think its is Edwin Overland in the box. Before and during the Fours meeting he played some cracking tunes and it all seemed to be "co-ordinated". With speedway we have about 20 minutes intense action on the track; and then the meeting presentation kicks in between the Heats. So the build up to the next Heat and Meeting momentum needs to be maintained.


Sometimes you could theme the meeting sound track; it could be 60's night, 70's night, or 80's etc...or just something for all tastes night. Thing about music today is that it is pretty much "for all tastes". If you look at the download chart my kids are listening to stuff I listened to in the 70's and 80's anything goes really. So no need to worry about playing Marc Bolan T Rex "Get It On" because the kids have just as likely heard it and like it. I was too young for much of the 60's music but recently I have been re-listening to a lot of the sounds of the 60s' and liking what I hear.


Your banter with Rob always makes me smile; especially when he says "play that tune Barry" - That's The Way ..KC & The Sunshine Band. It has become very recognisable with Scunny. Land Down Under for Ryan and Tommy Gun were great selections for Ryan and Tommy. All this may seem trivial but it just helps send people away with a better picture of the Riders. Connecting the Riders with the spectators is just one of the things that can help with the promotion.


Rob is brilliant on the mike; his banter with yourself; the riders and promoters adds to the meeting for me; and we could build on that. Think about how Nigel Pearson/Kelvin Tatum present on Sky. They usually stand at desk with a canopy over head to keep the weather off. In an ideal world I would give Rob a "side kick" to interact with. There are usually a few former riders or officials in the crowd - knowledgeable people. Create a focus on the centre green (under a light at night) and Rob asking "the guest expert" what happened there ? or explaining a technical point or two to the crowd.


I like the starting gate arrangement at Sheffield with the lighting overhead. It really focuses the crowd on "the start". Obviously that is all down to cost; but would a rig of coloured lights be that costly?. It builds the excitement; speedways quite explosive that way.


I thank you for taking time to read my suggestions for the "sound track for the Scorps 2015. I am sure that everyone is looking forward as I am to the new season and seeing if with some little tweaks here and there we can make sure we make sure we can keep on looking forward to many more seasons. At the end of the day we know we have a great race track at the EWR and that is the starting point for everything else.


All the best.

Hi Outsider, I try to play good tracks at our meetings but I am always open to suggestions and I have downloaded all the tracks you put in your post took me a while to find automatic though. Rob and myself think the banter on the mike is good for the fans and he wont get fined by giving me rubbish. I found the tommy gun by accident and thought that was ideal for tommy pity we wont be playing it this year.

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sorry if it sounded like we had a party, it was just maybe the wrong idea to have it in pub, evertome was sat at different tables and ended up discussing things in their own. it was decided that a meeting at the track all sat around a table would be better.Rob couldnt make it anyway as Gail was ill

One thing for sure is that we have a team of riders who want to ride for US, not one rider is there to make the numbers up or just to get a pay cheque, so dont worry about other teams and fans saying we have a rubbish team that wont win anything.Most had offers to go elsewhere but CHOSE to come here, one chose us over Ipswich!!.

Basically it was a meeting on why we need a meeting and look at what could be done to improve the numbers of fans and or make it more entertaining.This was just the start of a few meetings so others could get to come or have their say.many of the suggestions on here Julie had tried but got nowhere, ie Flyers, free tickets, signs etc .She would hand out tickets, mark them to see if they were used but out of 400 maybe 2 got back.Schools would not let her in due to H and S regulations and when one would let her it chucked it down.Supermarkets wont let you in the foyer unless your a charity ( i found out today from a work colleague that you can get in as long as all proceeds you gather from collections or raffles go to a charity), Signs get put up but it seems the council take them down the next day, You cant advertise on a roundabout unless you sponsor it for a year for silly money, Local tv and radio dont want to know unless we get to a final again or want silly money to plug the next meeting.Apparently our ony friend is the Evening Telegraph but its now weekly so the news is old or cant do last minute changes.

So it seems we have to focus on what we have as a product and everyone agrreed the "soul "has gone.the fans dont feel part of the club.There is nothing wrong with the prioduct, good track, good racing,Rob is great on the mic, so if you used to go and stopped, what was it? can we bring it back?


Any suggestions can be put on here as the promotion and backroom guys/ girls Will read them, so dont think your ideas are falling on deaf ears.


Are you sure on the charity thing at supermarkets - Footy teams, Scouts, Air cadets etc. they're not charitable causes and they get in around the tills ?


Some good points tho

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Agree entirely that this would be a real coup and create a lot of interest. Better still if it was turned into one of his TV Challenges; for sure I reckon Guy Martin would very quickly look competitive on a speedway bike. He could also explain the challenge of mastering the art of sliding sideways to a big audience. He would bring in interest from the road bike fraternity.

Another local Scunny celeb X Factor and Im a Celeb Jake Quickenden ? Very popular guy right now

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Are you sure on the charity thing at supermarkets - Footy teams, Scouts, Air cadets etc. they're not charitable causes and they get in around the tills ?



You are right. Supermarkets do allow Speedway in their supermarkets with bike displays and giving out flyers , etc, it just depends on the store manager. Newcastle Speedway Supporters Club last year did 'bag packs' in both Asda and Sainsbury's last year and raised a good amount of money from it.

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i believed if we just asked to go in to promote the team then no, if you go in supporting a charity and have all collections or rafle prize money donated to the chosen charity,then yes

What about on saturday in a supermarket with a foyer with press and practice on the sunday, all riders may be available on saturday so you could get the most striking looking rider and bike as the centre piece catching people eye as they go in, Use Ryan Ellis and Nikes image to promote to the Young ones. get them excited and parents maybe remenbering when they went to quibel or ashby ville, there are tond of people who went but never go here... just try it Scunny fans, ask someone in thier say 40s if they went and i bet you will find 2 or 3 who went or their partner went when they were kids,

I was told the club shop wouldnt fancy giving out free stuff (bit tight lol) but how much would a lot of pens or keyrings cost, something people pick up and use everyday so you have advertising in all the homes, more likely to keep than a flyer (which you can also hand out) which would end up in the bottom of a carrier bag,The other riders could help out on the tills,Tickets could be handed out to raise interest and have a main raffle prize as say a season long free ticket for a family of 4? or the sponsors could offer a weeks holiday somewhere?

Jake Quickenden would be amazing for us for advertising oppertunities, we are struggling now to get anyone to plug us, unless it silly money i mentioned earlier,We can have he perform in the interval or at the end maybe on Easter Bank Holiday so all his fans have paid to get in, It would go through the media like a dose of salts, Now it becomes a news story so they would be liining up to get the news.let them come to us then we can call the tune. Decide Lincs FM could run the day, they bring the stage and music system .have have roadshow. Because we did something for Lincs Fm we can bargain for next year about having a plug for Fridays if all goes well.

Maybe have the day as a charity day for Jakes chosen one, then all the media will interview him and that will be all over the tv and when hes been there you see it on the tv maybe 2 days after.

If it was a massive sucess just from the entry monies ( non speedway fans would just come to see him ) thne that should cover any bad hits duting the season.

do people know how much that Sheffield meeting that got rained off with one race left cost us? have a quess please

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