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Scunthorpe 2015

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Looking at some of the teams being assembled especially Peterboro/ Workington, the days of beating Sheffield at home and away look to also have gone with the team they have assembled this year makes me now wonder if Scunny has assembled a side good enough to challenge for the play offs especially without a recognized number 1 again who can achieve a 9 point average

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Looking at some of the teams being assembled especially Peterboro/ Workington, the days of beating Sheffield at home and away look to also have gone with the team they have assembled this year makes me now wonder if Scunny has assembled a side good enough to challenge for the play offs especially without a recognized number 1 again who can achieve a 9 point average

in a word Seymour no, think the scorps starting line up will be way off the play offs, as you say Peterborough,workington, somerset and Sheffield all look candidates for the play offs.

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Looking at some of the teams being assembled especially Peterboro/ Workington, the days of beating Sheffield at home and away look to also have gone with the team they have assembled this year makes me now wonder if Scunny has assembled a side good enough to challenge for the play offs especially without a recognized number 1 again who can achieve a 9 point average


Won the league without a No.1 with a 9 point average i think!

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I don't agree. For the first couple of seasons, STMP was one of the best racing tracks in the country and only went disastrously downhill when Havelock took over (by most accounts, due to the influence of his son).


That descended into farce the season before last with two meetings (Newcastle was one) that were almost abandoned due to the state of the track and I heard that the SCB got involved.


In 2014 I saw some cracking speedway there and would say that it was one of the most improved tracks anywhere.

i also agree used to look forward to going to redcar but when stuborn people get involved things start going wrong its ruined workington aswell

stuborn power crazy people dont realise the damage they do proving there in charge

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Won the league without a No.1 with a 9 point average i think!

Unfortunately that's history now when Scunny had a solid 1to7 with the likes of Jorgensen/ Irving/ Birks and Toft ( who i would have liked back this season )sometimes at reserve, and yes nobody achieved a 9 point average but Nick Morris and Josh Auty were certainly getting there, i think this year there will be a lot of pressure on Auty/ Douglas/Howe to score consistently well home and away.

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lets not forgot this team isnt built for winning the league, its about entertaining at home and getting crowds back to the EWR.Rob has assembled a team of riders who love to race and love the wide line around our track, ,when we won the league Josh was riding El so his confidence was high, so this year he might be the same, Ryan is improving every year and should know all the tracks by now and David is as happy now as he was when he came to us and relishes the No1 jacket,

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I noticed, & so did many others, that the relaying of the track last winter made it easier to ride so opposing teams, also, had 3 or 4 riders that liked the wide line & not many "bottled it" or got into trouble. This is where, i think, our riders need to be out there early riding a freshly laid track & not a "blue line" practice track. The "blue line" rarely appears on a race night so why do you need a set up for one. They need to get out there in the deep stuff & also practice cut backs to find a quick line that might make a difference on a race night.


As we have lost around 200 supporters in the last 3 years through one thing & another(change of race days, shift workers making only 1 meeting every fortnight, double headers with many leaving after the Scorpions meeting & not wanting to see a 1 sided Stags meeting, although it was good to see them progress trough the year, they were sacrificial lambs to the slaughter), entertainment is not everything. Sport is about winning, as proven with the SPOTY result on sunday.

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With respect to the Rob & team @Scunny, the drop off in attendance is a sign of the times, disposable income is at an all time low in the current times. Rob puts on a great show, his work on the microphone alone is worth the attendance fee. He works his socks off to get a raceable track for both teams. He is very focused on what the supporters want as in entertaining racing. The riders (last season) didn't seem to gel IMHO, but EVERY rider gave it everything, they just didn't have the rub of the green as it were. That's not Robs fault or indeed the rider's. I wish Scunthorpe Speedway the attendances required to continue as it will be a great shame if it was to close.

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With respect, I was not having a go at Rob & his team, as they do an excellent job in keeping Scunny at the top as in the past, the number of posts about our car park attendee, the stadium gradually maturing, track of the year numerous times & many more accolades.


It was a fact that the track needed maintenance as it had been well used since we started & also with the drains at the entrances to bends 1 & 3. The work done, as I said in my previous point, was that the track became easier to ride.

Edited by IronScorpion
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personally sunday would be better for me as i miss every other friday due to shift work, but i dont think rob is keen on sundays as the track is suited to evening racing, i believe it dries out too much on sunday afternoons, unless we run at 6pm?, then i think parents would think twice about bringing the kids as its school in the morning,then what happens to the training schools at weekends and summer amatuer meets?

I think people stayed away because they got fed up with David Howe being injured for 2012 and 2013 calling for him to retire ,Tofty going from amazing in 2012 to forgetting how to ride in 2013,Ryan took a while to come good as promised but i think people got fed up of waiting,This year we had a good top 5 one strong reserve and one rookie, but Anders got injured very early and Matt half a lap behind every race,I read comments and heard people say they werent going back until Rob replaces Matt, which he eventually did with Tom but he didnt rip any trees up,

This by no means a slagging of riders or Rob as i have the biggest respect for what they do, its just speedway fans need just the smallest reason not to attend but a really big one to want to come back... my main worry is that "fans" have already decided not to go next year if indeed its our last one or decided not to go as TJ or Ash are gone and the team will be wooden spoon contenders

Edited by neck brace tony
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We not going to win the league but we will entertain. Its great to be all conquering but that can be a bit of a bore in itself. Some of the best racing I have seen has not always been from the winning teams. It is important to compete even if you loose and I think we can. It will interesting to see how the team develops. The management will have had an eye on costs and for me given the choice of expensive No1s and Euro hopping riders v a budget conscious team and speedway surviving I take the latter every day.

One thing I would like to see barring injuries and complete loss of form: is us sticking with this 1-7 and keeping faith. Again its a pretty much a UK based line up. To me a regular line up is important to supporters getting to know the team and backing them. Someone said they bet that the line up would not look anything like at the end of the season. It may well not; but we set out hoping it will surely?.

Ive only just seen your reply very gd :).and i do tend to agree.being a poole fan you can be quite critical of teams if they don't look decent,but fair play on ur reply :)
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If Scunthorpe moved to run on a Sunday instead of the terrible Friday... then I think more neutrals would attend...

If Scunthorpe run on a Sunday that would be the end for me as i absolutely hate daytime meetings, don't even go to the bank holiday meetings as having watched speedway for 55 years in my opinion speedway belongs under lights, besides er indoors wouldn't let me when the shops are open lol!

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I doubt Rob will change the race day to a Sunday as it would mess too many riders schedule about. David is in the longtrack so would miss many home meetings and other teams who have riders in Poland on Sundays too. Could maybe start earlier, therefore the young families with children could attend it would be a great start to the weekend👍

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If Scunthorpe moved to run on a Sunday instead of the terrible Friday... then I think more neutrals would attend...

Absolutely no chance of Rob switching to regular Sunday racing; the track performs differently during the afternoon than it does on an evening. Evening race tracks hold their moisture; so the dirt holds together meaning it stays the right side of the fence to allow the riders to use it to race on. This coming season we have some reet fence scrapers in the team; Howe, Douglas, Auty, Wilko and Lunna, so I suggest Robs stocks up on air bags; as I can see a few going bang!


ENTERTAINMENT IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY AT THE EWR IN 2015. Personally as I have already pointed out on this thread and PWT kindly quotes again above; I would rather see close; exciting racing and a tight final score; that's the sort of meeting that will bring you back for more and sticks in the memory. Not the 30 point white washes.


I am sticking with my belief that the management have put together an entertaining; affordable and very supportable 1-7. We need to get right behind them; from the off and keep faith with them. There will be some tough nights for sure, but as long as we stay competitive; keep safe and entertain what more can we ask. We want speedway to have a future at Scunthorpe; its a brilliant track and everyone involved deserves our backing and support for making it happen.


One things certain we will miss it if its is lost. Lets make sure we never have to look back and long for the days when it was there. Trust me coming from Halifax/Bradford; I know all too well what it is like for speedway to be lost to the area and no hope in hell of it returning to these parts any time soon. So yeah Barncoose lad; .. its dead alright; deceased; gone to meet its maker an ex-speedway to coin "Python phraseology"


Hope everyone's having a great Holiday season coz I can't wait for Spring to come around. Come on you Scorps!

Edited by the outsider
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As a fan of a club some 96 miles north of Scunthorpe may I say that having watched daytime speedway and nightime speedway at Scunny, the club would be mad not to race on a nightime. I make the 200 mile round trip on a friday night to watch speedway at Scunny on a regular basis during the season and its much better racing than i watch at my home track.

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